
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Kỳ huyễn
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84 Chs

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Clocks and Baths

After a graceful time spent in a luxurious carriage, I arrived at the Townsend Duke's estate.

The first thing that surprised me was the vastness of the grounds.

It took several minutes by carriage from the gate to the mansion. Along the way, I was able to see several buildings and beautiful gardens.

And the mansion itself was also surprising. I caught a glimpse of it through the window—it was a very large three-story building, incredibly spacious in both width and height.

"Leon, please follow behind me."

"Y-Yes! Understood."

Suddenly, I became nervous, and sweat started to form strangely.

The carriage door opened from the outside, and Lord Frederick stepped out first. Following his lead, I also got off the carriage.

"Welcome back, Lord Frederick."

"I'm home, Alban. This is Leon, my butler."

"I'm Alban. Nice to meet you."

"Y-Yes, nice to meet you too. I'm Leon."

When I returned the greeting, Mr. Alban looked slightly surprised and bowed his head.

In this world, people normally bow and give greetings. As a Japanese person, I find it familiar and comforting, but I wonder why there are so many similarities with Japan... Could it be related to me coming to this world?

"Leon, since you're here as a guest, feel free to inform either Alban or any other staff if you need anything."

"Yes, thank you."

"Now, the maid will guide you to your room."

"Ah, I see. I'll leave it to you. Leon, see you at dinner."

"Yes, see you at dinner."

I managed to greet them with a smile, but Lord Frederick is leaving?! I can't help but feel anxious about being left alone here?!

"Lord Leon, I'm Maid Anne. I will guide you to your room."

"It's Leon. Nice to meet you."

I bowed my head politely and greeted her. Anne seemed to be in her forties and had a gentle demeanor that suited the term "Madam."

"Well, well, please raise your head. Leon-sama is a guest, so there's no need to bow to the servants."

"But I'm a commoner..."

"Even so, you are still a guest. Now, this way to your room."

I followed Anne-san and walked to the guest room, but it was a series of surprises until we reached it.

First, the entrance was very spacious, with a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Each individual light bulb must be a hassle to turn on and off since they were using incandescent bulbs. There must be a mechanism for lowering the chandelier, but still, the number of bulbs was quite overwhelming.

Then, we passed through the entrance and climbed the stairs. The floor was entirely covered in soft carpet, making it comfortable to walk on.

The second-floor corridor was luxurious, with vases of flowers and paintings hanging on the walls.

I walked through the house, which felt like something I had only seen in stories, and finally reached the guest room.

"Leon-sama, here is your room."

"Thank you."

Anne-san opened the door and waited for me, so I stepped into the room.

In the space just inside the room, there was a low table and a sofa. The left side of the room was concealed by a partition, hiding whatever was behind it.

Curious, I peered over there and saw a bed, a small table, and two doors.

"Leon-sama, may I confirm your schedule for the rest of the day?"

"Yes, please do."

I hurriedly returned to Anne-san, who was near the entrance.

"Please have a seat on the sofa."

"Thank you. Anne-san, don't you sit?"

"I am a servant, so I cannot sit on the sofa in the guest's room."

"I see, I understand."

Being a noble's servant must indeed be tough...

"Now, regarding your schedule, there are about two hours until the dinner party. During that time, please take a bath, tidy your hair, and change your clothes."

"Wait a minute... How do you know it's two hours from now? Does this world have clocks!?"

"A clock? Yes, we have them. There are clocks in every room of this mansion. Also, the servants always carry small clocks with them."

Really!? I thought this world didn't have clocks. The fact that there isn't one at my house but there is here means that clocks must be expensive.

Wait, does this mean I can tell how many hours are in a day now!?

"Before we proceed with the schedule, may I ask a question? Do you have clocks here?"

"Clocks? Yes, we do. Here in this room."

Anne-san brought me the small table clock that was placed on the table next to the bed.

It's exactly like an Earth clock... It has numbers from one to twelve, and there are hour, minute, and second hands.

This is another similarity with Japan... Could it be that a day is also twenty-four hours here?

"Is it currently 16:05?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"A day has twenty-four hours, right?"

"Yes, but... what about it?"

"Oh, nothing. The clock seemed unusual, so I just wanted to make sure. Sorry for changing the subject."

This world has too many similarities with Japan. It feels somewhat contrived...

Well, anyway, it's good that there was a clock. I want to buy one as soon as possible.

"Now, would you like to take a bath first?"

"Where do you take a bath?"

"The door on the left there is the bath. The one on the right is the restroom."

"A bath!? There's a bath here!?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Can I use it!?"

"I would be troubled if you didn't. We need to prepare for the dinner party."

Yes!!!! Finally, I can take a bath! It's my first bath in a different world!

"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry. I'll go in now."

"Yes, allow me to assist you."

Assist...? Does that mean she'll wash me?

"No, I can bathe by myself!"

"But there are instructions on how to use the bath, and I cannot refrain from assisting."

