

After he was done he took his bicycle and headed to high school. A scholarship gave him the chance to study in one of the best high school in the city-Woodlands High.

He was a bright and handsome student. His uniform: white shirt with a black tie and black trousers and black shoes looked cool on him.

Many of the girls were attracted to his looks but he paid no attention to any.

His excellent performance in the school over the years earned him the admiration of most teachers including the principal.

Despite all these, he managed to make an enemy for himself-Chris.

Chris was a top and popular student in the school born with a diamond spoon in hand. That explained why he was an asshole despite his incredibly handsome features and his blonde long hair and blue eyes.

He loved to be treated with respect and worshiped.

He was always accompanied by his trios who ensured those who defied him were punished. He called himself 'The King.'

As he walked around with his trio, he became the envy of most girls and was adored by everyone except-Billy.

"Look it is Billy again. What do you want us to do with him, Chris?" James asked. "He is the reason most students have the nerve to challenge you." Harrison chipped in.

A serious look developed on Chris' face when he saw Billy picking books from the locker.

"What about the other day after school? Did you do what I told you?"

"Yeah but he outsmarted us and got away." Harrison chipped in.

"Idiots, You guys are useless."

"You don't have to be harsh about it. After all you were present on the day he whooped our asses, but you didn't do anything. You are afraid of him as we are." Jimmy stated his point of view.

Chris' encounters with Billy came vividly in his mind:

["Hey, you get out of the way and let the King pass."

"King? King of what?"

"The king of this high school, dumbass."

"I don't see any King."

"He is talking about me, moron. Now, move."

"Oh, Blondie; Sorry I didn't notice you but I am not going anywhere just so you can pass by and display your dominance.

"What's your name?"


["Sorry but I am in a hurry to get back to class."

"Don't even think about leaving."

"Man, I already apologized. What more do you want."

"I don't think sorry is going to get my shoes cleaned."

"What do you want me to do then?"

"It's obvious. I want you to clean it."

"I am sorry but I need to get to class."

"What more do you want Chris? I already said I am sorry."

"Do you even have a name?"

"Yeah, Richard is…"

"Hah! Stop right there, all I wanted was your name. Now listen up Richard, if you don't clean my shoes, you aren't going anywhere."

"There you have it. It's all cleaned up. Can I go now?"

"No, no, no. You aren't done until I say so. I call the shots."

"What's wrong with you? Haven't you had enough?"

"Better watch your mouth before I give you to my trios."

"What else do you want me to do?"

"Now you are getting it. Kiss my shoe."

"I think you have already proven your point, now let him leave before I make you."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the defiant Billy". You really have some nerve talking to me like that. Since you let Richard got away, I hope you wouldn't mind replacing him."

"If I were you, I would be backing off."

"Hmmm it seems we have a new Superman in our midst. I am going to enjoy as my trio tears you apart."

"What, it…can't be. You were able to defeat…my trio?

"I think I already told you; to back off."]

"Chris! Chris! What are you thinking off?"

Chris was lost in his thoughts until Harrison brought him back to earth.

"It's nothing I am fine."

"What do we do with him then?" Jimmy asked.

Looking towards Billy's direction changed his serious expression to a devilish smile.

Chris looked at Billy and walked past him with a smile on his face and his trio followed.

Billy felt the impact of the steel locker as he was pushed by James Pierce.

Billy regrouped and headed to class but he could hear whispers about him.

"That loser has been causing trouble in the school. Can you believe that he had the courage to stand up to Chris a while back?"

"You are right, Eddie. He is later going to regret."

News about Billy's defiance had spread like wildfire and had all the other students talking and pointing hands towards Billy as he passed by.

Billy had a hard skin and he didn't care about what the other students said about him. After the incident with his dad, Billy became even more fearless.

I'm sorry to inform you all that I am leaving for school.

I will be back in 5 months.

I promise you all that I will come back and continue. This will be the very best story you'll ever read.

Andy_Scarvishcreators' thoughts