
Ian Phillip's Pokémon Analog

Ian Phillips is a 21-year-old boy who received a baseball-playing scholarship from his university. As fate would have it, however, he perished in an armed robbery case. He thought that his ending had come, so he closed his eyes and allowed the darkness to envelop him. But… Just moments later, he woke up to the tone of a ringing alarm. It seems that… he had reincarnated into the body of a 10-year-old boy who lives in a village within the Pokémon world! Furthermore, he had also received a supernatural ability! That is, he can gain Reputation Points from others, and use those points to trade for various things. If he has enough points, he could change the stats of his Pokemon, change their moves, trade for Pokemon Items, and even learn Pokemon moves himself. Ian Phillips wasn’t foreign to the Pokémon world. After all, Pokémon was his favorite childhood show. Thus, he set off on his Pokémon journey with this exciting ability of his. Watch as Ian Phillips develops and grows in this Pokémon world.

SpringPoetry · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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9 Chs

The Pokémon World

Orlan village is a place that has less than ten thousand residents. Within a certain house, a certain noise could be heard beside the bed of a fair-looking boy with black hair.

Ring Ring Ring… Wake up!

Ring Ring Ring… Wake up!

"Urghh.." I groaned and rubbed my heavy eyelids. With my weak sleepy hand, I reached over and turned off the alarm. After the noise went away, I slowly fell back to sleep. My tiredness had won me over.


A small spring breeze flew in from the window and brushed across my sleeping face. With its numerous buddies, my hair danced in the small breeze.

Gradually, my eyes opened from the insistence of the world. It was blurry at first, so it took a bit of time for my eyes to fully adjust. When they did, an unfamiliar room greeted me.

"Where is this?" I mumbled and tried to recall what happened.

Abruptly, it came to me. Didn't a bullet go through my heart while I was buying some paper towels at night? I've always thought that the campus is a relatively safe place. Who would've thought that an armed robber would rob a convenience store on campus? I sat on the bed, shocked.

After a short duration, I bitterly shook my head and observed my body, wanting to see if there was a gunshot wound. To my surprise, there weren't any wounds. It's just that… the body I currently occupied wasn't mine.

It seems to be a healthy 10-year-old boy's body in his pajama. Did I reincarnate into a new world and took over someone's body? I've read many novels similar to this before, so the concept wasn't that unfamiliar to me. Nevertheless, it still gave me a strange feeling because I'm currently in control of a different body other than my own.

Since I'm in someone else's body, though, I had most likely died after being shot, so I felt a little upset. Nevertheless, I didn't feel too sad. In my previous world, my parents died after I turned of age, and I didn't have many friends or a significant other. Therefore, there probably isn't going to be anyone who will miss me. Perhaps, no one other than the people from my university baseball team would miss me.

Knock Knock

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and entered my room.

"Mom?" I was startled as my attention turned to the door. A flourishing maiden entered my vision. Her silky black ponytail that's held together by a scrunchie came down her shoulder, emitting a flowery fragrance.

This lady… looks exactly like my mother who had passed away.

"Ian, you silly boy! You're late to the professor's lab! Didn't I tell you to set an alarm? Hurry and dress up so you can go get your first Pokémon."

"Okay, mom. I'll dress up immediately." In a daze, I answered the unfamiliar yet familiar lady.

"Alright then." The lady nodded and closed the door, leaving me in the unfamiliar room.

I'm still called Ian? I'm going to get my first Pokémon? That lady is my… mother?

I quickly got up and ran to a mirror to confirm something.

In the mirror, the image of a youthful boy showed up. His hair is jet black, and his face didn't have any problems that came with age and stress. Although not a charming prince, the person in the mirror had a cool-looking style.

As I stared at the reflection from the mirror, It seemed that I wasn't wrong. This body that I possessed is me!

Did I reincarnate into a parallel Pokémon world? I became excited, partly due to the Pokémon world, but mostly due to the fact that my mother is still alive.

There were many things for me to process, but it didn't faze me. I've already reincarnated, and that alone is already magical enough. If my mind keeps getting blown every time something new comes, my head might explode.

I smiled and placed my hand on my heart.



Someone had shot it, trying to make it silent. Yet, it's still beating faster than ever. It's still as warm as ever.

Happily, I got dressed up and headed downstairs. Since I've become an existence in this Pokémon world, I will follow its customs until the end.

"Ian, eat your breakfast quickly and head to the professor's lab. I will get your traveling bag ready." My mother pointed at the table. On it is a salad, sandwich, and a cup of milk.

"Okay, mom."

I went to the table and quickly gobbled everything down. The breakfast was really filling and delicious. It's been a while since I've had my mother's cooking.

After eating everything, I wanted to accompany my mother for a while longer, but she urged me non-stop to head out and get my first Pokémon.

Helpless, I complied with her order and stepped outside.


Up in the clear blue sky, a flock of Starly flew. I didn't know where their journey would take them. I also didn't know where my journey would take me.

However, I knew that my journey will officially start here.