
I woke up to find my self married

What if a psychologist awoke one day to find herself married and the mother of a kid in a strange world? What lies in store for her includes caring for various patients, learning about numerous mysteries, and experiencing a love tale. Read the fantasy romantic comedy novel "I woke up to find myself married" to lighten your heart and get an unforgettable story.

Inou_7729 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 : Let's discover the estate

I could see everyone shivering at that sentence, and even the duke choked on his tea. I believe I've overdone it this time; I forgot that people here don't understand your humor. If someone said something like that in my life in the present era, you would either fight and ask how you could threaten me, or you would know they were only joking. Before, things became worse because of my carelessness with what to say. I went down to her, picked her up, and hugged her while saying, "Oh my, I was only kidding to change the atmosphere. I swear, I would never do that to you. It's called a mistake, so don't be this way, ok? " as she nodded and stared at the ground. I added, "I mean, who is this heartless human who can even do this over just spilling tea, or scold just because of that? Even the duke won't do that, right? "

I looked left and right, but it was silence; I finally turned to face the Duke and said, "Oh no, don't tell me you've actually done it. You are really evil, like how could you-"

"My wife, do you think I really do that?" He interrupts. I mean, everything is possible if it's you. But I can see he is really disappointed. He then added, " Madam, I need to see you and talk about many things, so come at night to my room of —" Oh gosh, don't tell me he wants to spend the night with me. I just woke up and he will take advantage of me. He still doesn't know who I am. I need to let him know his limits. "Wait a moment! How perverted you are, Amon! " I said while rolling my eyes and crossing my hands. "You're going to invite me to your room and then say nice things to try to persuade me to open my robe to—" That maid, named Daisy, quickly covered my mouth as I said this, and the old man who is always by my husband's side also covered Julian's ears as he questioned the meaning of my words.

The Duke then ordered everyone to leave the room, with the exception of four of them, before turning to face me and saying, "My lady, first of all, please sit down and calm yourself; what I was saying wasn't my bedroom, but my room of studying; secondly, I only want to talk about topics that you missed due to your coma; and even if the thing you imagined happened, it's something normal and rational because we are husband and wife. Last but not least, please be conscious of how you act around other people. Thank you for your understanding. "

Oh no, not again I really feel like a ball of embarrassment; where have my brilliance, wisdom, and talents as a psychologist gone? In addition, I absolutely hate to accept that, but he is right and reasonable in what he said, even though it seems like he is sending a formal email.

"But even so, that stills—"

"My lady, let me ask you." He interrupts, "Do you even know anything about the people who are serving us? And what are their names and positions? " I shook my head, and he continued, "You see, you don't even know the most fundamental things, but you were just talking the whole time." So I ended up getting a lecture from him, but couldn't say anything since I was wrong and careless.

" Anyway, everyone, introduce yourselves to her."

"My name is Dillion Xander and I am the steward, chancellor, and head of the estate male workers, I've served the three previous duke of Carlisle family, I've been here since I was 18, and it's an honor to serve you your grace," said the elderly man with the dark eyes and grey hair wearing glasses who was always to my husband's right. I nodded to him with a smile, and he bowed to me before returning to his place.

"I'm Xander Leola, wife of Dillion, the head of female workers here, and I will be serving you each day. I have been in this mansion since I was 16, and I will be serving you, so please always come to me if you need anything, " the other elderly woman who had been serving me in the morning said as she bowed to me. She made a wonderful impression on me with her voice and friendly smile.

"I am Andrew, the commander of the knights and our grand master and grand commander's left hand," said the other young man who had opened his mouth in an O shape earlier. He smiled, flinching his blue eyes, and added with excitement while raising his hand up on his left chest while bowing slightly "And I will, of course, protect your grace and be devoted to you." God, he is giving me idol vibes. I am totally whipped for this adorable man with golden yellow hair who is as cute as a puppy. I was smiling foolishly and unconsciously lifted my hand to him until the duke gave me a death gaze. At that point, I set straight and came back to reality.

