
I will find you ( the walking dead) on break for now.

Staring Akaze Saito, a son of one of the most deadliest drug smuggling group in the world that will used his skills to take down anyone and anything that's a threat to him to find his childhood friend Rosita. Rosita Espinosa a girl who was born in the slums of Mexico but taken in by the Saito clan. This is just a fanfic and I will change something's up but will follow on the plot. I like majority of the characters but I will create some drama will re-edit the beginning before start making new chapters

Suzumebachi_ · Ti vi
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26 Chs

Chapter 3

Author pov

It had been four long weeks since the world came crashing down. The once bustling streets of Georgia were now eerily quiet, except for the occasional screech or growl of a fiend feasting on its next victim. Akaze, a young Japanese man, had been searching tirelessly through different counties in hopes of finding Rosita, the only person he cared about in this desolate world. He trudged through abandoned towns and fought off ruthless attackers, but there was still no sign of her. As each day passed without any leads, Akaze felt himself losing hope and his sanity. Now, he lay on the roof of a gas station in Dekalb County, staring up at the endless sky and begging for some kind of sign that would lead him to Rosita. But after four weeks of wishing and waiting, it seemed all was futile.

Akaze pov

"I'm hungry, I haven't had a proper meal in a while, " Akaze's stomach started to growl. "Screw it. I'm going to find some real food. I'm tired of being this pathetic if Rosita would see me right now she would probably smack me. To be honest I might like that."

Akaze got up from the roof and he could already see the walking creatures staggering around snarling for meat to calm their vicious cravings.

" From the data I collected from these past weeks they are attracted to sound, light, and any other blood besides theirs. This theory was tested when I slaughtered a handful of them and when I was drenched in their blood other fiends ignored my presence. I will also use the katana I 'borrowed ' from some dead guy to kill Pierce through their brain. I'm going to head northeast, I saw on a sign that there was a farm located there and hopefully, it's secure with people inside so I can eat good food. '' Akaze was quietly babbling to himself as his mouth was watering thinking about the meat he wanted to consume. He grabbed a glass bottle and dropped it on the other side of the roof so the creatures could wobble over to the sound and as he saw them going for the bait he used this chance to drop down and run for the hills to find the farm.


Akaze pov

After three hours of travel, Akaze was still on the road making his way to his destination. The fact that it was still daylight was a huge advantage for the black-haired man, as it made it easier for him to spot anything or anyone on the way. Finally, luck was on his side when he spotted a huge barn deep in the land. Upon looking around, he didn't see any of those hungry creatures that he was previously wary of."It seems safe. There's a high possibility that there are people inside who may have already taken care of those creatures by surrounding the house and barn with barbed wire. I need to approach them politely to avoid being mistaken for a thief or one of those monsters, especially since I still have dried blood on my body" Akaze held one of his hands up in the air to show whoever was inside that he was not like one of the creatures and he was walking slowly approaching the front of the house.

" Hello, is someone home?!" he slightly raised his voice to not seem aggressive.

Three older men emerged from the house with rifles and a shotgun, while a woman appeared from the barn with a rake, ready to defend themselves.

( Well that's understandable because I would do the same thing if I were in their shoes.)

" How can I help you?" although the question might seem harmless to people the man who asked that question was not friendly at all, he held the shotgun aimed at Akaze as he approached the man.

( I know I can take that gun out of his hand and probably kill another one of them before they get me but it's best if I act harmless even though I'm covered up in blood.)

" Yes sir, I need shelter if you would allow me to. I have been on the road ever since the break out and I'm not from this state so I don't know what the hell am I wandering to."

( I can see the man's expression hasn't changed a bit, I need to add a snob story in so he can reason with me.)

" I split from my girlfriend ever since the world went to shits and I can't find her anywhere, I tried many places but no luck" Akaze half truth his situation but it worked since he saw the man's hardened expression soften.

( Predictable.)

