
I wouldn't change a thing

Alexandra Faucette is the CEO's assistant, and ThomasWolcott is the COO (the CEO's son). Peter Wolcott(Thomas's father) wants his son and his assistant to get along because he thinks they would do a phenomenal job taking over the company one day, but unfortunately, they despise each other. Nonetheless, due to a rumor starting saying that Alexandra is secretly engaged to peter while in truth she is just doing her job and gives advice to peter to ask his secret girlfriend Susanna to marry him and Thomas confronts Alexa saying she is a snake trying to take over the company and etc Alexa had enough…... it doesn’t help one bit So somehow peter thought it would be great for Alexa to be temporarily Thomas's assistant to dispel the rumor. Thomas wants Alexa out of the company, but before he does that he wants to boss her around, assign her tough tasks, basically to just drive her insane so he went to mock her for a however before he can do that …… Alexa QUITS not wanting to work there anymore because she was accused of doing something she didn’t do and becoming Thomas’s assistant was just the cherry on the top. When Peter found out that Alexa resigned he send Thomas to request her to come back but it doesn’t end well Peter finally tells Thomas that he is engaged to Susanna feeling mortified at how unfair he was he actually thought about apologizing to her but then he realized Alexa doesn’t work there anymore so decides not to Peter was having none of it he demands that he apologizes to her but he refused eventually, peter goes himself to ask her to come back to work at his company again, and apologizing on Thomas’s behalf in one way or another he manages to convince her But before she starts Alexandra wants an apology from Thomas for criticizing her for actions she didn't commit but he refuses (again) somehow they both negotiated on a deal that if Alexa doesn't quit herself after a month of working as his assistant and Thomas doesn't fire her for doing anything wrong, even if she is one second late. Thomas will apologize to her in front of everyone in the company. Who's going to win? Will things get out of hand? Will something bloom?

Lanya_Soran · Thành thị
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: Third Round

Part 1 Emergency?

Alexa tried hard to sleep but she could help but think if George and Martha really wanted her out or not?

Just then her phone ringed he looked to see that Thomas send her a text

'Miss Faucette, are you asleep?'

Alex didn't respond, she closed the phone and went back to trying to sleep

'Don't leave me on reading, I know you are awake'

'Oh god help me' thought Alex

'There is an emergency, come to the company quick'

"As if I take anything you say seriously," said Alex sarcastically and closed her phone but it ringed again

'It's really important, there won't be anything more important than that ever in the company'

"What could be so important?" said Alex furiously

-time skip-

Alexandra is now in the company knocking on Thomas's door after sneaking out

"Come in," said Thomas from the other side of the room

"Yes, Mr. Wolcott? You called me here in the middle of the night" said Alexandra with irony

"You know that Miss Faucette don't pretend that you are an angle, you are smart as a fox and as hard-working as an ant"

Alexandra was confused as fork because that guy just acknowledged that she is a hard-working person

"You are as strong as an empress, AN EMPRESS THAT WON'T BREAK IN ANYWAYS" Thomas shoutedAlexandra's eyes widened at the sudden shout and wondering if he was having a breakdown

"WHAT MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TRY TO BREAK YOU, YOU WON'T EVEN BUDGE -" continued Thomas at shouting until he fell off his chair

"Ahhh ow"

"Mr. Wolcott?!? Are you ok?" said Alexa then turned her head away so she could hide her giggle

Thomas got up and said "First thing tomorrow call someone to fix this chair," said Thomas angrily

"Of course sir," said Alex clearly amused by what just happened

"Also what is the useless reason that you called me to come here at this time Mr. Wolcott? But I am not complaining because you just fell out of your chair and that was worth it"

"Shhhhhhhhh, if I am correct, this morning you said cleaned this room by yourself right?"

"Yes?" said Alexandra wondering if she missed a spot

Then Thomas started to walk around her and looking at her dead in the eyes

"The situation is serious," said Thomas

"What's so serious?"

"I can't find it"

Alex was just looking at him for a few moments trying to understand what he meant

"Sorry, but what can't you find?"

"Come on, Miss Faucette don't do this, I can't find the game controller," said Thomas like it was the most obvious thing on earth

Alexandra gave him an expressionless look then Thomas walked to one of the couches in the office and pointed at it "I always put it here, and ever since you cleaned here I can't find it, the situation is bad," said Thomas

While on the other hand, Alexandra was pretending to choke him from his back but she quickly put her hands down as soon as Thomas turned around and continued

"Where is it? Please help me, this is unfair" with a sad voice, and Alex gave him an 'oh really?' look and Thomas turned to the other side of the office and when he turned to Alex again he saw her holding the game controller and she said "This? Mr. Wolcott "

Thomas put his hands on his mouth as he gasped happily, he was astonished

"My hands are shaking from the excitement it's like I am ready for war" and tried to take the controller from her hand but he couldn't, he looked at Alex like 'why are not giving it to me?' and Alex gave him an 'I am 2 seconds away from killing you right here right now and make it look like it was suicidal'

"You are good even with your sleepy eyes you are good," said Thomas sardonically and used a bigger force to take it was from her hands and immediately started to play games

"You can go now," said Thomas his eyes glued to the tv/game when Alex closed the door and said

"God if I don't kill him now I don't know when" and instantly the door opened causing Alexa to startle

"Did you say something, Miss Faucette? It's very quiet here so I hear everything hmmm"

"No Mr. Wolcott good night," said Alex and walked away

Part 2 Helping or revenge?

The next day

"Good morning Mr. Wolcott," said Alexandra waiting in front of the elevator

"Just like yesterday you are waiting in front of the elevator," said Thomas

"Hmm..your clothes match your bag you look 'great' today," said Alexandra mockingly

"And look as ridiculous as yesterday"

"Don't worry I don't like you the slightest either" said Alexandra with a smiley face

"Then why are you waiting here, you want to get close to me an-"

"This is my work and I have to be professional, even if I don't want to see your face every morning"


-time skip-

When Thomas opened his door to the office he started coughing and his vision was kinda getting blurry

"What the-"

"Mr. Wolcott, I brought your latte," said Alexandra coming inside a moment after Thomas entered

"What happened to my office?!?" said Thomas and was quickly blowing all the candles in his room

You see before he arrived Alexandra put dozens of those candles that are used for relaxation and meditation

"What did you do to my office?" said Thomas angrily and was trying hard not to collapse on the ground

"What did I - oh you mean those candles, well I put those so you could feel some positive energy?"


"Yes, can you feel it? take a deep breath and out, come on try it"

So Thomas did it but it only caused him to cough more

"Turn my room back to normal," said Thomas so angrily that he wasn't moving jaws

"But Mr. Wolcott-"

"No buts, the whole world is not big enough compared to my hatred for you"

Alex smirked at that "same here sir same here, in fact, more no less"

Thomas couldn't hold it anymore he fainted on the ground and Alex took that chance to turn the room back to normal not even carrying that Thomas was unconscious on the ground

-a couple of hours later-

While Alexandra was working on her desk her phone ringed a number sheu didn't recognize