

"how dare you!?!?"

"sorry. I'm sorry. i-I didn't mean to!" I really didnt. I mean come on who would anger there owner? It was to late though I was being lead down the stairs to the basment. walking in I instently saw my one and only fear. Látigo. The whip. I knew that this was my fault. If only I hadn't lost that fight. All because of me we wouldn't eat for the next week. That's only if I win the next fight in a week. My owner led me over to the punishment chamber. This room was right next to the training room. My owner would punish my for an hour then she would make me train for 9-10 hours after. Causing for my wounds to reopen multiple times. As a werewolf I could heal myself faster than weredogs and cats or humans. In the world today human owned weres. As soon as you were born you were taken along with your mother and if lucky father to be bid off for the most money. sometimes you were lucky enough to get a good owner that treated you as an equal. I got the other type. The type that worked me as soon as I could stand. first it was meets just lifting weights and stuff. Then I got my first shift that's when she started bringing home weredogs and cats that were fully trained. Locking us up in rings to see how I could fight. Over time I learned. What with fighting full grown fully trained weres. I learned faster than most just like how I shifted faster than most. Causeing me to be put in the ring at a very young age of 7. When I first shifted at 5 she bred my parents wanting another strong fast early shifter to only cause my mom loosing the baby and dieing soon followed by my dad from the pain of losseing his mate. As she whiped me I sat there obediently. After a few times of trying to be disobedient and get the shock collar set off you learn. However she still lets me go to school. Also I have a phone the main reasoning for workout apps when I don't have ideas. She let's me pick out my own work out but makes it as hard as she can. After the beating I got strait to training.