
I was Sent by The Goddess to Mess With the Plots

Our Main Character here is Isekai'd after he is just finished with his 1,000 words ranting about how trashy are those Herbivorous Protagonists in that so called "Harem" Novels/Animes/Mangas that they still keep their virginity even after 300 Chapters, 20 Volumes or 100 Episodes has passed over, with the number of their womans keep increasing but not a single one have ever been devoured by the Protagonist. An Almighty Goddess who at that time is also online in the internet forum and happens to read about our Main Character's rants is also agree with our Main Character's ranting and decides to sent Main Character to another world that is a fusion of some Animes/Mangas/Novels mixed up with each other. The Goddess Almighty also gives our Main Character a Goldenfinger, a System where everytime our Main Character disrupt the Protagonist or messed up the Story Plot in that World, he will get a Random Reward. And thus began the adventure of our Main Character here, to mess up with the Plot of the World, beating down the Trashy Male Protagonists to their demise and picks up any Good Female Protagonists (Yes, you read that right, Female Protagonists, not some mere Heroines) as his Wives. ..... Author's Notes: Release Speed: 1 Chapter from Monday to Saturday, 1 Chapter for every 100 Stones/Reviews on Sunday. Each Chapter contains 1,200-1,500 Words. After being Unemployed for Two Years, I decided to Seriously Authoring Novel to Make a Living. You can read Nine Advanced Chapters more than in the webnovel (that means you're More than One Whole Week Ahead!) by supporting me on my Pàtréon: https://www.pãtreōn.com/Asmadhi if you're using PC or just pãtreōn.com/Asmadhi if you're using smartphone You can also support me in Webnovel by throwing Power Stones and/or leaving Positive Reviews. Thank you very much for reading my works, and Your Supports are My Motivation! " \ ( ^ ∆ ^ ) / "

Viadhivan_Ranata · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
97 Chs

Critical Reward! My First Platinum!


While I am walking to collect the loot from the battle inside the Inventory, the System gives out a notification announcement ringtone that rings clearly inside my head, signaling a random reward that will come soon.

[Congratulations, Host! You have kissed the Female Protagonist of *Yurihana no Miko - Shrine Maidens of the Lilly Flowers* in front of the other Protagonist, Massively changing the plot from the beginning of their story, awakening a new wave of feelings on one Protagonist, drawing out the envy and jealousy from another Protagonist, and most importantly, messing up the plot greatly by making one of the Protagonist not awakened by this time in their story!]

".... My action have that much effects?"

  [Yes, Host! It's Super Effective! And as you have changed so much plot in one go and making the story deviates so far from the original works, the System with the permission and approval granted by the Almighty Goddess decides to award you with a Critical Trigger Reward! Any reward that you draw this time will have its Rank upgraded by One Stage!]

*Roll roll roll ba dump tesssss!!!!!*

[Congratulation, Host! You are so lucky that you managed to get another Gold Rank Reward today.]

*Tri ring ring!*

[Applying Critical Trigger Reward, upgrading the Reward from the Gold Rank to the Platinum Rank]

[Congratulations, Host! You have got your very first Platinum Rank Reward, Skill Card: Object Transformation - Molecular Manipulation.]

[Skill Card: Object Transformation - Molecular Manipulation]

[Use this skill card by tapping it on your forehead to get Gopal Kumar's power from the BoBoiBoy series that enables him to transform any object into another object by changing the structure of the molecules. With this skill, one could rearrange the molecular structure of an object and transform it into an entirely different object, as long as it was not another living being (e.g. people, animals, monsters, etc.). The reason why Gopal Kumar in BoBoiBoy series could "only" turn things into food was because that's what was constantly on his mind. If someone have complete control over their mind, they will be able to use this skill to transform any non-living object into everything they can imagine in his mind. They are also able to return the transformed objects back to their original form.]

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I laughed so hard inside my mind.

A Gold Rank and a Platinum Reward right from the start!

My luck sure is very good now!

Okay let's go back to the story for a bit.

I will now explain what happened earlier so any reader won't get a misunderstanding towards me.

The reason why I kissed Kiseki mouth to mouth is not only to take advantage to a beautiful girl who is being helpless and unconscious.

Cough, I a gentleman of culture after all.

There is no way I will do something so immoral like that.

The reason I do that is to imitates "from two becomes one" state that happened when Chikane is kissing Kiseki in the original plot.

By becoming one entity with Kiseki, the Big Heart Flash given by Roll.EXE to me at the end of her three arrow shots will affects not only me but also Kiseki who is "becoming one" with me.

My plan works out wonderfully and it is proven effective as you can see that Kiseki who is being kissed by me do getting healed by Roll's heart flash.

Meanwhile, Chikane who at that time are also being embraced by me didn't get any healing effect from Roll.EXE's Big Heart Flash.

That's another thing to be noted regarding "from two becomes one" state.

So in the future, if I want to heal any of my girls while only having Summon Roll.EXE skill.

I only need to kiss them mouth to mouth and "becoming one" with them before then proceed to use Summon Roll.EXE.

What an amazing Plot Device!

However one thing that should be noted is if the healing power from Roll.EXE's Big Heart Flash is shared between the two of us (50-50) or if both of us are being healing with 100% its full power.

As both me and Kiseki are still in the starting stage of the story.

So the power level of both of us, especially Kiseki who have not even awakened her bloodline power are still on the novice level.

But seeing as all the visible wounds on Kiseki's body has been healed and she seems to be fully recovered.

That's all that matter for now.

After collecting the Air Elemental Dragon's corpse and put it inside the System's Inventory and patting the *Skill Card: Object Transformation - Molecular Manipulation* to my forehead to learn the Platinum Rank Skill, I walk back to approach the two girls who are now standing in front of each other.

Chikane seems to be checking Kiseki's body here and there, she touches and gropes every single part of the blonde beauty's body.

Even though Kiseki is having a hard time with her face being so red like a boiled crab due to being embarassed because she is being harassed... -I mean, inspected by Chikane.



Author's Note:

At first I want to give Anos Voldigoad's Item Creation Magic as a Platinum Reward.

But I think the magic to create items out of thin air purely with mana is too overpowered.

So I toned it down with Object Transformation- Molecular Manipulation skill owned by Gopal Kumar from the BoBoiBoy series that still requires an object to be used as material for transformation.

As a quick example is, let's say that you want to make 1 kg of gold.

Instead of instantly creating it out of thin air with Anos Voldigoad's Item Creation Magic, if you are using Object Transformation - Molecular Manipulation skill then you need to gather an object weighted around 1 kg to be used as the material for transformation.

Another example is if you want to make a sword.

Instead of making it instantly with Anos's magic, we need to have maybe a wood branch or a stick to be used as material to be transformed to a sword.

The change from the transformation are permanent, though.

Or at least until you decided to transform the item back to its original form.

By the way, when I looked at the old image of Roll.EXE shooting her arrows literally right through the heart of her enemies while beaming with smile..... makes me feels like she is actually a ruthless psychopath hiding behind the facade of her cute appearance.

You can look at it yourself in the image I up below in the comments section and see if you also have the same mind as me ;)

Also, do you know that you can read 5 more chapters than in Webnovel on my P4tre0n now?

Come take a look at "p4tre0n.com/Asmadhi"

Just change "4" with "a" and "0" with "o".

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