" What's all the blood you cover in? Are you bitten or scratched by those walkers?" The man eyed him down waiting for him to answer.

Akaze let out a nervous chuckle, " No sir, this is Walker blood or people who tried to kill me for my belongings" Akaze answered truthfully.

The man's eyes narrowed at Akaze, "Caroline check his body and you. " the fierce man shot his gaze at Akaze again, " If you don't mind, take off your shirt and pants so who can see," The man southern accent was sharp so was his stare.

Akaze nodded his head, dropped the bag of guns on the ground, and slowly stripped off his top and his pants, from the corner of his eyes he could see the woman named Caroline was sexually eying him down. Since it was hard to see if Akaze had any marks because of the dried blood covering his torso, Caroline had to pat him down to make sure he was telling the truth and she did it at a slow pace. She was behind him and started to touch his neck and slowly went down on his body to feel every part of his body and Akaze could feel her heavy breathing as she got lower on his body feeling his hardened muscles.

(She's definitely creeping me out.)

When the inspection was done she gave the man with the shotgun a thumbs up saying he was clean and Akaze put back on his clothes and he was welcome inside the property. The man with the shotgun offered Akaze his hand, " Sorry about that, we have to be very cautious these days. "

Akaze accepted, " It's okay. I'm glad to finally meet some friendly people."

The man chuckled and placed a hand on Akaze's back, leading him towards the front door of his home. As they stepped onto the porch, Akaze caught sight of a young boy sitting against the side of the house, his face scrunched up in a pout.

( What's his problem?)

Akaze ignored the boy's expression and went inside the roomy home. " My name is Marcus, you can take a shower and put on some clean clothes, I'm not as well built as you so the clothes might be big but it will do and afterward I will introduce you to the others." the older gentlemen gave a warm smile to Akaze.

" Thank you for the hospitality, " Akaze replied and Caroline walked him to the upstairs bathroom.

" You can take your time and wash the dirt off your body, I will leave you some fresh clothes," She couldn't tear her eyes away from the defined muscles that bulged against Akaze's shirt, and her teeth dug into her bottom lip as she tried to contain the growing desire within.

"Are you eye raping me?" Akaze was serious but he played it off in a playful manner.

Caroline was silent for a second then looked into his dark orbs, " Would that be a problem?" she jokingly said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The man let out a small grin but his facial expression was the opposite of how he felt, " I will take a shower now. " he ended the conversation and Caroline took herself out of the bathroom to give him privacy.

Akaze turned on the tap, listening to the gurgling of pipes as hot water rushed through them. Steam quickly filled the bathroom, curling around Akaze's body like a warm embrace. Shedding his dirty clothes, he stepped into the scalding hot shower and let out a sigh of relief as the heat enveloped him. In this moment, all his troubles seemed to fade away as he focused on the simple pleasure of feeling clean. The steamy air calmed his racing mind, allowing him to fully enjoy the calming sensation of cascading water over his skin. Emerging from the shower, he noticed a neatly folded pile of clothes on top of the toilet lid, placed there by Caroline while he was lost in his own thoughts. He quickly dressed himself in the fresh garments and felt rejuvenated both physically and mentally.

( This is big on me. I look like I'm auditing to be an extra in a 90's music video.)

Akaze looked at himself in the mirror and laughed at himself because he thought he looked ridiculous. "Rose would certainly take photos of me and create whack jokes trying to roast me," he mumbled to himself. The man ruffled up his medium-length wavy hair before exiting out of the bathroom to meet the others and as soon as he left he saw the same kid from outside was there. The little boy was leaning against the wall waiting for Akaze to come out and he placed his finger on his lips.

" Runaway," the little boy whispered and walked past Akaze as if nothing had happened.

( Does he hate me that much? Or is he trying to warn me? Either way, I'm not leaving until I eat some meat and I don't mean any human flesh.)

The stubborn man ignored the boy once again and went downstairs to see the rest of the family.