

Billy rode as fast as he could after the opening. Within seconds, he arrived home with lightening speed. He immediately parked in front of the house, and then climbed the 3 steps stairs that led to the front door.

He opened the door with a joyful smile on his face.

"Mom, I am home."

Billy called out only to be responded by silence.

"She got to be in the kitchen by now."

Billy moved up and down only to find a ghost.

"That's strange where could she be?" Billy asked himself.

"I bet she is in her room, sleeping by now. I have to change first and check on her."

Billy went upstairs, treated his wounds and changed his outfit. He later went to check on his mom in her room. When he opened the door, he couldn't believe what was going on.

"Ahh..Williams don't stop. Mmmmm, you are so good. It's so sweet, I am going to cum."

His dad was in the room with another woman having sex. The woman stopped her moans and turned to Billy's direction causing his dad to also do the same.

His dad froze when he saw Billy at the door.

His dad quickly jumped into his black boxers as the lady also used the blanket to cover her nakedness.

"Huh…" Billy gasped.

Billy ran away into his room with his dad following behind like the wind.

Billy locked the door and rested his back behind it.

"After everything he had done to us, he still has the nerve to cheat."

Billy closed his eyes and remembered the endless nights he and his mom suffered under his dad's hands. Even the little and trivial matters were enough to awaken his dad's inner monster.

As Billy was resting his back behind the door, there was sudden loud bang on the door.

"Open the door Billy, before I enter and knock some sense into you."

Billy's body didn't shudder nor panic. He was too absorbed in the pain that he and his mom had endured by his father's hands.




Billy's dad kept banging on the door like a mad man.

"I said open the door Billy or else I will break it down."

Billy didn't answer. His heart was boiling with rage.

"If you don't open, your mom is going to be the one to pay for your sins."

When Billy heard that, he lost it. "He still has the guts to draw my mom into this." Billy said to himself

"Mom…I can't allow things to go on like this."

Billy took a step back and faced the door; he grabbed the doorknob but hesitated before opening.

Billy saved the door before his father tried to break it down.

Billy's dad wiped the saliva dripping from his mouth and exhaled deeply to show his rage.

He walked towards Billy like a predator and pushed Billy back into the room.

"What were you thinking barging in like that? Do you know how long it took before getting that woman?"

"That's all you care about? What about mom and everything she had done for you." Billy screamed at his dad.

"It's none of your concern. She is still mine and I do whatever I want with her." Billy's father replied.

"Don't you say that about my mom; you are nothing but a heartless man? You don't care and treat us like your properties and abuse us every day. You are…"

Before Billy could continue, he was smacked in the face.

"Watch your tongue." Billy's father warned.

Billy eyes turned red with anger but he chose to hung his head low.

"If your mom ever finds out about what happened today, I swear I will kill you. Am I clear?"

His dad's eyes glanced upon Billy's injured left hand.

"What happened to your hand?" He asked like he seemed to care all of a sudden.

"It's nothing dad." Billy responded looking away.

"Don't forget what I told you or your mom pays the price." Billy's dad said.

"Y…yes dad." Billy replied with tears in his eyes.

"Good boy."

Billy's dad disappeared from the room leaving the door behind him.

Billy with reddened eyes ran out of the house.

His dad watched him go with anger in his eyes as he thought of what to do next.

Billy's dad was in his late thirties. He was tall like a bamboo tree with a beefy figure and a hook mustache.

There was an old abandoned building which was a kilometer from Billy's home. That was Billy's place of escape whenever he was going through a hard time.

Billy went far away from home into the abandoned house and yelled in desperation:

"Why do I and my mom have to suffer like this?"

"Why can't we live in peace?"

"Why am I so helpless?"