
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Kỳ huyễn
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84 Chs

Chapter 38 Part 1

Idle Talk: Princess's Condition (Richard's Perspective)

I was truly astonished by yesterday's events. I never expected to witness such a miracle...

The physician had told me that Alban had only about four weeks left. To think that he could be cured in that instant.

There is no doubt that Leon-sama is an Apostle. Accomplishing such a divine-like feat... I still can't believe what I saw with my own eyes.

Yesterday's events were too shocking, and I couldn't sleep a wink. Well, anyone who witnessed such a sight would be the same. I must hurry to the palace and inform His Majesty.

Perhaps, the princess's life might be saved.

I woke up early, quickly prepared myself, and was about to head to the palace when someone knocked on my door.

When the servant opened the door, there stood Alban.

"Master, good morning. I apologize for coming so early."

"No, it's fine. But how's your health?"

"I came to report about that today. My condition has greatly improved, although my strength has declined. I sincerely appreciate your concern, and I will continue to serve with all my heart."

What...! You can work from today onwards!?

He was so frail yesterday... What an incredible effect.

But indeed, he hasn't regained his weight, but his complexion is better, and once he can eat normally, he should recover quickly.

"No, if you want to express your gratitude, tell Leon-kun. I haven't done anything."


"I am going to report yesterday's events to His Majesty, but he might ask to speak directly with you, Alban. If he does, would you be willing to come to the castle?"

"Yes. I have no objections."

"Alright, please be prepared for that."

Afterward, I arrived at the palace and quickly made my way to His Majesty's office.

"Your Majesty, good morning. There is something I would like to inform you promptly. May I have a moment of your time alone?"

Entering His Majesty's office, I immediately spoke.

"It's been a while since I've seen you so anxious, Richard. Everyone, could you please excuse us for a moment?"

With that, the room was cleared, and I sat facing His Majesty on the sofa.

"So, what's the matter? Why are you so flustered?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down and listen. Yesterday, Leon-sama came to the estate, and it seems he can cure illnesses with healing magic."

"Illnesses!? Is that true!?"

The Emperor stood up in astonishment. It's no wonder he is so surprised. Until now, there was no choice but to treat illnesses with herbs, and there were many diseases that couldn't be cured once contracted.

"Your Majesty, it's true. Our butler, Alban, had been suffering from high fever and cough, growing weaker each day. The physician said he had about four weeks to live. However, last night, Lord Leon used healing magic, and he made a complete recovery. Though he hasn't fully regained his strength, he said he could work by this morning."

"What... is it really possible?"

It's understandable to doubt it. I, too, can't fully believe it even after seeing it with my own eyes.

"It's natural to have doubts. However, I personally witnessed it with my own eyes."

"In that case... could Martine's illness also be cured?"

"I believe so, and that's why I've come to report to Your Majesty. When I asked Lord Leon, he said he wouldn't mind using magic if there's a request."

"Is that true!? Then where is Lord Leon? If such power were to become known, it would be very dangerous for Leon, who still doesn't have a proper status."

"Yes. To avoid any danger to Lord Leon as much as possible, I told him not to use magic unnecessarily. However, considering the power he showed yesterday, there is no doubt that he is an apostle. He might be able to resolve things on his own without us worrying. However, unexpected situations can occur, so we have increased security measures for Lord Leon."

"Ah, if it becomes known that illnesses can be cured, I don't know when and where he might be kidnapped. It would be wise to strengthen the security and keep an eye on Leon's family and relatives."

"I understand. So, how is Martine's condition?"

Martine is the first princess of this country and the same age as Lord Leon. Her twin brother is the first prince, Stefan.

I heard that Martine's health has been deteriorating since winter, and now she is in a condition where she can't even get up. It would be great if Lord Leon could heal her...

"Martine has been suffering from a high fever, severe nausea, and recently she can't even eat properly. The physician says it won't be long..."

The Emperor spoke with tears in his eyes.

I didn't realize her condition had progressed this far... I thought there was a little more time, but we should have Lord Leon see her as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, wouldn't it be best to have Lord Leon examine her immediately?"

"Ah, but is it possible to recover her from that state?"

"Your Majesty, it won't do for you to be so downhearted! We must encourage Lady Martine."

It's unlike His Majesty to be so downhearted. It must mean that Lady Martine is in a dangerous situation.

Perhaps it would be best to have Lord Leon come to the royal palace right away. As I was thinking that, His Majesty spoke with a determined look in his eyes.

"Yes, that's right. I want to invite Lord Leon to the palace. Can we have him come immediately?"

"Understood. I will go to the estate right away and return with Lord Leon."

"But how will we get him into the castle? We must try to be as inconspicuous as possible. It's impossible to go unnoticed when entering the Northern Palace."

The Northern Palace is the residence of the royal family.

In this palace, there are the central palace where the king's office and audience room are located, the eastern palace which is the main workplace of officials, the western palace which is the main workplace of knights, and the northern palace.

Among these, the Northern Palace has strict security, and the servants are not frequently changed, so it is immediately apparent when there is an outsider.

"To be as inconspicuous as possible, let's have me accompany Lord Leon as my apprentice attendant. If Lady Martine's illness is cured, we can't help but attract some attention. There may be others who can find their way to Lord Leon if they investigate, but let us protect him."

"Yes, that's a good plan. First, have Lord Leon come to this office with you. Then, we will guide him to the Northern Palace as my guest."

"Understood. I will return to the estate and bring Lord Leon."

"Ah, Richard, thank you."

His Majesty bowed his head to me.

"Your Majesty, please save your gratitude for when Lady Martine recovers and do something for Lord Leon."

"Yes, you're right. I'll rely on you."

I quickly left the office and returned to the estate. It was just past noon, so Lord Leon should be at the estate.

That's what I thought, but when I returned to the estate, I heard that Lord Leon had already left. It seems Roger took him in the Duke's carriage.

"When did Leon leave the estate!?"

"It hasn't been that long."

"Go after him and bring him back immediately, on horseback rather than by carriage. They'll understand if you tell them there's a request."


It seems the servant went after Lord Leon right away. I hope they can do it as quickly as possible.

But they can't go at full speed in the town. Even though a horse is faster than a carriage, it will still take some time.

Feeling restless, I waited for Lord Leon at the estate.