

Judging from the smirk on Williams' face, he just wasn't willing to listen.

He got out of Billy's grab and threw a punch. Billy evaded and instantly replied back.

Williams wiped his mouth feeling the effects of Billy's punch. An evil smile developed on his face as he wrestled with Billy.

"Williams stop, you are hurting him." Billy's mom pleaded for her son.

The continuous screams of Billy showed Williams unwillingness to let him go. He wrapped his arms around and strangled him forcing all the air out of Billy.

Billy gritted his teeth in pain and found it hard to breath. Williams' exposed ribs were the only ticket to Billy getting out of his strong grab.

The impact of Billy's repeated strikes on Williams' ribs using the elbow, forced the lion to stop biting.

Billy felt his exhausted and weak as he dropped to the ground.

["Williams stop beating him, he is only 8." Billy's mom pleaded for her eight-year old son.

"Shut up, you don't tell me what to do." Despite all her pleas, Williams didn't listen and continue to whip Billy with his belt. ]

He slowly got up back on his feet after he remembered what his father did to him when he was 8. During that time, he was so beaten to the extent of having to lie on his belly in order to sleep.

"You have abused us for too long. I am tired of it but I am going to stop you for good today. Even; if it is the last thing I to do."

Billy said with determined eyes that barked: you are never going to touch me or my mom ever again!

Williams laughed at Billy.

"Bring it on then."

Billy's mouth was wide open as he screamed in agony. His punch was caught by Williams who squeezed Billy's fists like a mush mellow.

Billy could hear the sound of his arm being twisted. His hand is a millisecond away from snapping. Billy roared in pain as Williams continued twisting it with a smile on his face.

His mother tried to stop the devil but he was too strong for her. She got shove off and fell head first. She immediately blacked out.

When Billy saw it, his eyes turned red with anger.

He got out of Williams grab and savagely attacked.

Williams staggered to stay on his feet.

["Dad please stop."

"Billy let go off my leg or I will beat you up again."

"Mom, run."]

Billy's eyes flooded with tears as his sight turned blurry. He clenched his fist and unleashed all his anger and pain. He no longer saw a man in front of him but a wild beast that had to be killed.

Williams fell on the floor and gasped for breath.

He slowly made it back to his feet only to get more.

"I didn't know you could fight like this, Billy." Williams said to Billy as he stood on noodle legs.

"It is because of what you have put us through. Do you know the effects of everything you have done? I have to everyday live in pain because I am too weak to protect mom from you."

Billy's mom was starting to wake out of the blues.

Williams smiled and weakly stood on his feet.

His memories made him aware of how much hurt he had caused to Billy and his mom as well as Davidson Parker.

["Doctor how is she?"

"I am sorry Mr. Harvey, if care is not taken, she may not walk again."

"This is my entire fault, I shouldn't have…"]

["Williams stop, he is just a kid."

"Shut up woman, you don't tell me what to do."]

["Dad stop, you are hurting mom."

"Stay out of this, Billy. She is mine and I do what I want with her.]

["I am sorry Davidson but I can't let you take her away even if it means I have to kill you.]

Yet his pride and lack of sympathy hindered a change of heart.

"I don't hate you dad. No matter what you are still my day but I won't let you hit mom ever again."

Billy's statement triggered Williams to laugh.

"To be honest, I have never thought of you as my son."

Billy's felt as if he was stabbed in the heart by Williams' comment; but that didn't stop him from kicking his dad out.

"Get out and never come back. We don't need you here."

"And if I don't…"

"Then I will report everything to the police. I know all about your drug dealing and crimes."

Williams choked and couldn't believe that Billy actually knew his secret.

"I am not going anywhere. You have no authority over me."

"At least that's what you think."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Get out or find out."

"Fine I will leave but this isn't over. You are going to pay for this."

Williams managed to maintain his balance and walked out of the house.

Billy became the doctor and attended to his mom.

"Thank you, my son."

Billy helped her mom upstairs and watched her sleep.

He slept on the bare floor and bare slept; reflecting on everything.

He later left early in the morning for paper route.