
The demon lord, the daughter of a witch, and the mysterious voice

While Casandra is driving the wagon, I started to realize that I haven't enjoyed a single thing in Camelot and Flabeis. Since I always chase that mysterious voice to know the answer behind my summoning in this world, I couldn't just wander around like I am on a carefree adventure. I really hate that part in me where curiosity will get ahead of me so I started to have a goal which to enjoy myself in this world's various cities and culture. 'I don't even know if I will be sent back on Earth, I hope I won't that's probably the worst' I smiled wryly while pondering these thoughts. Aki seemed to notice my unusual facial expression and smiled back. As I stare at her, I still have my doubts, I still couldn't believe that this is Aki. I don't know if I am over-reacting but I just couldn't bring myself to believe. That question she spoke, "Do you believe in a world of a happy ending?" really make my emotion gone haywire, 'is it loneliness?' or 'is she really Aki?' I don't have proof so I will just believe her.

Aki seems worried so she asks me "Are you still thinking about that mysterious voice?"

"Yes, I really want her to answer all of my questions" I smiled to quell her worry

"Well to be honest I am looking forward to it too," Aki replied

"It's almost getting dark! Should we camp out here?" Casandra shouted. Her attitude really becomes a fully pledge adventurer, her martial arts and magic is getting better too. She could be the best match for a mid-tier magical beast in my perspective. She is also good at controlling horses, as expected of a demon lord's daughter. "I hope her mother wouldn't think of us as her kidnapper" I murmured silently but Aki heard.

"I'm sure it will be alright" She replied while smiling

"Hey what are you both talking about? Are you listening?" Aki peeks through the curtain and asks.

"Ah sorry, good idea Casandra let's do that." I replied to her then started talking "I just realize this but this wagon is pretty neat, it hardly even shakes and it is comfortable." The wagon is basically a rectangular design that fits 8 people including the coachman, in short, you can fit 6 people in the carriage and 2 people in the coachman seat. There is a cloth curtain that separates the coachman seat and carriage. The door also is a cloth which you can just roll to view the scenery. There is also a window but there is no glass, it is just basically a frame, I wonder why? As we are preparing to camp Aki suddenly turned to me and

"It's pretty comfortable, isn't it?!" Aki smug and her expression said 'Praise me more'

"Yeah but you wasted 1 lotus coin" I sighed

"Wait this wagon is 1 lotus coin?!" Casandra is shock

"See, even Casandra is shocked, This is clearly expensive" I sighed again

"You're both meanies!" She pouted

"By the way Aki, How's our supply?" I ask

She immediately checks the back of our carriage and told me "We can manage for now, but not tomorrow"

"I see, I will hunt more food, you both refill our water in the river and create a campfire, also don't forget to feed the horses. If you find yourself in trouble throw a flash spell in the sky, I will immediately run back." I told them. They should be fine considering Aki is an A-rank adventurer and Casandra is the daughter of a demon lord.

"OK!" They both agreed to my order. Then I run through the forest hunting edible magic beast or wild animals.

As I wander deep inside the forest, without a shed of moonlight, I notice a light source. "Is there someone living in this forest?" I murmur quietly. As I follow the light source, I found myself in a wagon that seems to be a prison for slaves and I can hear people talking.

"Why did they let that girl escape?!" The person in robe yelled

"W-When I-I arrive they are all d-dead" The bandit-looking guy with a great sword in his back replied cowering

"Useless fools! Did you get the information on who did this?!"

"T-They said it is a D-rank adventurer but it can't be so I presume a knight from Camelot"

'Are they talking about me and those filthy scums who kidnapped Casandra?' I thought

The robed man issued an order to the bandit-looking guy but I couldn't hear what he ordered. He then turned to the carriage and speak. "Your kingdom is going down princess and I will sure to take my time enjoying our little relationship" The man laughs creepily towards the princess that got held captive.

"You filthy scum! Traitor!" The princess yelled but I couldn't see her face

'Is he the only one in here? He sure has some confidence walking alone with a captured princess' I thought

"Well then before anything else I'll enjoy your body first!" The creepy robe man goes inside the carriage.

"I guess there is no point in me dawdling here. Gotta help the damsel in distress" I murmured silently. I silently walk slowly, turned off the light source, then crept up behind the robed man, and cast sleeping magic. The man suddenly falls so I catch him so that he won't make any noise. I gesture to the princess to keep quiet, I gently put the man and walk towards the princess.