The Duke continued, "I'm sure you recognize Daisy; she's been your trustworthy maid ever since you were at your parents' house." Yes, I heard her name because they were calling her, and she is the one who sobbed while holding me yesterday, but I don't know who she is yet because I don't remember any memories left except for the one from modern day life. As a result, I had to just nod and smile while tapping her on the shoulder. Later, I'll discover additional things and make time for them.

I greeted them all and stand up, saying, "Nice to meet you all; please take care of me." I clapped like a seal with a smile while they followed me, looking at each other with confused expressions.

He stood up and said, "Now that you've seen it, they are the dukedom's pillars and the only people you can trust. See you later. I'm going to work." He then left with Andrew and disappeared completely.

I was disappointed and felt bad for the poor kid because he hadn't even given him a slight hug or kiss. I decided to cheer him up so he wouldn't feel alone and asked, "What is our Julian doing today?"

" Your grace, I need to take him. He has lessons to take in his room." Head Dillon said, as he approached us. I couldn't do anything except hug him and watch him leave since they were in a hurry.

I believe there is a reason for the husband's statement that they are the only ones you can rely on. To remain alive, I must keep my guard and be aware of my surroundings.

"Daisy and Mss. Leola, take me around the estate please."

They responded with a smile, "Sure, madam."

They led me from the room into a tall corridor with blood-red carpeting and walls painted in red and gold. As far as I can tell, this level only has my room and this room where we dine. The Duke and Julian's bedrooms are on the floor below, but they are hidden away in a remote area. The Duke room for studying is also there. However, the walls here are grey. After descending all these stairs, I finally made it to the ground floor, where the kitchen is located on the right side if you keep moving in that direction. The large living room on the opposite side is only for our close guests, as Mss. Leola said. There were red sofas with gold trim, several paintings hanging, and white marble covering the entire floor. After leaving this building, a garden with a fountain in the center filled with all kinds of flowers will face you. On the right side of the garden, there is a section where various kinds of fruits and vegetables have been planted.

I kept walking through the endless grass with the servants and the annoying brown dress that wouldn't let me walk like a normal person, until we arrived at another area with two estates.

" Madam Leola, did we arrive at the neighbor's territory? Let us go back and not cause a problem." I asked worried.

I could hear the maids giggling at my remark, but she smiles and says, "no, this is still Carlisle territory." Then she pointed at the big white two floors mansion on the front. "That's the Duke Liam Carlisle residence, the brother of the duke Amon, and there is the big library there, but since he and his wife died, we welcome the family guests there."

I stopped for a while staring at his place , thinking how Amon had a really sad story. Man, this already seems dramatic.

"As you can see, on my left is what we call the main hall. on the ground floor, which is especially for parties and ceremonies, with a big balcony. On the second floor is the office of the Duke. All his workers have offices there, so he can monitor them. "

I nodded and continued walking toward that place, but then I asked, "Can we just go to the balcony? I want to see if it has a good view. "

"Yes, of course. Follow me, your grace. "

We didn't enter the main entrance, but we went from behind the building. While ascending the outside stairs to enter the balcony, I was hearing the massive voices of men training. I got excited and hurried up to see what was going on, to arrive at a view of the knights training in that huge yard. Thank you, God, for this feeling and the sight of a hundred knights' six packs, muscled arms and chests, sweat running down their bodies as they performed these dangerous moves. When they finished, I whistled and shouted, "Yeah, our sexy men, you really did a great job!" and clapped like a maniac.

All of them turned their heads up at me with frowned eyebrows, and then Andrew, who was guiding and training them all this time, said, " My lady, you are here." I smiled and went down while my maids were running after me saying "Your grace, please slow down."

Yeah, I finally found something interesting: the knights! I think I need to play with them a little bit. HA HA HA HA.

what o you think our female lead will o with the knights ?

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