
I Will Always Love You, My One

I never felt that I could ever fall in love with anyone. But after meeting Ash, the meaning of love for me changed. Earlier I used to think that he was annoying, but it is said that everything changes with time. But my love will never change for him. This love was beyond the selfish world.I do not know what to call this love. Even if he is not mine, I will always love him, with all my heart and soul.

lav_03 · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs

1. 'First Meeting'

'Hello, let me introduce myself to you. I'm Emily, eighteen years old. I am a girl immersed in my own world, yes there are some flaws in me, but I want you to count my merits as well. I am a happy girl, and I love myself so much that there is no need to love anyone else. haha.' I wrote in my diary. I have a habit of writing a diary every day, and since this diary was new, I just thought of filling it. Only one page.

We shifted here a few days ago, I did not know much about anyone here, yes my father knew some people.

I was so tired of moving household items here and there that I started getting sleepy, I kept my diary on one side and lay down on the bed. I did not know when I fell asleep lying on the bed, I love my dream world, the world of my dreams separates me from the misery of the real world, I just want to stay there.Being the most isolated. I was so deeply asleep that I did not know how the time had passed.

I did not know when my mother was calling me, and then she came to my room screaming and started scolding me. "Emily, will you sleep all day? You never help me, and it's time to eat, and you are sleeping." Mother said scolding.

"Mom, what are you saying, you attacked me at once. I help you a lot." I said while yawning.

"But you don't care about time, when will you have your food?"

"Mom, I'm coming down in a while, you go."

"In just five minutes!" The mother said giving a warning of time.

I went down running. My hair was tangled. And I looked like an idiot. I heard someone's voice, it was a boy. A good looking boy. I glanced at him.He was talking to my mother. And mother was also talking to him with love.

"hey Emily what are you doing standing there. Come here Help me, or go to the kitchen and make tea. "Mother ordered me.

Now that boy also looked at me, and smiled.His eyes were very beautiful. Very sweet. It seemed like he was making fun of me. Making fun of my face which was lost in half-sleep, of my tangled hair. I don't know what he was thinking about me, but it seemed as if he was making fun of me.

I quickly looked away from him.

"But mother, I have just woke up, and you are

asking me to make tea". I said in my mind.

My mother turned towards him, and said "Ash, thank you for helping me, you can go only after drinking tea, my daughter doesn't make that good tea, but hope you like it."

"Oh, is that so! So this boy's name is Ash. Nice Name, Nice Guy...But wait, what did my mother say to her, that I don't make good tea, oh God, was it necessary to speak all this? "

I went to the kitchen and started making tea. Then Ash came there, he had a bag of vegetables in his hand. I asked him "Hey, hey ... what are you doing here? This is my house, not yours." I was holding a pan towards him.

"Hello, miss, your mother has sent me here, and I am not a thief or a robber. I just came here to keep these vegetables." And he started laughing at my stupidity.

"Well, Mr. Ash this is my house, not yours, you can't laugh at me that way. "I said being irritated.

"Miss ... Emily- "

Hearing my name from his mouth, I felt different. There was something in it, because it was making me feel different within a short time. I looked at him, he was smiling again for no reason. I was getting irritated with his smile now."Are you crazy ?, Idiot boy." I said in my mind.

He said, "When did I say this is my house? This house is of course yours." he chuckled.

"Emily...." He said again.

This time listening to 'Emily' from his mouth, I got goosebumps.

He was standing next to me.

I told him "Mr. maintain some distance."

"Hey, I need tea fast, I have some more other things to do ..... Ok?." like he was ordering me.And exited the kitchen.

Now I started getting angry at him, what does he think of himself! Idiot boy. He ordered me? How dare he? Wait! I'll give him world class special tea.

I added two to three teaspoons of salt to the tea, and also added a little more ginger. And started laughing.

And I went to give him the tea. My mother said that after cleaning a room, she will come to eat.

"But mother, you had woken me up from sleep only to eat. And now you are going." I said in my mind while rolling my eyes.

I gave tea to Ash, and now it was my turn to laugh.

He took a sip of tea. And his face had become worth seeing. The weirdness on his face was quite interesting.

He turned his eyes towards me and wanted to ask me "What have you made of this, is it called tea? Yuck!"

"Well, Mr. Do not drink if you do not want to drink, but do not harm the tea I have made." I started laughing out loud.

From the other room, the mother calls out "What happened Emily? Why are you laughing like this?"

"Nothing happened, mother, your guest is very funny." I blinked at him.

He got up from the couch and started moving towards me. Now he was close to me. He leaned towards me and said in my ear "I will always remember our first meeting."

Hearing his voice, I got goosebumps again.

"Okay, auntie, I have to go now. I have a lot of work to do." He spoke to my mother, but his eyes were fixed on me.

He was speaking as if he was the Prime Minister of a country.

"Ok son, and visit us soon", my mother said to him, affectionately.

"ofcourse auntie Now I think I have to come everyday." He said staring at me angrily.

"You have to go or not mister", I said softly.


He was gone now. But what he said in my ears was stuck in my mind. My name was different from his mouth. I felt different from that boy.

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