

The first princess, Iyana.

The only royal that Yug and Rune's family respected.

The most deserving Royal to become the queen and the least favored one as well.

Rune and Damian looked at her with respect while she gave them a small nod.

"How is the duke?" she asked.

Rune and Damian looked at each other while Simon was looking at her.

She was just as beautiful as before, brave and courageous, a worthy ruler.

Simon smiled faintly, in his last life, he had met Iyana many times. He had always admired, her but this, time his respect for her increased many times.

He was sitting beside Yug holding his hand. And when Iyana saw him, she just smiled at him and ruffled his hair, Simon bowed before her and said, "Thank you first, princess Iyana, for saving my father."