

'Take a sip from my secret portion, It's a spell that can't be broken', She said forcing a drop into my mouth. 'What did you do to me', Rek cries in confusion 'It's called black magic', She replies as she laughs maniacally. I wake up to find out my dog was missing but in his bed was a handsome man claiming to be my adorable pet dog. My pet dog is an alpha werewolf All I needed was that someone Who gets me like no one else Right when i needed it the most We all need a soul to rely on A shoulder to cry on A friend through the highs and the lows And I found you.'luna says wiping her tears as she tries to make Rek stay awake a bit longer". I'm not gonna make it alone I need you for you are the only one that can help break this curse', he replied gazing into Luna's eyes as he falls into a deep sleep.

Bridget_Goretti · Thành thị
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9 Chs

First of Noon

My name is luna. First of all note this, I don't believe in werewolves and vampires, because I think they're myth and they're all just imaginations of a writer.

My parents named me Luna because of the stories behind my birth. They were married for seven years without a child and my mother was beginning to fear my dad would have kids outside with another woman. They had traveled miles to meet with different doctors. Series of tests were carried out but all led to one answer which was that my parents were totally both fine, they fixed countless appointment for IVF PREGNANCY but at the end of it all to no avail.

My mom would spend her night time crying and making wishes to the stars and she fell in-love with the moon. She became a Selenophile. She said she loves the moon because aside being bright, it stays the same, yet changes and it reminds her that she was not truly alone.

One morning she said she woke up feeling nauseous and sickish but she thought it was a normal regular sickness but it persisted for days and they called in for the family doctor. she wasn't raising her hopes high so she was just expecting some drugs to feel better just to get the great news that she was pregnant.

During the pregnancy she would be seen at night watching the moon and she felt more alive and I'll kick whenever she admired the moon and so she decided to name me Luna. Goddess of the moon.

I really don't like my name because I am frightened of the moon instead. once I read about werewolves shapeshifting during the full moon it scares me more. I know it isn't real but my neighbors dog would bark at night especially if it's a full moon and it would disturb my beauty sleep and sometimes it felt like something or someone was coming so it scares me. If I join the army and I get to have a gun am taking that dog. I am just joking.

My favourite thing to do is write and speak to myself, I don't have siblings because I'm the only child and I don't have friends. Don't get it wrong, I have friends but not a close one that I enjoy speaking and spending my time with. No one understands me really.

I love dogs and I can't wait to start saving by Christmas to get myself a cute puppy even though my parents don't like dogs. Now you know why I never had a pet. But this time I'm getting myself one and I am old enough to make my own decision now so they have no choice but to respect it.

I use to love this dog, his name was Jacky but he was owned by a neighbor in my old house. we were soo connected and he listens to me and obeys me even more than his owner. The most terrible experience I ever had to pass through was when my parent sold the house and we had to leave the country to where we are now. Years passed and I still can't get over Jacky.

My deepest secret is that I sleep walk.

Sleep walking is when one sleeps and walk around and sometimes perform other actions while asleep.

My dad would say."apparently, people who sleepwalk often make for the wardrobe". but not in my case. You may want to know what causes it but according to research, sleep walk can be Hereditary, meaning the condition may run in families or Lack of sleep or extreme fatigue. my doctor says it's Interrupted sleep or unproductive sleep. But with the help of the drugs which doesn't even work I still get to pop my head on the walls and waking up next morning to get a swollen head but it doesn't happen everyday because the drugs are now improved so most times I fall instead. I know I am sacastic too.

Last I remember I fell into the pool while sleep waking, but luck on my side my parents were by the pool having their romantic dinner so I got lucky. But don't worry it's not happening again because the main entrance doors are now always closed and I get extra monitored.

You may want to know if I have a boyfriend but what if I told you I don't.

I am every guys dream girl. I guess it's one of the qualities of being named Luna, with my glowing skin and beauty.

My dark hairs long to the length of my waist and my glowing blue eye lense and to top it all up my pink lips and pointed nose. But I just haven't met the one my heart beats for.

Well there's this guy, his name is Raphael, everyone thinks we're perfect match but the truth is I see Raphael as just a friend. He gets me gifts and takes me for shopping and dinner date but the truth is I still don't feel any connection and I always pray that he doesn't confess his feelings just yet because I don't want to be held responsible for his heart attack. my phone is ringing and i am very sure it's him, calling to fix another date.

I still haven't met the right one, I know the cool kids did their own things but i was always at the outside. I was there but I wasn't and I never really cared if I wasn't. I just need someone to rely on, and I just need a shoulder to cry on but there's just no one. None gets me it's just like I live in a different world.

I'll be eighteen by December and speaking of that I get excited not because of my new puppy but the fact that I'll be preparing for college.

Speaking of companion, lately I've been checking Amazon for puppies. I know it's funny but I still don't get why they don't sell puppies online. But I plan to take a long walk to the pet store after school tomorrow to see if I can see one for myself atleast to know the price.

Can someone just tell Raphael to stop ringing, i still don't get, doesn't he see the handwriting on the walls. Don't blame me for still accommodating him, I am just a nice fellow and so he is and atleast I still get those ice-creams and lovely treats.

Other girls happiness are make-ups, getting the latest Gucci handbags, getting their first tattoo and piercings but my happiness is food, snacks and junks. And I say to myself 'We aren't same sis'!.

Most of my mate in school had dated up to four times in conclusions they have ex'es when I don't even a boyfriend. it's funny though but believe me it's the least of my worries. I just want to live a simple and happy life still being lonely.

Finally the phone stopped ringing, I thought I'll never get a minute silence.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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