

A 17-year-old girl, Yona Yamamoto, is a big otaku who only sees manga, anime, and otome games in her life. her world revolves around these things, what would happen when she would experience the anime life in reality? when she would be transported to the Diabolik lovers world as Cordelia? would she be happy about it or sad? is she destined to change the original story? Find out how Yona survives as Cordelia? Would she save everyone ??

Ryoukardo · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

A Friend

Anglica POV

Just as I sat in the carriage, I felt this happiness in my chest that it made me forget the pain I felt before.

I had thought that she wouldn't be so nice like the rumours said of her being a wicked women but...she was so different from the words, kind, gentle and sweet. I giggled like a young girl in love. My happiness was launching out like a rocket. That's when I felt a kick in myself, I smiled and placed my hand on my stomach.

"Baby, look mama found a friend, a true friend". I said as I noticed tears coming out of my eyes. My whole life has been so dark. The person call friend, I.. have never had. Even through we haven't reached that stage but I already felt like we are already friends but I am sure that she would be a great friend.

I wiped my tears of sadness mixed with happiness away. With that I closed my eyes to rest till the time I reached home. In my mind many things were going on but, like how today was such a painful day for me but.. also a happy day as I met my friend to be. With that I layed my head down on the couch seat. I smiled and felt myself fall to sleep.


Yona POV

I opened my eyes to the crying sound, the sunlight was shining bright at my face from the open curtains, when I noticed that only Laito and Ayato were lying by my side. I panicked and moved forward to find Kanato, when I saw him crying near the edge of the bed. He was just about to fall down, when I hurried and caught him in my hands before he could fall and made him sit in my arms. While he was still kept on crying.

In truth, I never understood why my children are like superman these days? they behave not at all like a new born. Like seriously? Are kids supposed to be like that? Moving on there own when just a new born, even crawling!

I know, I don't much about kids and all, but I sure know that a new born can't even turn but here crawls? Maybe because they are supernatural beings like vampires and more of being children of the vampire king.

I sighed as I patted his head and hugged him, he slowly stopped crying and clung to me. Seeing this both Ayato and Laito glared at him and slowly crawled towards me and starting crying to me.

Seeing this made me sight again, just as I was about the take them both, I heard a knock on the door, I turned my head towards the door, to hear a voice.

"My Lady, may I come in". I spoke, "Yes" as I heard the maids voice.

As the door opened, the young maid came inside with a tray. I spoke as I looked at her, "What is it you brought?" As I said that, the three boys eyed the maid with curiosity.

She smiled and spoke, as she noticed the boys stare," My lady, I brought you your break fast and gifts for the young master!"

I looked over her with a frown, as I asked,"gifts?"

She nodded and spoke," Yes, my lady. Lady Beatrix and Lady Christa have sent the new child born ceremony gifts".

Oh, was there something like that too! But I knew this was something in the human world but here.. not possible but possible. I sighed and asked," Ok, keep the gifts to the bed side, after breakfast I will open it".

The maid nodded and kept the tray down. With that she returned back.

I glanced at the gifts, covered in different colours and with name slips too.

While I Fed the children, by putting the milk bottle in their mouth and eating a bread in my one hand, I read the contents of the gift slip.

"Dear Cordelia,

This is Beatrix, I am sending some gifts for the children. Reiji and Shuu also wanted to give something,that's why there are three gifts from me. One is from Shuu, other Reiji and me. Let me know if the children don't like it.


I kept the slip back on the table where it was kept before, Then I took the other slip from Christa, where there was a flower attached to it.

"Dear Sister Cordelia,

I wanted to come and give the gifts to the children myself but due to my pregnancy, I am unable too, but don't worry instead I have sent a flower with the gift instead of me. Hope you like it.


I smiled as the read it, both slips made me happy and cheerful. With that, I patted the three boys back after they drank their milk and starting opening the gifts.

When I was young, Once my elder cousin visited with her child, but it just happened to be that she got sick on that day, due to that my mom took care of her, while I was supposed to care for the baby so that whole time I looked after her. I learnt a lot about babies then which came in handy this time. I chuckled as I remembered that time.

The gifts from Christa were, for Ayato a pair of polished bright shoes, for Kanato a Lovely doll and For Laito a friendly hat.