I gently smile towards her and ask. "Are you ok princess? Can you tell me your name?"

"Who are you?!" She panic but I cover her mouth to make her avoid unnecessary noise. I couldn't see her face properly because there is no light but she looks pale so I guess she got held captive for 2 days without getting any proper nutrients.

I whisper in her ears gently. "It is ok I am an adventurer" I showed her my plate "I'll help you get out but first you got to stay quiet ok? Trust me." I release my hand covering her mouth and showing her a gentle smile.

"O-Ok" She replied quietly. I carried her in piggyback. while I drag the sleeping man. She seems flustered but I reassured her. "Don't worry princess, you are physically and mentally tired, you need to rest." 'Damn those things are touching me, they're so soft!' I thought while slowly turning back inside the forest.

I quietly ask her. "Is there anyone around besides this creepy man?"

"Yes, but I heard that the other captive escape so they send reinforcement, the ones who remain are that traitor, the bandit who ran earlier, and his 2 subordinates." She replied quietly

'It seems the two dead body I found earlier was the body of those 2 subordinates she is talking about.' I thought. When I was hunting, I smell a foul stench so I followed it, I found a herd of Fanged Rabbit feasted 2 corpses in the ground. Then I catch every Fanged Rabbit that feasted upon the corpse, after that is history. "They really make a good bait though" I speak sarcastically

"Huh?" She replied confused

"Nevermind. Do you know this creepy guy? You called him a traitor earlier"

"Yes that guy is a viscount in the Kingdom of Tristain, He serves the king of Tristain since I was still a child. I don't know what happened but he suddenly changes his attitude, his greed worsens as Tristain grew larger. His name is Zaldra Delisle"

"Does the king know about this?" I ask

"Unfortunately no. I don't even know why he is doing this, he even forces his son to marry me, now he is forcing me to be his wife, he even tried to rape me earlier" She cried

'Ugh, no wonder, his name really spells bad luck. Zaldra? What the hell is that name, that sounds like a corrupt noble that wanted to make a worldwide harem. I'm sorry for the good-hearted people who are named Zaldra though.' I thought. I pat her head "Don't worry I'll return you to your father, I promise"

"Thank you so much! I owe you my life" She cried. I wipe her tears then we arrive at our wagon. I know that she is a princess but I don't know her name so I immediately start the introduction.

I face Aki and Casandra while eating and then "So guys, this girl is a princess. Princess, can you tell them your name?"

"U-U-Uhh right" She was shocked by the fact that I am not a lone adventurer but she regained her composure. I put her down then she gently bows and picks up the hem of her tattered dress elegantly. "Nice to meet you, I am Sestia Tristain, daughter of Tristan Tristain, The king of Tristain"

Aki and Casandra began to splurt their tea. Aki began to stand and shaking, then kneel in front of the princess."W-w-what are you doing in this dangerous place princess? You are hurt! Hey Rei! Cast recovery and healing magic!" But Casandra handles the situation well. "Hello Princess, I am Casandra Fislow, daughter of Aishalem Fislow, the queen of Animalia"

'Wait, huh? did I mishear a thing? or misunderstand something? I need to ask Casandra' I thought then turns to Casandra "What do you mean queen Casandra? Is the demon lord also a queen?" From what I heard from Reese. demon lords are individuals that can rival the gods from the Higher Echelon to maintain the balance. 'I don't know where the hell is the balance knowing there are 2 groups that can destroy this world if a war between both sides broke out.' She said that "everyone has territories, some goes wandering around the world, and some excluded themselves from wherever the heck they think of. They always hold meetings to maintain mutual interaction but I don't know the rest of it." I never thought that one of the demon lords is a queen.

"Huh? You didn't know? Geez! We've been traveling for days and you don't know it?" Casandra replied while making a mocking face.

"Rei, you really are dense" Aki replied. 'What's with that look you both?! I just arrive in this Fantasy world?!' I sighed. "Nevermind that Rei! Quickly apply magic in her!" Aki ask me hesitantly

"Yeah, yeah relax" I quickly apply my recovery magic and healing magic to regain her stamina. Given both their attitude and reaction, she seemed to be an important person. I still can't understand the noble system.

