
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

The Abyssal Pact

That night, at The Silver Chalice Inn, the atmosphere became more tense. After successfully obtaining strong evidence of the involvement of several Eldorian nobles in a conspiracy with the Abyssal Rebellion, Lucas and his team realized they had to act quickly. Every second they had was precious, and the conspiracy was probably very close to the point of no return."Listen," said Lucas, pointing to the map on the table, "based on the notes we got from Lord Carver's house, there's a secret meeting that will be held in the old warehouse west of the city tonight.""A secret meeting of the traitorous nobles, I guess?" Evelyn looked at Lucas with a serious expression. "If they're all there, this could be our best chance to get more information... or even foil their plans.""And we have to do it very carefully," said Kael. "If they realize we know about this meeting, they can speed up their plans or escape."Finn nodded. "I think we need to sneak in there and find out what's really going on. If we can overhear their conversation or find more evidence, we can expose all this to the public."Lucas looked at each member of his team. "We all have to be ready for this. If we can stop this meeting and expose their plans, we have a chance to save Eldoria. But if we fail, they will know we are hunting them."Evelyn smiled thinly. "Whatever happens, this is going to be an interesting night."They all agreed to the plan and began to prepare. Finn made sure everyone had the necessary equipment - sharp weapons, dark cloaks to disguise themselves in the darkness, and a few healing potions. Lucas led the group towards the old warehouse indicated on the map. The night was quiet, with only the cold wind blowing and the leaves rustling."Something feels off tonight," Evelyn said softly. "Do you feel it too, Lucas?"Lucas nodded. "Yes, it feels like we're walking into a hornet's nest. But this is the only way."They reached the old warehouse located on the outskirts of the city. The building looked dilapidated and abandoned, but there was a faint light coming from its small windows. Lucas signaled his team to stay low and approach the building cautiously.Finn whispered, "The main entrance is too open. Maybe we can try the side window."Lucas agreed, and they moved around the building. Finn, with his characteristic agility, climbed up to a fairly high side window, carefully unlocked it, and opened it. "Come in, but stay quiet," he whispered.One by one, they entered the warehouse through the window and found themselves on a small wooden balcony above the main floor of the warehouse. From there, they could look down at where the meeting was taking place.On the warehouse floor, several Eldorian nobles and officials were standing around a long table. At the head of the table, Lucas saw a very familiar face—Lord Carver, with a confident expression."We are close to victory," said Lord Carver, his voice echoing in the room. "The plan to attack Eldoria from within is almost ready. The power of the underworld will be ours, and Eldoria will fall into our grasp!"The other nobles nodded, some of them even smiling. "And when that happens," continued Lord Carver, "no one can stop us. Those who oppose us will be destroyed. The power of the Abyss will make us invincible."Lucas clenched his fist. "So, they really are conspiring to destroy Eldoria," he thought. He signaled Finn to stay quiet and wait for the right moment.However, suddenly, the warehouse door opened loudly, and a robed follower of the underworld entered in a hurry. "Lord Carver! We have a problem! There's a suspicious group seen near here!"Lucas gulped. "Damn, they know," he thought. They didn't have any more time."Attack now!" Lucas signaled.They jumped from the wooden balcony, attacking with full speed. Evelyn immediately cast a protective spell around them, while Finn and Kael directly confronted the guards who tried to protect the nobles."We have to capture Lord Carver!" shouted Lucas as he attacked with his sword. He targeted Lord Carver directly, but the noble turned out to be quite agile, avoiding the attack with a nimble movement.The battle became chaotic. The robed followers drew their weapons, and the cornered nobles tried to escape. Finn moved with lightning speed, disabling several guards with precise strikes. Evelyn used her magic to repel attacks from multiple enemies at once.Lucas continued to pursue Lord Carver who seemed to have another plan. He pulled a scroll from his robe and read it quickly. "You won't stop us!" he shouted, before suddenly disappearing in a black mist."No! He escaped!" shouted Lucas, feeling frustrated."Lucas, we have another problem!" Evelyn pointed to the door where more robed followers were starting to enter. "We have to go now before they swarm us!"Lucas nodded quickly. "We've gathered enough evidence here. Let's get out!"They retreated carefully, fighting off the enemies blocking their way. With strategy and solid skills, they managed to escape from the warehouse. Outside, they ran to a safe place in the city alleys, avoiding further attention.After they were sure they were safe, they stopped to catch their breath. "This didn't go as we expected," said Kael."But we got enough information," replied Lucas. "We know their plan, and we know who is behind it. Now, we need to plan our next move. We have to stop them before it's too late."Everyone nodded. They knew that a bigger and more complex challenge awaited them.