
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Kỳ huyễn
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84 Chs

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Preparing for the Journey

The day had come to visit the Duke's mansion.

Roger came to pick me up in a carriage, and we headed towards the Duke's estate in their carriage.

The comfort of this private carriage is indeed different from the regular public carriages. These soft seats absorb the impact, so my backside doesn't hurt, and I can ride comfortably. However, the shaking is still the same.

I wonder if there's a way to improve carriages somehow. Maybe using magical tools could help... well, I'll think about it if I have time.

As I pondered such things, we soon arrived at the Duke's mansion. Roger led me and guided me to the usual guest room.

"Leon-sama, the clothes you ordered from the tailor earlier and everything else you might need are all packed and ready. Please take your time today."

They had already prepared everything for me. I'm grateful since I don't know what I should bring along.

By the way, I just realized, but where exactly is the Duke's territory located? I've never seen a map of this world before. I suppose we'll be traveling by carriage, but I wonder how long it will take.

"Thank you. By the way, I just realized I don't know where the Duke's territory is located. I've never seen a map of this country, so I have no idea."

"I've heard it takes about three days by carriage to reach the capital of the Duke's territory. However, the map is considered confidential information, so I can't show it to anyone without the Master's permission."

Come to think of it, I heard that even on Earth, maps were considered military secrets. Does that mean I won't be able to see it?

"But if it's you, Leon-sama, the permission might be granted. The Master will be at the mansion today, so shall I ask if you can borrow the map?"

"Really!? Then please ask for permission."

"Understood. Please wait a moment."

Roger said that and left the room.

I hope I get the permission! I've always wanted to see a map of this country. I have no idea where this country is located, and I don't even know where the capital is. If I can see a map of this world, I'd love to see it. I wonder if this world is part of a large continent?

As I waited eagerly, Roger returned with two rolled-up large papers.

"Thank you for waiting. I've obtained the Master's permission, so I brought both the map of the surrounding countries and the map of this country only."

So, the permission was granted! That's really helpful. It seems they trust me quite a bit. I'll do my best not to betray their trust and work for the Duke's family.

While I was thinking that, Roger spread out the maps on the table.

"Here is the map of the surrounding countries. This is the Larsrasia Kingdom, this country."

First, Roger showed me the map of this world.

According to the map, within the depicted area, there is only one continent, and the Larsrasia Kingdom is located in the lower left part of that continent.

The south and west of the country face the sea, and there are many other countries to the north. This country seems to be the largest one and extends horizontally.

The east of the country is covered by a vast forest, and its extent is not shown on the map. This is probably the Demon Forest. The eastern part of this continent seems to be mostly occupied by Demon Forest, and the map doesn't provide any further details beyond that.

The Monster Forest might stretch on without an end, and we might never truly know.

Still, looking at it again like this, I can't help but feel that this isn't really Earth. I wonder if it's because I used to see world maps quite often back in Japan.

As I pondered, Roger unfolded a map of this country.

"And here's the map of this country. The capital is here, and the Duke's territory extends to this area."

The map of this country was more detailed than the world map. The capital seemed to be slightly southwest of the country's center.

The Duke's territory was a vast area facing the sea, located southeast of the capital. The capital of the duchy was apparently also close to the sea.

Perhaps we'll get to enjoy seafood here! In this world, we've mostly been eating meat with only a little freshwater fish. I'm getting excited about this journey.

"Roger, have you ever been outside the capital?"

"No, I was born and raised in the capital, and I've never left this city. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to accompany Lord Leon to the Duke's territory this time."

As Roger said that, his expression softened. Oh! Seeing Roger with such a face, he must be genuinely looking forward to this trip.

I hope we can become good friends during this journey. After all, we will be together for a long time.

"I'd like to see the sea too."

"Yes! Oh, I apologize. I do have an interest in it..."

Roger seemed to answer reflexively, but I could tell he was trying to cover up something, his usual stoic facade faltering as he hurried. He must be really excited about seeing the sea.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Haha... I'll ask if we can see it."

"Yes, thank you."

Roger blushed slightly as he answered. It would be great if he could get more comfortable around us and drop the formalities.

I don't like being too rigid, after all.

After that, we leisurely drank tea while memorizing the map.

As evening approached, I finished my preparations and went to the dining hall, where I'm currently having dinner with Lord Richard, Lady Catherine, and Sir Frederick.

"Leon, we'll be leaving early tomorrow, so make sure to get enough rest tonight."

"Yes, thank you. Who will be accompanying you to the Duke's territory?"

I still hadn't asked who would be joining us.

"Oh, did I not tell you? Catherine, Frederick, and I will be going to the Duke's territory."

"I see. But, is your work okay?"

I thought Richard and Frederick couldn't take time off from work, so I assumed it would only be Catherine going with us.

"My work will be fine. In this country, we can take extended leave to return to the capital. It should be okay for a short while without me."

"There's such a convenient system here?"

"Yeah, even knights have that option. So this time, I can go with you. Well, I'll also be serving as your escort."

Frederick said that. Is there any danger on the way? I froze momentarily with the meat still on my fork.

"Is there something dangerous?"

"Not much, really. Just a precaution."

Oh, I see. That's good then. I resumed eating my meat with relief. Chew, chew... it's delicious.

"You'll be going to the capital to pick up Lucian, right? Do you have any other plans?"

"No, no special plans. I just thought of showing you around the territory. Is there anywhere you'd like to visit?"

They'll take me to places I want to see!? If that's the case, my answer is clear.

"I'd like to visit a town near the sea. I'm interested in seafood."

"In that case, let's go to the port town near the capital. They have fresh seafood there, and the food is incredibly delicious. I love it too."

"We're going there? I'm looking forward to it. The cuisine is exceptionally delightful."

Catherine seems to like it too! My expectations are rising.

Delicious seafood is the best!

By the way, once ice-making machines become popular, will we be able to enjoy seafood even in the capital? I wonder if it will still be good after being kept in ice for a few days.

No, it should be fine if it's stored in ice. I'm excited!

First, I'll enjoy the local seafood dishes. I almost drooled at the thought of a seafood barbecue.

It's dangerous, dangerous. Once I start thinking about it, there's no end. For now, I'll push all those delicious thoughts to the back of my mind.

"It's really exciting to know that there are such delicious dishes."

"Oh, please look forward to it."

With that, our pleasant dinner came to an end, and I went to bed early that night, falling asleep promptly.

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