Aki also gave her food so I quickly warn her. "Princess, it may not be delicious compared to the cuisine of nobles but you need to eat"

"You can just call me Siesta since you save my life but I didn't hear your name" She replied while accepting the food with a smile

"My name is Kamiya Rei. You can just call me Rei. As you heard earlier I am an adventurer that is why it is disrespectful for me to call you by your given name without honorifics." 'Is that enough for a respectful introduction?' I thought.

"No it is ok, really, you've saved my life from that traitor" She replied to me.'I think she's the type of person who supports "Equality" on earth.' She then turns to Aki, "May I ask your nam-" She suddenly cuts her name and taking a good look at Aki then speaks with a surprised expression "Oh the Sword Maiden! No wonder you look familiar." It seems she knows about Aki.

Aki gently bow "I am honored that you know me, I am Ashel Leaflet, you can call me Aki"

I stared at the princess, she has platinum white long hair, she has blue eyes, and wearing a tattered dress, it seems she runs from a party. I think she and Casandra have the same age, ranging from 17-19 but one of the forbidden actions is asking for a girl's age.

Princess Siesta notice my gaze. so she asks "Is something wrong Rei?"

I quickly replied "I wonder what is our plan right now, to be honest, Casandra also got abducted by bandits so I promised her to return her. Can you give me the map Aki?" Aki gets the map and quickly gives it to me, I cast a light spell to illuminate the map. "The Kingdom of Tristain is here, the Capital City of Animalia is here, both kingdoms are on the opposite side. Since we are in the south of Flabeis, the most logical action is to go in Animalia but....." I face Princess Siesta, she quickly knows what I am thinking.

"It is okay Rei, We can just go to Animalia and ask the queen to deliver a letter to Tristain"

"Is it okay Casandra?" I turned to Casandra

"Yep, it is okay!" She quickly gave her thumbs up

"We still have 10 days before we arrive, your family will be worried," 'I am really worried, she is a princess, right? What if her family will mark us wanted?' I thought. I am making a worried expression but Princess Siesta reassures me.

"Relax Rei, you save my life and that is the fact, I will explain the situation as thorough to not leave a misunderstanding, I promise to reward you for saving me" She flashes her smile towards me. I can see it in her expression, she is not lying.

"Yep Rei, me too, I'll tell my mom how both of you and Aki save me! She will also give both of you a reward!" Casandra also reassures me.

"Well, I guess I'm over-reacting" I smiled then turned to Zaldra "So what will we do in this creepy man?"

"Let's just leave him here, He will become food for magical beast soon" Aki glared at the sleeping man

"Aki is right!" Casandra also accepts the idea of Aki

Siesta is making a worried expression so I ask her "Princess Siesta? What is your plan? He is the man who captured you"

Princess Siesta sighed "I leave the decision to you Rei"

"Ok" I glared at the sleeping man while smiling. 'It's torture time, I'll make you spill everything! Hehehehehe'

"Eeek! Rei is making another scary expression"

"I'm sorry, creepy man or whoever you are" Aki tried to hide behind Princess Siesta while Casandra prays in front of Zaldra while saying sorry.

Princess Siesta looks at me with a scared expression "U-U-Uhm Rei what will you d-d-do to h-h-him?"

"Stop it! I am just gonna interrogate him! I don't plan to do anything brutal!" 'Yes! I am just gonna make him spill every plan they have! I am a good man!' I thought then grab the sleeping man "If you'll excuse me, I'll ask him nicely inside the forest. Hehehehehehe" I quickly drag him inside the forest. I tied him in a tree then undo the sleeping magic.

"W-W-Where am I?!"

"Oh good morning old man, oh I forgot, we are in the middle of the night"

"Who are you?!"

"Old man stop shouting you are making my ears burst"

"H-H-Help me here, I'll give you anything, position, status, woman, money, anything you want!"

"Oh what a nice proposition! Can you give me one thing?"

"I-I see, Ok then anything you want!"

"Then information, why did you capture the princess?" I pluck one of his fingers

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He cried, scream and squirm. His voice echoed inside the forest. The night continued with an endless scream. I continued to pluck his fingers until he spills the information. I manage to get the gist of it, their plan. 'Now I'll just give this information to Princess.' I thought then once again I face the half-dead old man. "It is not the king who is falling old man but your life." I quickly returned to the camp only to find them asleep. I wake up Aki to have her patrol "It is your turn now Aki"

"U-Uhh Rei? O-O-Ok" the half-asleep Aki goes outside the wagon and washes her face in the river. I go inside the wagon and get a good night's sleep.

