

A lady was walking across the streets with a walking stick in hand. She looked distressed and worn out. She looked like she was in search of something...

She weakly walked with her walking stick for hours. It seems all her search was in vain.

She finally decided to give up and head home.

"This is pointless...what was I thinking anyway? I have to get back to my son." She said to herself.

On her way back...

She stumbled on a white mansion which caused her to stop abruptly.

She kept staring at it as if it was an answer to her problems.

Something inside of her cautioned her to enter the house. "What if I can get a job here?"

She moved towards the luxurious steel gate and touched it. It was a magnificent drive away gate. She stretched forth her hand and touched the gate. To her surprise, it wasn't locked. What was more surprising was there was no security guard.

At first she was afraid to enter but something pushed her to enter nonetheless.

She was totally thrilled at the beautiful sight set before her when she entered.

There was a quarter-mile long walk garden with grand horse chestnut trees and Japanese variety of Cypress trees alongside it.

The lady walked around the mansion in awe.

She walked towards the golden designed front door and rang the doorbell.

For a while, there was no response.

"Is there no one living here?" She asked herself.

She was about to give up and walk away when she noticed

a shadow moving towards the door.

Shortly...the door was opened. A young and incredibly handsome man stood at the door. He looked at the lady and smiled.

The lady couldn't help but stare at his black hair, dark eyes and a slightly grown, beard.

"How may I help you?" The young man asked.

"Errr…I am looking for work, please if there is anything I could do to help you around the house I can do it. I can clean and cook or…"

"It's alright, please come in."


He took woman into his humble abode. The room was well furnished with expensive furniture, a flat screen TV, a library and had 16 additional rooms.

"Have a seat."

"Thank you."

"My name is Steve Gray. Would you like me to offer you a drink?"

"I am ok. You are too kind."

"At least let me offer you a glass of water. You look tired."


Steve went and took a bottle of water from his Sub Zero Pro 48 refrigerator With Glass Door and offered it to her.

She felt refreshed after drinking the water and listened to Steve who took his seat.

"Particularly I am not in need of a house maid or anything, but I am ready to offer you the job and pay you 1000$ a month."

When the lady heard Steve's speech, she felt light as if all her burdens were lifted.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir."

"You are to show up at 6, look after the house when I am off to work. Make sure everything is cleaned up and take care of my dishes. Is that ok?"

"Yes it would be more than enough."

"If everything is settled then your work begins tomorrow, if you don't mind."

"Yes, yes I don't mind."

She was filled with happiness and expressed it by giving Steve a warm hug instead when he offered a handshake.

"Thank you."

Steve smiled gracefully and after everything helped her to the door.

She was about to disappear into the streets when Steve called out.

"I didn't even get your name."

"Charlotte." She responded looking into his eyes.

"Would you want me to drop you home? This way will be a lot easier."

She looked at the walking stick in her hand which caused her eyes to well up. She couldn't believe that someone actually cared.

She was about to say 'yes' when something crossed her mind. Whatever it was didn't seem to be a pleasing one.

"That won't be necessary. I leave not far away from here."

Steve felt like he had just missed a penalty kick, but it didn't prevent him from smiling.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

As Charlotte disappeared into the streets, Steve kept staring at her to the point that he didn't even blink.

He was starting to admire the short pear shape figure, brown eyes and hair, reddish mouth and cheeks and her light skin.

He smiled to himself and entered the house still daydreaming.

Billy returned home around 6 in the evening only to hear horrifying screams. He hurriedly rushed into the house to find the cause of the screams.

"Dad, stop!"

His eyes turned watery when he saw his dad boxing his defenseless mom again.

"Billy stay out of this, it's none of your business. She is mine and I do what I want with her."

"You are nothing but a monster." Billy screamed at his dad.

"What did you just say?"

Billy's dad stopped and walked towards Billy with a murderous glare.


Billy charged in like a mad horse and head butted his dad in the gut. Billy's dad fell down and screamed in pain.

"Mom, are you alright?" Billy asked as he rushed to check in on his mom.

His dad took advantage of that and grabbed Billy by his long brown hair. He then launched him across the room like a launched missile.

Billy fell on his stomach as gritted his teeth in pain.

His dad continued on to teach his son a lesson as he

raised Billy up and slapped him repeatedly.

"How dare you? You want to fight right? Fight me."

Fear gripped Billy causing him to look down as his father called for a fight.

"Just what I thought, you are weak."

"Williams, leave him alone." Billy's mom shouted as blood dripped from her mouth.

"You dare shout me, woman."

Williams walked towards her like a hungry wolf. Just as he was about to slap, a strong opposition held his hand.

It was Billy and he was staring at him with a murderous gaze.

"Don't you ever touch my mom ever again or I will kill you!"