Ugh... If she says so, I don't know how to use the bath in this world...

"Well, then, please help me."

"Yes, I'll assist you."

Anne-san opened the door and inside was a room like a changing area with long benches and tables.

Beyond the door at the back seemed to be the bath. I undressed and entered the bath area.

Anne-san wore something like a thick apron to keep her maid uniform dry and rolled up her sleeves.

Wow, it's been a while since I've taken a bath! The bath was big enough for about five people to stretch their bodies, and the surrounding area was covered with something like stone.

The bathtub was filled with plenty of hot water and steam clouded the air.

"Anne-san, how is the hot water made?"

"We fill the bathtub with tap water and then use magic from someone who can perform fire magic to raise the temperature to a suitable level."

"I see, thank you very much."

Are you using magic to do this? But to heat this water, you need at least three units of fire magic, right? So, does that mean you hired a bath attendant specifically for the bath?

I thought that since I could create water on the verge of freezing with water magic, I might be able to make hot water as well, but it didn't get any hotter than room temperature. I think it's probably because water magic alone isn't enough to heat it... Magic is still something I don't really understand.

"Do you have a dedicated bath attendant?"

"No, that's not the case. We prioritize hiring servants who possess at least level three fire magic, especially for the lower positions. Fire magic cannot be substituted with magical tools, you see."

So they prioritize hiring them... I guess nobles really like baths.

If it were me, I could easily make hot water with water and fire magic, but I don't have a bathtub... I don't even have a place to install something like that... Besides, bathtubs are probably really expensive...

Having a bath is impossible at my place. Besides, my whole family would probably say they don't need something so bothersome...

As I was thinking about such things, Anne-san brought a chair for me.

"Please have a seat, Leon-sama."

There was a chair of a size that seemed to match the dining table, so I sat down on it.

Once I was seated, Anne-san scooped hot water from the bathtub with a bucket and poured it slowly over my body and head.

It feels so amazing. Since there's no shower, I have to pour hot water with a bucket.

This would be really difficult without someone to help...

"Anne-san, do all nobles have maids assist them when taking baths?"

"Everyone receives assistance while bathing, but starting from around the age of eight, boys are assisted by their attendants, while girls are assisted by maids. For the young children, the maids assist them."

"I'm eight years old though..."

"I am aware of that. However, there isn't an available attendant at the moment, and since you are still eight, I am the one assisting you. Would it have been preferable to have an attendant?"

"No, it's fine."

I thought she was quite elderly, but it seems there are tasks like this as well.

"Now I will apply soap to your hair and wash it. Please close your eyes."


It feels so good. It's like having my hair washed at a salon... I'm getting sleepy...

"How are you feeling?"

"It feels great."

"I'm glad to hear that. I will rinse it now."

Aah, that felt good...

"Do you wash yourself?"

"Yes, I do it myself."

"Then I will wait outside. Please take your time."

I wet the cloth, applied soap, and vigorously washed my entire body. Although I occasionally performed purification rituals, nothing beat actually washing myself.

After thorough washing, I scooped water into a bucket and rinsed off, then immersed myself in the bathtub.

"Ahh, this feels amazing."

It had been a while since I last took a bath. Soaking in a large amount of hot water was truly delightful... Being a noble is the best.

After thoroughly enjoying the bath, I returned to the dressing room.

There, Anne-san had prepared towels and water for me. I wiped my body, took a sip of water, and put on something like a bathrobe that was placed there.

"Did you relax?"

"Yes, it was very refreshing."

"That's good to hear. May I assist you with changing clothes and setting your hair?"

"That's fine, but... I don't have any other clothes with me."

"Lord Leon has prepared clothes for you to wear for the dinner party. Please change into them."

They even prepared clothes for me!? It feels like I'm receiving too much... I don't think I'm competent enough to meet such expectations.

Please change clothes here.

Saying so, the clothes handed to me were vibrant in color, made with abundant fabric, and had an excellent texture, clearly appearing expensive.

I'm too afraid to ask how much these clothes cost...

When I wore them, they fit perfectly and felt incredibly comfortable. I didn't provide my size, and in fact, I don't even know my own size, yet the fit was right... Let's not think too much about it.

"It suits you very well. Now, please have a seat in this chair."

"Yes, thank you."

It was a dressing table with a mirror hanging on the wall.

For the first time, I saw my own face clearly. I had seen my reflection on the water's surface many times, but never this vividly.

Indeed, I have beautiful blond hair and amber-colored eyes... My face is also well-proportioned. It's unbelievable that this is me. As a Japanese person, my face was plain, like anyone else you'd come across, so the contrast is striking.

"Now, let me tidy up your hair a bit with some wax."

"Yes, please."

Anne-san parted my bangs slightly, shaping my hair with the wax.

"Finished. It's about time, so I will escort you to the dining hall."

"Thank you, please lead the way."

With a hint of nervousness about meeting the members of the duke's family, I mustered up the courage and stood up.