When morning arrives, I waked up from the shaking of the wagon. 'It seems I woke up late, his voice really gave me nightmares' I thought. I quickly greeted them with a good morning. The princess look at me.

"What did you do to Zaldra? Did you get anything last night?" She asks

"Yes, it seems they are planning to overthrow the kingdom of Tristain but it seems something's missing. Their plan is really half-assed so I assume there is someone who knows the whole thing and just playing the strings." I explained to her.

"So he really is getting controlled. But who is it?"

"He doesn't know the identity of the person but he said that Casandra is one of his plans"

Casandra peeks through the curtains and giving a shocked expression. "What?! Me?!"

I showed her a pendant with a symbol of a joker juggling skulls with an ancient rune looking in the side. "Do you perhaps recognize this?"

"Uhm, No" Princess Siesta gives her reply

"That looks familiar but I can't remember where" Casandra is confused while remembering the symbol.

"It is okay, we can ask your mother about it I bet she knows this"

Aki suddenly shouted, "Uhmmmm guys, we are surrounded!"

I quickly use my original spell Locate. Locate is a spell I created by using the method of SONAR, it is the same as echolocation but I use wind magic. "They have 53 people, how did they find us?"

"That pendant must have enchanted with Track Magic" Casandra analyzes the pendant

"What?! They have GPS?" I replied

"GPS? What is that?" Siesta asks with a confused expression

"Yes, it is like GPS. Track Magic is one of the enchanting magics, it traces the magic wavelength of the tracked ones, some also use it for assassination. You need to meet the requirement to track someone. " Aki explained

"Can you fight them, Aki?"

"I can but it will be hard, I sense an ominous magic power that can surpass an S-rank" She replied

"How many?"

"Just one"

"You are not wrong, milady" He suddenly appears in front of us and suddenly bows. A butler with a curvy black mustache, he has long white hair which is tied into a ponytail. he has a pin with a black clover design. "Nice to meet you, I am one of the Faces, Jack, Jack of all trades, master of none. I humbly ask to return both of the princesses to us"

I turned to Casandra and Siesta "Do you know him?" They both shake their head.

"It seems they don't know you, sir, sorry but you better give up" I glare towards him

"Oh? A human threatening me? Interesting, sorry gentleman but giving up is not in my vocabulary"

I gently whisper "Aki protect them, I'll handle this guy" I draw my long sword and jump outside the wagon. "Come on man, I am in the middle of my journey please stop disturbing me"

"Young man, you don't need to throw away your life. There is always a fine line between brave and stupidity" He shows his smugness with great confidence

"Really? You're really confident in your strength, for me you are just an old man, you need to retire from fighting"

I can see his nerves bulging in his temple. "You! I hate your attitude young man I really will kill you" He charged at me with a kitchen knife.

"What a hot-tempered old man, you really need to sit down" I dropkick him in his shoulder to make him kneel

"YOU!" He suddenly cast magic "Jack of all trades: Variety, Jack of all trades: Recreate, Jack of all trades: Keen sense" I jump to get away from him. After the magic, he suddenly smiles at me "Don't expect to live long young man, you already throw it" He then charges at me with different kinds of weapons he summoned. He is using every weapon to stab, decapitate, slash, and cull me, he is also faster than before.

'His fighting style is really odd it seems like freestyle without beauty, if this is painting, he is just throwing everything to create an image' I thought. "Now you're going all out, old man? Make sure that you have enough energy okay?" He charges at me while throwing, slashing everything at me. If I regain my distance he will quickly shorten it, he just doesn't give me space. "You're really persistent old man"

"I really hate that attitude in you!" He quickly cast magic "Jack of all trades Reverse: Mastery of One" He then equips the kitchen knife earlier then slashes it towards me. I dodge but, the slash quickly made a fissure in the ground, slashes every tree, recreating the landscape, it is going towards the wagon where Aki and the girls are. 'Shit' I tried to go towards the wagon but Jack stops me. The slash arrives at the wagon creating a huge smokescreen. I lost my composure worrying about them.

