
I will marry you

perfectly imperfect life of Ye Zhen changes drastically on an unholy night.. where she loses her innocence, gets to know that her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend..her mother is trying to sell her for the well being of her brother. when is left with nothing He comes and tells "I'll marry you "..

chaithali_s_k · Thành thị
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13 Chs

She died there

"Ha, ha ha..." After looking at it for a moment, Ye Zhen uttered a hoarse laugh from her throat. She turned around and walked to the table. She grabbed the steaks, pasta, fruits and cakes on the table and stuffed them into her mouth. She continued to laugh.

It's like a walking corpse just waking up eating mechanically.

The food was tasteless and nauseous, but she had to insist.

She can't fall. She's going to fight. She would never let herself become a woman without color because she was betrayed by a man.

Until she could no longer hold any food in her stomach, she picked up a towel and wiped the corners of her mouth, until her cheeks turned red and her lips ached.

After that, she walked into the bathroom, turned on the lights, drained the water, undressed, washed off her dirty clothes, and replaced her underwear and new skirt in her LV bag.

Originally, she planned to give her first time to Wenrun last night, but ha-ha.

In contrast, she felt that the Demon she had met in the uncompleted residential buildings were not so hateful, and the pain of being taken away from her innocence seemed not so deep. She even wanted to be glad that she had not given the first time to Wen run.

It was not until then that she noticed the purple blazing diamond on her ring finger! Is it a Diamond ring?

Under the light, the purple diamond is crystal clear, dazzling, flashing a unique and charming purple gray luster, feeling can be worth eight figures.

Eight digits? Oh, it can't be a real diamond.

"I'll find you", "I'll marry you" and "this ring is the pledge of engagement", she whispered.

It's ridiculous.

She took off the diamond ring and threw it into her bag.

Everything last night, her tears and pain, will be buried in the depths of memory, its never going to be spoken again.

Soon, she finished washing, changed into clean clothes, walked out of the bathroom and began to clean up what she had left here.

Although she has not slept with Wenrun, she occasionally comes here for a day or two or lunch break when she is on business or when she is tired from work. Therefore, she keeps some clothes and daily necessities for replacement.

Her clothes in the wardrobe, her slippers under the bed, her cup on the table, her magazine on the shelf, her comb, toothbrush, hair in the bathroom, Not even footprints were left.

It's like she's never been here.

Yes, that's her fight back.

After finding out all her things, she found a woven bag from the locker and threw all her things into it.

By this all process, she went into the bedroom, out of the bedroom, been busy, a man and a woman in bed were snoring, unaware that she had come, cried, and died.

An hour later, Ye Zhen, with her woven bag, stood at the door of her bedroom and turned her head to Wenrun.

She didn't want to ,but still her eyes were wet.

How much I loved him, how much I cared about him, how much?,But I can't accept this betrayal.

In her whole life, she will probably not love and believe again.

The gentle hand on Xia Zijun's chest kneaded and gave out a satisfied moaning sound, which broke the last trace of Ye Zhen's dream.

Ye Zhen raised the back of her hand, wiped her tears, raised her head, walked through the living room, stopped in the porch, hung the key of Room 202 on the hook behind the door, and walked out of the room she had been most nostalgic about without turning back.

Inside, only the breathing sound of the two bodies in the bedroom.

The sun climbed into the middle of the sky.

Wen Run yelled "bang" and woke up.

The white, clean and greasy body around him almost made him think that he was, but he immediately knew that it was not, and he remembered what happened last night.

She didn't come over last night. She didn't answer her phone. What happened?

He jumped out of bed and looked for a cell phone everywhere, regardless of wrapping his sticky body.

After searching for a long time, he found his mobile phone in the clothes pile on the ground and pressed the shortcut key "1".

"The phone you dialed has been turned off..."

He looked through the records of phone calls and letters to make sure that she didn't call or send short messages after he called Xia Zijun late last night. Otherwise, when he and Xia Zijun rolled the sheets, if she called or messaged him and he didn't answer or reply, maybe it would arouse her suspicion. What a blessing!.

He put down his cell phone and walked out of the bedroom to take a bath.

"Why is the dining table so messy?"

He stopped, scratched his head and looked suspiciously at a mess table.

"Did I eat with Zijun last night? I remember that I drank a lot of wine, but I didn't eat anything. I have no impression... "

Last night, he waited until two o'clock in the morning, but she didn't show up. He was drunk and called her. The phone was dead. He felt that she couldn't come here tonight. He was disappointed and felt bitter, so he called Xia Zijun who had been secretly in love with him and had even slept with him.

He didn't remember what he said to Xia Zijun. Anyway, Xia Zijun soon appeared in front of him, and the two people hugged each other, He had no memory of the process and the follow-up.

"Oh, why did you get drunk again..."

He remorsefully knocked on his head, "also she did not make any phone call, i think she is still good, Ha All is ok then "

He shook his head, chuckled and went to the bathroom.

She always have ideas and opinions, and she knows how to protect herself. She didn't have any accident. She probably worked overtime ,too late, too tired and sleepy to disturb him, So she must have went straight home to have a rest. However, her cell phone? may be just ran out of power or she was going to turn off her cell phone and go to bed.

Everything was normal.

"Well, why do I think this house is not quite the same as usual?" He looked inside and outside the bathroom, puzzled, "it seems that something is missing..."

But his brain is still dizzy, and his body has no strength, so he is too lazy to think about it. He lies in the bathtub and takes a comfortable bath.

He had no idea that Ye Zhen, who loved him, had died last night.