

It was so dark here.

But Simon was well prepared.

He had already thought about this situation before and so he took out the items and lit a small fire before bringing near the torch, since his body was short it was pretty difficult, but he somehow managed, by standing at the railing of the stairs and lighting the first torch and once the first torch was lit, the others also lit on their own.

And now he was walking down the stairs, now that the room was lit, he could see around, this whole library was very, very huge...and it was full of books,

Which was strange.

Because in the past, the temple of nirvana was abandoned because a neighboring country had attacked this temple because the ruler of that country was very jealous of the beauty and knowledge of this temple.

Temple was nirvana was not a temple only because the gods were worshipped, the knowledge was also worshipped here.

This was a university as well, many people came to study here.

But after the brutal invasion by the neighboring country...this place was broken and burned, monks and priests were killed, and even teachers and students were killed.

That attack was so brutal that it enraged the then ruler of the Gealach empire and that ruler waged war on the neighboring kingdom of Arche.

The entire empire of Arche was burned into ashes..their people were brutally murdered, and the ones left were taken as slaves, and the religion that the kingdom of Arche followed was burned as well.

All their religious books were burned, cultural heritage was destroyed, the statues of gods were shattered to pieces and the people were forcefully converted to follow the religion of Sumeka, that is the worship of Duat and Ankh, Shai and Hauhet.

The huge library that this place had was also burned...then this library?

How and when was this situated here? And the most important question is why?

As Simon walked with his tiny legs, he cursed this childish body again, gods he wanted to grow up soon.

He walked towards the book, the book that had guided him back in time.

He quickly went to the book and applied his blood to it, but this time when it opened, it still had the knowledge and everything, but to his surprise, the chapter on the cosmic time of law was gone.

Simon checked again and again but he did not find it...those pages were blank, and now that Simon thinks he himself had no recollection of the mantra that he had recited to come back in time, which was weird.

Simon then turned the book and tried to find out something about the soul damage.

But to his surprise, there was nothing about soul damage here, absolutely nothing.

He checked the book again and again so many times but he found nothing, in the end, he closed the book and sighed.

Then he looked around and tried to find something that could help him and then went deeper into the library.

He found another book that grabbed his attention, he went to the book and this time the book said, "The favored one'

He tried to open the book but he couldn't, so he used it again. The book glowed but something was different. This book glowed too much, much more than the previous one.

It almost blinded Simon, and he had to cover his eyes and move back, the light was too strong that it looked it was daytime, and he was standing under the sun... after some time the light was gone and Simon finally removed his hand from his eyes and rubbed them before he looked at the now widely opened book.

He slowly went closer to the book and read the first line.... the book was written by... Sean.

The founder?

This book was more like a journal or a story of his life, and for some reason, Simon was really intrigued.

"So we meet again."

Simon jumped and loud scream escaped his tiny mouth as he looked back at the intruder, but when he saw who it was, he was even more scared and freaked out, but at the same time intrigued and respectful.

There stood a tall, handsome, and lean man, with pale skin and short black hairs with a calm and mature smile on his face... with a small almost invisible mole under his lower lip.

Looking at Simon as if he expected him.

"Rune?" Simon spoke in his childish voice.

The man smiled wider, "Think again."

Simon gulped, his nerves were filled with excitement, is this really who he thinks he is? the legendary man... the god-like figure in the Gealach empire, the man known as a founder?

Simon gulped, "Sean Zavian Xerxes?"

Sean smiled and sighed before nodding slowly, "Welcome favored one..."

Simon had no idea what to say or what to speak, he felt like he was standing in front of the god himself.

"Are you really here?" Simon asked and Sean smiled, "I mean, if you are here....then can you help me with my damaged soul?"

Sean moved forward and looked at the book with nostalgia, "soul is a part of cosmos, it's nothing and everything... it can never be damaged, infected, or killed"

Simon's eyes widened, "What? how is it possible?..."

Sean looked at Simon with calm eyes. damn his eyes were like a vast ocean, deep and mysterious like the ocean and calm like an ocean hiding the many mysteries behind them, it made Simon more and more curious to know about him.

"Your soul is not damaged."

"Then why do I feel so much pain?"

"Because of two reasons... your soul is very powerful and your tiny weak body of a child cannot handle so much power, but that would have not caused you pain, the soul can adjust.

In your last life, you used too much power; you used your power wrongly, without fully understanding them your method was wrong and after that, you reversed time all of this took a toll on your soul; it isn't damaged; it is tired. It needs rest and time to heal... your tiny body cannot handle that... your body is not developed...

And hence it cannot provide the energy your soul needs."

"Then how can I... provide the... um ... energy? and what if I won't be able to provide energy?"

Sean nodded, "Nice question. Let me answer your second question. first if you cannot provide the energy your soul needs, your body will perish..."

Simon nodded slowly, while Sean continued, "And to provide the energy you need to work on your spirituality and learn to control and use your powers."

"But how will I learn? I mean, not like there is anyone to teach me."

Sean smiled and turned to the book, "this will teach you."

Simon looked at the book and then back at Sean. He hesitated a little before saying. "What are you? I mean you are dead? Are you a ghost?"

Sean laughed, " You are right. I am dead and I am not a ghost, I am not a complete soul, I am a fragment... lingering here to guide souls like you."

"Then you are a soul and yet not a soul... so say, if the soul you are part of is reincarnated, then what about you? aren't you still trapped here?"

Sean smiled, "Trying to understand how nature works is like a small fly trying to understand how a human mind works...don't try to understand or you will go insane."

Simon listen to his advice and stopped thinking much, "By the way, why is this library hidden?"

"This library is not hidden, it's just that...normal humans are not allowed to have this knowledge. This library is for people like you."

"If we destroy the temple, then can we find this..."

"No... you can't... let's just say that this library cannot be accessed by normal humans, even if they tore down every wall and brick of the temple... they cannot reach this world.

And it's good... human greed does not deserve this knowledge, they will ruin the world with this knowledge" Sean then looked at Simon, "Right?"

Simon then remembered his past life and the destruction his powers had caused... just because the temple and royalty found out about him, they fought over him like a hungry beast.

And the temple won because his mother was a part of it...and in the end, the little knowledge that his mother had about his powers was used to cause destruction and chaos and all for the wrong reasons.

If all these books are exposed, then people will wage wars instead of appreciating this gift of nature, because that's how humans work.

Simon then looked at Sean, "But I am also going to use this knowledge for destruction..."

Sean smiled, "Destruction is very important for construction... but it depends on your motive... everything depends on your motive because at the end of death and destruction is a new beginning."

Sean smiled and then crouched in front of Simon, "It's up to whether you want the new beginning to be of happiness, peace, prosperity, or tyranny, conflict, and decay."

Simon smiled, "My father must be worried..." he said, and grabbed the book.

"Thank you, Sean."

Sean smiled, "You're welcome little one."

"Oh, one more thing." Simon said, "Did your bloodline have any descendants?"

Sean nodded, "My father had a sister who had run away to marry her lover, so it is possible that my bloodline is still alive and out there."

Simon smiled, "I see... okay bye, bye..."

"Bye. Have a safe journey... little one"

Simon gave him one last smile and one last glance before he walked upstairs towards the exit, while Sean sighed and then smiled, "it was nice to meet you again...thousands of years later...Simon."