Jack found an opening, quickly stab me in the stomach, and sent me flying. "Speechless aren't you? You are not getting anywhere" He laughs at me

"REI!!!!!!" The girls yelled

'Ahh, they're okay, that is a blunder on my part. I am really scared of losing someone once again. I should really trust their strength. It seems they completely defeat everyone'

Jack is walking towards me. "Look, young man, you're cheering squad is cheering for you to go in the afterlife" Jack raises his summoned long sword "Goodbye young man, it really is nice fighting you" When he tries to stab me I close my eyes then I heard the sound 'Clang' when I open my eyes I found Aki, Siesta, and Casandra defending me. They exchange blows but the girls are getting beaten. Then I closed my eyes again.


After the exchange of blows, the girls are gasping for air. Even Aki the Sword Maiden cannot hold a candle to Jack. Jack is walking slowly towards them "Madam, it is better to give up already, the young man already gave up, you can't defeat me, just hand over them!" He pointed at both Princess Siesta and Casandra while yelling. Aki and Casandra tighten their grip on their sword while their lower body is shaking. Princess Siesta is also cowering in fear. "Now just give up and I'll make sure your death is painless!"

Someone suddenly launches towards Jack in a blink of an eye gripping his head then slamming it to the ground. Even Jack got caught off guard even with his Mastery of One is activated "Shut up old man, you're disturbing my sleep." When they heard the voice of a man they suddenly showed a bright smile. Their trust towards the man is bigger since that man saved all of them, for them that man is literally their knight in shining armor, little did they know, that man is a smiling demon in the body of a human. "You'll make sure their death is painless? I'll be doing that job towards you old man"

"Y-Y-You are still alive?!!" Jack is shocked when he sees a smiling man who pummeled him on the ground. It is Rei, the one who forces him to use his Mastery of One, his trump card, a demon lord ascension that can even rival the gods, more of it he survived the attack.

"Who told you I'm dead, old man?" Rei smiled towards him "You really got me there, old man. You really make me lose my guard by aiming at the girls but you made a huge mistake. As long as I am here none of us will gonna die" Rei is smiling but his eyes weren't. The oozing bloodlust he emits is the same as his master. A laughing joker flash inside his mind and then as instinct Jack suddenly thrust his kitchen knife towards Rei then jumps away to create a distance between them.

He is quivering when he faces again the smiling man called Rei. He felt fear. While the man is walking towards him, he can't even move his body. "Y-Y-You! Just who are you?!!!" He asks while quivering. He wanted to escape but he cannot find a way to.

"Shut up old man, I'll make this painless" Rei flashed a grin towards Jack and suddenly appearing before his eyes. Jack cannot react in time and gets beaten by a bunch of blows in every distance. Siesta and Casandra look confused by the fighting style of Rei but Aki knows about it, it is Muay Thai, a martial arts from the earth that specialize in Gripping, Punching, Kicking, Footwork. With his body enhanced, Muay Thai becomes perfect in the eyes of Aki. As the chain of blows continues his body cannot withstand further anymore, then the recoil of Mastery of One greatly damages his body. Jack loses his consciousness while standing. "Old man you really piss me off." With the last blow, Rei suddenly raises his leg and uses a dropkick in the nape of Jack breaking his spinal cord.

Siesta and Casandra are hesitant to go towards Rei because of fear and trust contrasting but Aki knows Rei better, She knows that Rei will never change his attitude when it comes to protecting the ones he loves, that when he sets his goal he is determined to finish it. That is why Aki approach Rei but even she knows Rei she is still cowering in fear towards him. "U-Uhm Rei... N-Nice fight!" She smiled wryly, didn't know what to say.

Rei suddenly changes his expression, from a fearful to comforting one, and then faces Aki "Thank you, I am glad you guys are okay." The mood quickly changes making Siesta and Casandra approach him with relief.

"Nice fight Rei! You're really are strong! Teach me more okay?!"

"Y-Y-You really are strong Rei, you should join the Tristain knight order"

"No fair Siesta! Rei join our knights! You can even become a noble with your strength" Both of them congratulate Rei with a big smile on their face, even offering him a position.

He flashed them a smile and said "Hahahaha stop joking like that, you can't just throw a high position randomly." But Aki knows that smile, it is the same as the first time they met, a smile with the hint of sadness and loneliness. "Is he really okay?" Aki quietly muttered silently without them noticing.

"Now guys let's continue our journey!"

"YES!" Both Siesta and Casandra agree to Rei

Rei suddenly faces Aki and asks "Are you okay Aki?"

