
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

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84 Chs

Chapter 24 Part 2

Idle Talk: The Mistake of the God (Mishurīne's Perspective)

"Oh no...! I failed to reincarnate the soul I brought from Earth. What a disaster~"

Why am I so unlucky!? I received a soul from Earth's Japan, thanks to Sherifī!

I even created a world that closely resembled my beloved Japan!

Well, because of the child I reincarnated as an apostle, the world turned out more like medieval Europe rather than Japan... It was a mistake in choosing the person.

Still, I was looking forward to its future development. If things continue like this, this world will be destroyed by monsters, and humans will face extinction again...

That won't do! I don't know when I'll accumulate enough divine power to create the next world. I have to go to Sherifī's place for now!

"Sherifī~! Help me! I failed to reincarnate the soul you gave me! What should I do?"

"Mishurīne, what do you mean you failed!? It's the soul I brought from my world. I told you to handle it with care!"

Sherifī is angry, her beautiful black hair in disarray. I shrink down and apologize.

"I'm sorry..."

Sherifī approaches me and starts rubbing my head.

"Ouch! Sherifī, it hurts~"

"It's your own fault, isn't it? Stay still and take your punishment."

"It hurts, it really hurts! I'm sorry~"

After desperately apologizing, Sherifī finally stops.

"So, why did you fail?"

"You see, there was a body in my world that perfectly matched that soul. Unfortunately, the person died at just the right moment when the soul was separated! Pulled by that body, the soul from Japan ended up entering it..."

"Is it possible for a different person's body and soul to match so perfectly? Is that true?"

"It's true. I don't lie, you know!"

In reality, I intended to reincarnate the soul from Japan as my apostle into a child of the royal family. But instead, it ended up in the body of a poor commoner...!

"If I recall correctly, your world is being invaded by the forest of monsters, and you wanted to reincarnate to help humans, right?"

That's right! I planned to explain everything in the divine realm and grant abilities before reincarnating them into the highest social status..."

"But you couldn't grant the abilities?"

"I managed to grant him full attribute magic and the ability to understand all languages. But I couldn't give him the divine item to communicate with me, so we can't contact each other. He was reincarnated as a poor commoner, and the purpose of the reincarnation hasn't been conveyed..."

I was supposed to keep in regular contact even after reincarnating and have him save the world under my guidance...

I intended to create a world that does not resemble medieval Europe, but instead, I wanted to bring it closer to Japan...

"How much time do you have until your world is invaded by monsters? How long will it take for you to be reincarnated again?"

"I only have a few decades left... It will be impossible to be reincarnated again in less than a few hundred years. I've used up most of my divine power, so I'm practically empty."

"What did you use that divine power for?"

"Well... since humans went extinct in the previous world and I really wanted a world with humans, I created another world. I used a lot of divine power to create the new world. Also, I wanted humans to be born quickly in the current world and I wanted an environment similar to Japan, so I made various adjustments and fast-forwarded time. That's why I've almost run out of divine power."

The world I created initially, where I gave magical power to all living beings, ended up exterminating humans by monsters. So I thought it would be enough to give magical power only to humans in the second world! Aren't I clever?

I imagined a country called Japan in Sheriffy's world, which I love, and created the world based on that. I worked really hard to make the vegetation similar. There are some differences due to the presence of magical power... like not creating rice, which became the cause of increasing monsters in the first world. Well, that's a trivial matter.

During the process, a child I reincarnated from Japan suddenly said they preferred medieval Europe instead of the Japanese style, and it was shocking to see them lose their Japanese-like qualities... But I still loved this world.

When I created this world, I made a mistake. It was more than 300 years ago when I finally realized that mistake...

Surprisingly... it seems that I connected the first failed world and this world through a small hole! Why did I make such a mistake...

That hole kept growing larger, allowing plants and animals to enter this world and creating a forest of monsters. There shouldn't have been any monsters in this world...

If things continue like this, humans will be destroyed by monsters, just like in the first world. So I dropped divine artifacts and books in this world to seal the hole. Don't you think I'm doing my best?

But no one was able to find the divine artifacts and the book, and by the time they were discovered, people who could understand that language had almost gone extinct due to wars, so no one could read the book.

In the end, the forest of monsters keeps expanding. I planned to reincarnate someone this time to seal the hole... What a failure.

"If there's nothing else we can do, then all we can do is pray for that person to take action and save the world, right? Besides, aren't demons cute? I wouldn't mind living in the demon world."

"I like humans! The human world is better! It's not Sherify's world if it's not the human world."

"I didn't try to make it the human world. It's just that in a world without magic, smart humans seem to come out on top. Couldn't Mishurine have created a world without magic?"

"But Sherify said it, didn't she? If there's no magic, the world will eventually perish."

"Well, that's true. When humans use energy other than magic, the world keeps breaking apart."

"That's why I wanted to prevent that and create a world with magic!"

That much was fine... But where did I go wrong? No, that's not it! I didn't make a mistake. I just had bad luck.

Enough with the regrets of the past. I need to think about what to do from now on... Anyway, what was the name again? Leon, right? I have no choice but to rely on Leon. I hope there's a way for me to contact him...

"Is there any way to contact him?"

"If it's divine guidance, you wouldn't need to use that much divine power, right?"

Sherify, that's it!

Yes! If it's divine guidance, I might be able to convey the message to Leon indirectly!

But wait... I'm not worshipped at all in this world... What should I do? After all, my divine power is empty, and I couldn't even give divine guidance.

"Sherify! I'm not worshipped at all in this world... What should I do?"

"What should you do? That's your own fault. Besides, I'm not worshipped either."

"Gods are just like that. I wonder if there's really nothing we can do... Do you think they would believe if I gave divine guidance?"

"Well, they probably won't believe it unless we take some time... For now, all we can do is watch. If it doesn't work, you can always come back to Earth for a visit."

"That would be nice, but I prefer my own world."

"Well, do your best then."

"You're not sincere!"

"Okay, okay. I'll make sure to get the next volume of the manga before I come to visit next time, so cheer up."

"Really!? I love you, Sherify!!"

"Come on, it's money we're talking about. Anyway, for now, all I can do is watch. It's time for you to go back to your own world soon."

Sherify waves her hand with a wry smile.

"Yes. But there must be something I can do. I will definitely save the humans!"

With that determination, I returned to my own world, Miyoulerute.