
I will marry you

perfectly imperfect life of Ye Zhen changes drastically on an unholy night.. where she loses her innocence, gets to know that her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend..her mother is trying to sell her for the well being of her brother. when is left with nothing He comes and tells "I'll marry you "..

chaithali_s_k · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Bringing good luck

Thinking of this, she quickly walked out of the jewelry store, reached out and grabbed Ye Zhen''s sleeve, and said eagerly, "beauty, please wait, I have something to say."

Ye Zhen stopped and turned her head: "huh?


"Sell it to me,I love this ring so much, even if it's fake, I will cherish it very much. If this ring doesn't mean anything to you, can you sell it to me for the sake of how much I like it? The price is up to you. "

Ye Zhen was stunned: "You !! Do you really want to buy this ring? "

"Well," Purple beauty let go of her sleeve, "it can't be more real."

"You want fake, too?"

"Yes. The most important thing is that I like it, doesn't matter if it is fake or genuine"

Ye Zhen was moved and decided to gamble: "Although this ring is fake, it is perfect after all. I like it very much. It is also a gift from my family. If I want to sell it, I will not sell it at a low price. Can you accept it? "

Purple dress beauty did not hesitate: "I can accept."

Ye Xun quickly calculated the amount in her heart.

At the beginning,

Bai Fumei thought that the diamond ring was real. She wanted to buy the same series of works. She estimated that the ring was worth more than 30 million yuan.

That is to say, this beauty can afford tens of millions to buy a ring.

She is a super rich lady.

For such a young lady, it should not be a matter to spend two or three million yuan on a favorite decoration right?

Besides, this ring can almost be regarded as her "self selling ring".

She can't "sell" her innocence and chastity at a low price, can she?

Thinking about that night she lost the bright ness in her eyes,her heart was in pain, just, thinking about her mother and brother, boyfriends who had treated her,

what's the point of her hating that demon?

she felt like selling her body to pay off the debt.

She sighed softly, carefully quoted a price: "300000."

Purple dress beauty's expression is slightly stiff, obviously, Ye Zhen's offer is beyond her expectation.

"Hey, you're robbing money!" Before the beauty of purple dress had said anything, the pretty boy who chased out couldn't help crying out and said angrily to Ye Zhen, "do you dare to sell 300000 yuan for a fake product at most for hundreds of yuan? Are you so poor and crazy that you want to steal money.

After Ye Zhen quoted such a high price, she was a little guilty, but when she said that, she was not happy: "I wont sell my ring to anyone. It was this beautiful woman who wanted to buy it from me and asked me to make an offer. After I quote the price, you can not buy it, or you can bargain, but I didn't't ask for it. What do you say I'm stealing money on purpose? No matter how poor I am, I didn't try to sell it or tried to cheat!!!. Who are you to criticize me like that? "

"You, you are clearly a fox with a big mouth, but dare you say it with such justice?" The young man was so angry that he turned to the beauty of purple dress and said, "elder sister, don't pay attention to her. It's just a fake diamond ring. If you like, I'll make a dozen of them for you to play with."

I want to leave with a sneer.

"Beauty, I'll take this ring." The beauty of purple dress shook her head at her younger brother, then stepped forward two steps and stopped in front of Ye Zhen.

"My brother has no ìll intention, but his character is more straightforward and impulsive. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind." Ye Zhen shook her head, "but are you willing to spend 300000 yuan on a fake diamond ring?"

She said, but she couldn't help looking at the pretty boy a few more times.

the teenager is only seventeen and eight years old. His skin is clean and white. His facial features are exquisite. He is dressed in a very damp Korean style. His hair is dyed to a half red and half black. He draws eyeliner, wears earrings, wears jewelry on his neck and wrist, and Quan Zhilong's head is printed on his T-shirt.

Child, how much do you like Korean wave?

He had a dozen shopping bags in his hand. Reading the words and patterns printed on the shopping bags, he knew that there were women's articles in them, while the purple dress beauty was empty handed. Obviously, the child loved his sister very much.

I envy them.

"Well, I decided to buy it." The purple skirt beauty takes out the mobile phone. "Is Alipay or WeChat transfer convenient? I'll give it to you now. "

"This Convenience is convenience. " Ye Zhen hesitated, "but I think I should at least cut a little price."

Although Bai Fumei must not be short of the 300000 yuan, she still feels that her selling price is too high and she is a little uneasy.

"I don't want to bargain." Purple dress beauty smile, "I think I really like the things are priceless, no matter how much money is worth, I don't want to put a price on it,let alone bargain. don't mind me,I'll pay the actual price."

she has said so, Ye Zhen was no longer pretentious: "my Alipay account is..."

Purple dress beauty just want to transfer money, the teenager suddenly crowded in front of her, put down the shopping bag in her hand, took out the mobile phone, and said to Ye Zhen : "I'll pay."

This earthy woman is so bad that he won't let her know his baby sister's Alipay account, so that his baby sister will be entangled with this bad woman.

Purple dress beauty quickly way: "little man, this is all your lucky money, don't spend it indiscriminately."

"Elder sister, today is your birthday, this is my birthday present for you. You are not allowed to have any opinions."

Purple dress beauty slightly opened her mouth, to stop her bother : "little man, you are so..."

The sound of "didi" rang at the same time, and Ye Zhen received the prompt tone of successful transfer.

That's how she got payed for 300000?

Ye Zhen took out the ring, put it in the palm of her hand, and handed it to the purple skirt beauty carefully: "beauty, this ring is yours. I hope you won't regret spending so much money on it in the future."

"I won't regret it." Purple dress beauty picked up the ring, put it on the ring finger of her left hand, and then opened her five fingers and put it in front of her eyes to enjoy it. Her eyes were very gentle, "my heart is not so easy to shake."

Ye Zhen has to admit that this ring is too suitable for the princess. It is noble, elegant and romantic. Compared with herself, this ring looks better on the green green jade finger of the princess.

She sighed with a sigh of relief, a sense of relief that she did not owe to the princess, the devil and her mother: "well, beauty, I'm leaving."

She walked very fast for fear that the other side would repent.

"What a greedy, bad woman." The delicate young man made a face at Ye Zhen's back, then puffed up his cheeks and said to the beauty, "elder sister, you are so simple that you can be slaughtered casually. How can you let me rest assured?"

"It doesn't matter. Your sister likes this diamond ring. It's worth spending more money.it doesn't matter how much I pay for it?" The beauty of purple dress smiles brightly, her eyes move, and her jade cheek glows. she seems to be oblivious of the fact that her pretty eyes so attractive,making people fall for it . Even the delicate young man with her was stunned.

"Well, What sister likes is the most important thing." The boy muttered, "then I will forgive that woman. But, elder sister, you look good when you wear this ring, but the fake ring doesn't match you at all. You can't say that this ring was bought by us for 300000 yuan, that is, it's a gift given to you by the man who loves you the most in the world. "

Then he puffed up his chest and patted: "the man who loves you most in the world is of course me."

"Mm-hmm, thank you, little man." Purple dress beauty in the baby brother's face kiss, "little man is the best for sister, sister also likes little man best."

Then she took off the ring and put it on Bai Shengsheng's middle finger, smiling: "purple is my favorite color, and it's also my lucky color. Little boy, I have a premonition that this ring will bring me good luck."