"Y-Yes" Aki replied to him with a smile. 'You are the one who is not okay Rei, I can see it' She thought but she neverminds it and changes into a cheerful expression "Let's go continue our journey, we are getting late!" Then they all head forward to their wagon that is battered because of the fight.


In a dimly lit castle, there's a person who keeps laughing while sitting on the chair in the throne room. "Kekekekekek, the magic of Jack disappeared, he must be defeated Kekekekeke," Said the mysterious person sitting on the chair.

A woman appeared in a beautiful red dress, she has long blonde hair fixed by a clip with a red heart as design, she has a white mantle covering her. She also carries a yellow flower that looks like a dandelion. "My lord. it seems he got beaten to death or got captured by an unknown man, but don't worry he is the weakest so that means the person who defeats him must be weak" The woman said

"You must not underestimate your foe, Queen, you should never" A well-figure man with short blonde hair, is wearing a crown that is studded by 8 diamond jewels, he wears a white polo with a red cape and leather brown pants that is tightened by a belt with a diamond design carrying a saber."Someone dispose of Zaldra and Jack huh? What should we do Ace?"

"Why would you ask me?" A slim man suddenly appeared from a shadow in the ceiling, a person who has white hair, he is covered in a white shoal with spades as a design that flutters in the air while he lands on the ground like a cat, He has a scar that is slightly peeking in his shoal. He is wearing a black shirt and pants. he wears white gloves and a black ring. "So what will we do now Joker? should we deploy the Numbers and chase them?"

The moonlight suddenly illuminates the chair, there sits a demon, with a black and white jester hat, He has a pale white face with eyes that has a cross shape, he is grinning ear to ear, he has very red lips just like from a lipstick. He has the clothing of a jester. He is holding 5 cards. "Kekekekekeke, He even uses Mastery of One huh? he really wastes some of our souls"

"WHAT?!" King and Queen are surprised. No wonder they are surprised, every Faces have a trump card, which is to absorb souls or grudges from human beings. When the condition is met, they will evolve into a demon lord that can rival a god.

"Do you know who is the one who defeats him, Joker? Is it a god, angels, or valkyries?!" Ace asks Joker. They are scared. If gods will intervene their plans will really fail, The plan to break the balance in this world but the laughing Joker will never give up because for him it is entertainment.

Joker throws the cards he is holding "Kekekekekeke, I don't know. Even if gods, angels, valkyries will intervene, I'll just play with them, after all, I was born to enjoy things Kekekekekekeke" Then the joker summoned his scythe and cuts one of the pillars near him. He is clearly angry, even he is laughing, his eyes weren't. "Kekekekeke, now then, enigmatic person. LET'S PLAY!!!!!!!" The Joker's yell echoed throughout the castle. Little did they know that the mysterious man who disposes of Zaldra and Jack already connected the dots.


In the morning we arrive at a village in the south of Flabeis by following the path near the river. After the forest, we arrive at a huge plain. There is a road from the forest that connects to the village. As we drive towards the village we notice how huge the farmlands are. Then we arrive at the gate, we notice how happy the villagers are, they also have different races, Elves, Demonkins, and Beastmans, there are also dark elves. I don't know the difference so I asked Aki.

"What is the difference between Elves and Dark Elves?"

"The elves are races that are open to humans, we also have a huge affinity for wind and nature magic which is derived from Earth Magic while Dark Elves are nomadic, they are rare when it comes to town but you can find them in mountains and forests. They also have a huge affinity towards Dark Magic, Earth Magic, and Light Magic" Aki explained

"Ohhh Light and Dark Magic? That's pretty rare" I replied

"Well your Soul Magic is also rare, I don't even know where you learned it, nobody even uses it"

'Well the Dragon of death and destruction uses it' I thought

"Wait you can use Soul Magic Rei?!" Princess Siesta suddenly jumps in front of me. "Can I see it?!"

'Oi your face is too close, your eyes are even sparkling' I thought as I distance myself from her

"Sorry for my rude behavior" Princess Siesta calmed down and sits again

"May I ask? What is Soul Magic?" Casandra suddenly butted in

"Soul Magic is one of the forbidden magic, I just ran across it while I am reading in the library of my mother, her name is Laveau. It is said in the book that Soul Magic can absorb the soul, transfer the soul, track the soul, and drag a soul. but I don't know how much of it is true" Princess Sestia turns her head towards me while clasping her hand "So Rei! Can you teach it to me?!"

