
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Tranh châm biếm
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85 Chs

The gods left......!

"No! I do not go to sea! I am seasick!"

Cyd, who previously had a mysterious aura, now clung stubbornly to a rock, resembling a frightened child. The middle-aged hunter looked at him awkwardly, then glanced at the towering youth who had been the main culprit behind Cyd's sudden change in demeanor.

"Cyd, you never mentioned being seasick. But don't worry, you'll get used to it," Hercules said, patting Cyd's shoulder. "No, not right! I mean, you'll get used to it!"

If he could, Cyd would have wanted a few moments to himself. After receiving two blessings, he was feeling a bit too confident. How could he forget such an important detail? This ship was The Argo! The sailors were led by Jason! Onboard were famous heroes!

He stared at a wild-looking female hunter, who was sizing him up with her sharp eyes. This was bad. Very bad. He couldn't stay on this ship!

Cyd clung to the stone with his fingers, feeling like he had to fuse with it forever.

"Hercules, if he doesn't want to come, we can't force him," Jason said, frowning. He had originally gathered regional heroes and hadn't been particularly impressed with Cyd until he saw him knock out a hot-headed hero with one punch. That had piqued his interest, but not enough to insist.

"Cyd can help you," Hercules insisted, though he realized getting Cyd off the stone might be difficult. There was only one solution left.

Hercules lifted the stone Cyd was holding with one hand.

"Come on, kid," the middle-aged hunter said, waving to the unresponsive Cyd.

"Cyd!" Atalanta narrowed her eyes.

Help! Cyd screamed internally.

On The Argo.

"Is there something wrong with Hercules?" Jason asked for the third time, unable to contain his concern.

"He's fine, probably just seasick," Hercules waved off the question.

"Is he really...?"

Jason watched Cyd, who was gripping the ship's rail, looking like he might jump overboard at any moment. He shook his head. They didn't really need Cyd.

"You'll see," Hercules said, catching Jason's drift. "Cyd has his charm."

"Charm? His white hair and unusual skin do make him stand out," Jason mused, stroking his chin. "Some might find it attractive."

At that moment, the agile female hunter moved quietly behind Cyd.

"Hmm?" Hercules tilted his head, thinking she looked more like a lioness stalking her prey than anything else.

Jason slapped Hercules on the back. "Women, when they see a man they admire, act like this."

Jason's face showed a hint of pity as he glanced at Atalanta. He had always admired her aloof and wild nature, which stirred a desire in him to conquer her, but he lacked the skill.

"Come here!" Atalanta lunged at Cyd, wrapping her arms around his neck like a lioness capturing her prey, and dragged him into the cabin.

"Help!" Cyd wailed internally.

On The Argo.

"Is Hercules really okay?" Jason asked for the third time, unable to contain his concern.

"He's fine, probably just seasick," Hercules waved off the question.

"Is he really...?"

Jason watched Cyd, who was gripping the ship's rail, looking like he might jump overboard at any moment. He shook his head. They didn't really need Cyd.

"You'll see," Hercules said, catching Jason's drift. "Cyd has his charm."

"Charm? His white hair and unusual skin do make him stand out," Jason mused, stroking his chin. "Some might find it attractive."

At that moment, the agile female hunter moved quietly behind Cyd.

"Hmm?" Hercules tilted his head, thinking she looked more like a lioness stalking her prey than anything else.

Jason slapped Hercules on the back. "Women, when they see a man they admire, act like this."

Jason's face showed a hint of pity as he glanced at Atalanta. He had always admired her aloof and wild nature, which stirred a desire in him to conquer her, but he lacked the skill.

"Come here!" Atalanta lunged at Cyd, wrapping her arms around his neck like a lioness capturing her prey, and dragged him into the cabin.

"Help!" Cyd wailed internally.

In the cabin of The Argo.

"Relax, I've seen your kind before," Atalanta said, drawing a dagger and placing it against Cyd's neck.

"Sister, we don't even know each other. Why do you look so familiar?" Cyd asked, his face straightforward despite the danger.

"Three years ago, Artemis-sama said you are the Child of the Moon," Atalanta replied, her emerald eyes fixed on Cyd.

"You've been thinking about that for three years?" Cyd's eyes widened in surprise.

Atalanta bit her lip. "You're obviously not as powerful as she said."

"Look, I usually try to avoid conflicts, but..." Cyd headbutted Atalanta, causing her to see stars and collapse to the side.

"Child of the Moon isn't what you think," Cyd said, sitting up and shrugging. "Believe it or not, but rest assured, I'm not..."

He was about to say he had no relations with the goddess, but he realized there might be some truth to it already.

"Just tell me, how long do I have to stay on this ship?" Cyd asked, covering his face. "I don't want to be here."

"You know how many people would give anything to be on this ship?" Atalanta asked, shaking off her dizziness.

"I don't know, but I'm considering jumping overboard," Cyd said, moving to the side. "I don't like anyone here."

"I don't like anyone here either," Atalanta said, raising an eyebrow. "But I want to prove myself."

"There's no point in proving anything on this ship," Cyd yawned.

"I'll figure it out myself, I don't need you to tell me," Atalanta stood up, picking up her dagger. "The goal of this ship is to reach Colchis and obtain the Golden Fleece. This won't be an easy journey. If..."

"Don't worry, I'll escape at the first chance."

"If you try to escape, I'll shoot you in the head."