

Chapter 95: Cerberus

Michu's victory brought up a wave of excitement to the viewers.

His battle style was just too flashy and he always wore his smile! Such an exuberant fella was just too enjoyable and so numbers on his social media skyrocketed.

At the same time, Michu also teamed up with Kaiser and they were on their way to sniff out the suspicious matter.

Though that matter was not known by viewers, their teamwork was something they enjoyed.

Kaiser was kinda going mad with his energy balls and army carriage while Michu just did an extraordinary battle, then used his staff for some snipes!

This snipe brought a grimace to Kaiser's face and commentators didn't miss and so did the viewers!

It was all funny, but Kaiser and Michu were in a serious talk again.

"This staff has an ego," Kaiser glanced at the battle's spoils.

It was a staff whose looks returned.