

Billy's legs paced up and down on the bicycle like a car wheel. He moved across the streets evading cars and taking sharp turns. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. His breathing turned heavy as he eagerly rode home. Looking at his watch, he realized it was around 4pm. The sun was slowly going down.

"Shit, mom is going to kill me if I don't get home on time." Billy said out loud.

Looking back he could see three mysterious figures following him on BMX bicycles.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Billy asked himself.

He increased his pace to get home faster. When he turned back, his stalkers had also accelerated.

Looking at one of them closely, he could tell he had met before. But he couldn't remember the exact details...

The dying sun reflected on one of the guys' spectacles causing Billy to feel that he had definitely seen him somewhere.

Billy didn't pay attention and continued home.

Suddenly the stalkers accelerated their pace even more. Before Billy realized, a baseball bat was swung towards him from behind.

Billy immediately ducked causing the guy to miss from miles away. Billy's heart began to beat faster.

"What the fuck…?" Billy asked himself.

Looking back, he saw the other two approaching with speed of lightening.

The rider with the baseball bat stopped and made a sharp turn towards Billy. He looked at Billy with a smirk on his face and swung his basketball bat again towards Billy.

This time...he managed to hit Billy on his left arm. Although Billy tried to evade, his reflexes was slower than before.

"Ahhhhhh!" Billy screamed in pain and nearly lost balance.

He regained control of the bike with one hand. He was shocked when he saw the other two approaching with devilish looks on their faces.

The rider wielding the baseball bat had already sped past Billy and was turning around.

Instant adrenaline rushed through Billy causing him to accelerate in the blink of an eye.

His eyes widened when he saw them catching up despite the tremendous speed he rode with.

"What do you guys want?" Billy screamed.

Suddenly they split up, one to the right and the other to the left whiles the third rider stayed behind swinging his bat.

They kept closing in on Billy which caused his heartbeat to skip 10 times faster. Fear gripped Billy forcing him tighten his grip on the bike.

"Are these guys kidnappers?" Billy asked himself.

"You are going to pay for what you did to us, Billy!" One of guys muttered.

In that instant, Billy recognized the guys voice-Jimmy Anderson, one of Chris's trio.

As the others got closer he recognized them and figured what they were up to.

"Did Chris send you guys after me? Is he such a coward?" Billy asked confidently.

"He would be joining us soon to rip you apart. The rider with spectacles replied. His name was Harrison Smith and the guy with the bat was James Pierce.

They kept chasing Billy no matter which turn he took. Billy was struggling to get away but his left hand completely turned numb. He took in a deep breath and grabbed the handle with his left hand despite the pain. Tightening his grip,he wiped the sweat off his face with his right.

"You guys don't know when to give up." He barked at them.

A sharp turned to the left seemed to be the best option to lose them. Unfortunately Billy's plan didn't work.

"Stop asshole. If we get our hands on you, you will surely pay." The trio called out after him.

Billy took another sharp turn to the right into the main road. But these guys had iron hearts. Billy gritted his teeth in pain as he felt the effects of the baseball bat from earlier. Blood slowly flowed down his sleeves but he was well aware of the danger behind.

They rode through the cars taking sharp turns to the left and right like a cat and mouse chase.

Billy rode as if he was chased down by hungry lions.

The look on the trios faces were enough to make him breathless as he turned back.

Billy took another turn to the right trying to lose them.

"This will shake them off." Billy said to himself.

Turns out he was wrong. Before he realized they were inches away from catching up to him. James took a slight turn and was drawing near to Billy like a shadow on his right side whiles Harrison did the opposite.

Billy looked to his right and left which had been occupied by agitated and pissed off guys.

"Enough Billy, there is nowhere to go." James cried out. He repeatedly swung his bat at Billy. Luckily, Billy was able to evade this time.

Billy looked to his back and found only to find Jimmy centimeters behind him.

"This is what happens when you piss off the highschool king." Jimmy said with a smirk.

"Screw your king!" Billy shouted.

James and Harrison were moving near to Billy like nails attracted to magnet with Jimmy following centimeters behind.

That was when a pickup truck came between them, giving Billy time to form a plan.

After the truck was out of the way, James caught up to Billy.

The bicycles of both Billy and James collided, which caused James to lose control and slowed Billy down for Jimmy catch up.

Everything was going as planned.

James did his best to gain control and was coming back towards Billy like wounded lion.

There was a garbage truck slowly moving horizontally towards Garden's road which was a few meters ahead.

Billy's plan was to sped past it just in time to block the trio and make the escape.

Billy kept smiling as they got near. "I have already beaten these guys once; this will definitely be no exception."

Jimmy was aiming to get Billy off his bike like a Rhinoceros who had it's eyes set on fire.

Billy however kept hanging in there, waiting to get the green light to execute his plan.

James was now so close to Billy kept swinging his bat towards Billy. Fortunately, Billy was able to evade despite being trapped in between James and Jimmy.

Harrison had a celebration smile on his face when he saw Billy having nowhere to go.

He straightened up his glasses and awaited the slaughter.

They were all so absorbed on Billy that they didn't see the huge garbage truck ahead.

Billy smiled when he saw his plan was working; he increased his pace and made it past the garbage truck just in the nick of time.

Jimmy was about to execute his evil intensions when Billy suddenly increased his pace. James also had his basketball bat ready to hit Billy. Instead he smacked Jimmy with the bat causing both of them to collide into each other. Harrison also realized too late and nearly went straight into the garbage truck. He would have been smashed if he didn't brake.

"See you, suckers." Billy said out loud.

Before they realized Billy had disappeared into the streets.

"That damn idiot outsmarted us." Harrison said.

"Yeah." James was forced to admit.

"Chris will definitely not be happy." Jimmy warned.

This is for all those who loved someone so dearly only to lose them tragically.

It's also for those going through domestic abuse. I want you to know that you are not alone.

Andy_Scarvishcreators' thoughts