"That is pretty cool! Teach me also Rei!"

I sigh "You can use it if you have the affinity, if you can't, don't force it. Also don't carelessly teach this magic, it is dangerous" I explain to them the basics and how to use the Soul Magic. Surprisingly All of them have the affinity of it, I wonder why.

"OHHH THIS IS PRETTY COOL" Casandra is jumping in happiness

"Yes, this is indeed cool" Siesta remained her calm demeanor but I can see it in her expression, she is certainly happy

While Aki is pouting "Teach me later Rei okay?! IT'S A PROMISE!"

"Yes, Yes I promise, Also teach me how to use Storage, and also Casandra stop jumping! The wagon is shaking." After I scold her, Casandra finally calmed down.

"Oh about that I can teach you about Storage, I have also an affinity when it comes to Space Magic"

'Now it makes sense.' I just realize something. "You mention earlier Princess that your mother has a library, Is she perhaps a witch?" I asked

"Yes, though she didn't take the name Tristain, Laveau is indeed my mother, she is the Witch of Curses"

"Can you use curses, Princess?"

"No, I have the affinity of all except Dark and Earth"

"I see"

After the conversation, I ask her to teach me about Storage. She explained every part. She is really good at teaching. Now I can use Storage, it is basically a sub-dimensional pocket where time freezes. It also has infinite capacity. 'I wonder if I could store a town if I use this.' I thought then a voice appears, a familiar voice of a woman

"Hi Rei, it's me, go inside the mansion located at the west of the village, near the forest, you can find me there, you know? Just say that I called you here." The mysterious voice told me

"Who are you?" I tried to speak inside my mind

"That is a secret, for now, you know? I want to surprise you, you know?" It works but she suddenly cuts the line

"HOW THE HELL CAN I TELL THEM THAT YOU INVITED ME IF I DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME?!" I suddenly burst out making the others worry

"Are you okay Rei?!" Casandra and Siesta were surprised by my sudden outburst while Aki sighed.

"I'm sorry, my bad" Then I whisper to Aki's ear "Did you hear it? Go at the west."

"Hmhm" Aki nodded

As we drive towards the west, we can see a mansion with a huge courtyard. When we arrive before the gate, I go down outside the wagon and I meet an Oni, one of the Demonkin race, which is going outside from the gate, he is wearing light armor, while bringing a greatsword, he has an unusual gray hair. 'He looks like a human if not for his horns' I thought.

He then suddenly surprise at my appearance "What do you want with the village chief human?" He then asks me

"I was invited here" 'I really don't know what to say. I don't even know what is the name of that mysterious voice, more of it, village chief? Am I in the wrong place?' I thought

He suddenly locks his eyes in mine trying to read if I'm lying, he then looks towards the wagon. He then readies his sword pointing at us. "I don't remember the village chief inviting someone. Are you people trying to disturb the peace of the village?!"

'I don't remember people going in a huge mansion, the mansion of the village chief just to destroy the village' I smile wryly towards the Oni. "Uhm, can you relax, I am speaking the tru-" My voice was cut because of the familiar voice coming in our direction.

"Waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiit" She is a witch riding a broom flying towards us. She then jumps from the broom and casts a spell "Air Cushion". The wind suddenly gathers in her feet slowly putting her on the ground.

"Village chief?!" The Oni turns his head towards the witch and kneels down.

"They are my guests, you know?" The witch suddenly face us "Welcome to my village, Rei"

'It seems the mysterious voice is this witch' I thought. "So you are the one calling me?" I ask the witch

"Yes indeed, I finally meet you Rei! I'm really looking forward to this moment, you know?"

I sigh "If you just gave me your name earlier we wouldn't be in this mess"

"Sorry, sorry I forgot, you know? Tee-hee" She then pokes her head in her fist with a cute expression.

"So what is your name?" Aki asks her

The broom suddenly returns to her, "I am sorry for the late introduction, I am Beatrix, The witch of Eternity" Her introduction shocks Aki, Casandra, and Siesta seems like they know her. The mysterious voice turns out it is a witch, a beautiful woman in her 20s, she has long purple fluffy hair, she wears a pointy black hat that has white dots, it also has a circle surrounding the black hat, with the symbol of the 2 moons and the sun. She also wears a black robe befitting a witch. And there I finished one of my priorities, to meet the mysterious voice.