And from Beatrix, she and the boys each gave gifts for each boy. Shuu gave a pillow to Kanato. Reiji gave a story book to Ayato and last Beatrix gave a set of suit made for Laito.

I truly loved the gifts with that, I slightly showed the gifts in my hands to the kids. "Do you like these?"

They smiled and tried crawling towards me to see the gifts themselves.

With that I spent the morning with the children looking at gifts, and then I decided to go for a outing.

I starting dressing up the boys. Honestly, it was tiring, getting dressed up three boys in one go is tough. In the original, even through it was not mentioned, I had a hunch that Cordelia never really dressed them herself or even cared what they wear,

Seeing that the maids always offered to do the dressing up and even more. But this being me, I always refused and did everything myself.

With that I also got ready to go out. The maid helped me carry the boys out to the garden. Just as I reached the garden I found out Christa and Beatrix already there. I smiled and approached them. As they also noticed me, they both got up to greet me when I spoke, " it's fine no need to get up Christa and you too Beatrix".

Christa smiled and sat down again and Beatrix spoke while still standing, "are you also treating me like I am pregnant here?"

I chuckled at her remark and sat down with Laito in my arms while Ayato and Kanato were in the maids arms. "Of course not, how could I treat lady Beatrix like that! Can I now?"

While Beatrix also chuckled at my sly remark and sat down. I motioned the maids to let the two boys sir down. The maids nodded and sat down Ayato and Kanato beside Laito.

I frowned as I noticed something and spoke, "where are the boys?"

Beatrix just smiled and spoke, "They both are attending classes together".

I was surprised when I heard both, at the end in the original, Beatrix favoured Shuu over Reiji for becoming the family head but now it was so different. I smiled seeing this big difference, knowing that I was the one who was able to make this big change.

With that Beatrix continued after a pause "They wanted me to convey their message to you".

I had a surprised reaction and spoke,"message?"

Beatrix nodded and spoke, "Shuu says that don't miss him much this time, next time he will spend more and more time with you". I chuckled as I heard it. Beatrix continued,"Reiji said that next time he would bring all his good books for the children to read and you". I chuckled more after listening this, haha typical Reiji.

Beatrix also smiled and spoke,"they seemed to have gotten attached to you". I nodded with a smile and again spoke,"Nonsense! Don't you also see my kids always looking at you".

Beatrix chuckled at that. Just as we were about to keep on talking about our children Christa spoke in mid.

"Have you two both also forgotten that I am here too? And I am still not a mother able to talk about their child like you too".

At that Beatrix and I, both started laughing while Christa puffed her cheeks. With that Beatrix spoke, " Of course not! We were just talking a little bit and just because your child is still inside doesn't mean you can't talk about him". With that I smiled and spoke," I agree".

We three chuckled like that for a while, when I asked Christa,"What are you going to name him?"

Christa smiled as she placed her hand on her stomach and spoke, "If a boy Subaru, and if a girl then Harui"

I smiled as I heard her, then Beatrix spoke,"what a beautiful name!"

With that we three spoke for a long time till it was evening and we had to retreat back to our rooms. With that I walked back to my room as I had already send the children ahead of me as they had fallen asleep in middle. I smiled as I imagined they sleeping faces and giggled.

Just as I was about to open my room's door, I was stopped someone's voice from behind.

I slowly turned around to see who was it? To find none other than the butler himself.

What was the butler doing here? And at this time, I spoke with confusion,"butler what brought you here?"

The butler spoke just after I completed my sentence, "My lady, I am sorry to distrub you so late but I had just came to convey Lord Karl's message".

My jaw tightened, my eyebrows raised and I had a frown on my lips as I spoke,"Lord Karl?"

He nodded his head and spoke, "I wanted to inform you that Lord Karl wanted to see you in his office".

My expression was tight as I heard him, with a grim expression, I asked,"Right now?"

He nodded his head. I with a grim and tight expression had no choice but to nodded my head and speak,"Ok..you go ahead". He nodded again and retreated.

My chest was burning, my expression was grim and tight. Anger was raising in me! What did this man wanted now? I hated this,why was he after me. In the original, he didn't gave a damn about Cordelia yet here this guy just doesn't leave me? Just what am I supposed to do with this jerk of a guy?

Ahhhhhhhh Bastard jerk!!!!!!!