
I Was Caught Up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

It all happened so abruptly. After finally grasping my situation, I found myself in an entirely different world. Looking around, I noticed others in the same predicament… Could this possibly be one of those Hero developments? Was there a tyrannical Demon Lord needing extermination, or would I be tossed into the maelstrom of war? Whatever it was, I was afraid. I never wanted to be a Hero. I don’t want to harm another…… Ignore the nonsense I was spouting; there was nothing to fret over. The Demon Lord was slain a thousand years ago, and 800 years had passed since the last war. The nobles didn’t treat us summoned like tr*sh; instead, we were kindly cared for. The Demons have been on good terms with Humans for some time now. Dangers, such as monsters, were being taken care of by the Guild and the Order of Knights. What’s more surprising is the fact that I wasn’t even a hero! Instead, I was unintentionally summoned! It also turns out that this world was a world in which the three races, the Spirit World’s Magical Races, the Celestial World’s Divine Races, and the Mortal World’s Human Races, are kind neighbours. Here, everyone lives a peaceful and fulfilling life. In summary, this other world was――at peace. What’s my plan for the future? For my limited stay here, I will live this world to its fullest; going on a cultural exchange, sightseeing, then, after experiencing the festival that is only held once every ten years, …… I shall safely return home. However, despite my lust for a peaceful last year before returning, this planet’s heavyweights have begun amassing around me, and……

Chiqui_Angeles · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1620 Chs

Chapter 1604 Nebula's New Creation ⑤

After visiting Jutia-san, I finally went to visit Ein-san. It seems that the Opinion Exchange Meeting she had with the World Maid Association had already ended, and when I visited Kuro's castle, she pleasantly welcomed me.

[Welcome, Kaito-sama.]

[Hello, I'm sorry for the sudden visit today.]

[No, Kaito-sama is always welcome here. It's just, my apologies. Kuromu-sama is currently away at the moment, attending a regular meeting for her trading companies.]

[Ahh, no, this time, I didn't come here for Kuro, but for you, Ein-san.]

It seems that Ein-san thought I came to visit Kuro. Indeed, after inquiring about her situation once, I simply said "Do your best over there" without stating the purpose of my inquiry before visiting them again. That being the case, it's not surprising that Ein-san thought my business was for someone else, not for her.

The reason why I didn't tell her my business when I first asked her via hummingbird was because I didn't really want to get involved in whatever mysterious rituals the Maid World is doing...

[Kaito-sama wanted to see me?]

[Yes, actually, Nebula has cultivated new tea leaves and I'm shari———-]

[Thank you very much!!!]

[———–Wait, Ein-san!?]

I hadn't fully conveyed all of my intentions yet, but before I knew it, Ein-san instantly appeared before me. She held my hands with both of hers, looking at me with sparkling eyes.

She's just like Jutia-san... No, her intensity felt even greater than hers. Moreover, she's so close... close enough that if I move a little bit, we would end up kissing.

[U- Umm, Ein-san?]

[Nebula-sama's new creation! How wonderful. When one speaks of the new creation of Nebula-sama, the one who cultivated those tea leaves, embarrassing this may sound, but I couldn't help feeling excited!]

[I- I guess so. You're conveying that thought so much that I feel like it's too much... It's just, umm, you're pretty close, so let's calm down a bit...]

[...Oya? Please excuse me.]

I could feel Ein-san's enthusiasm, but in any case, her face is too close. It may be a bit late to say this, but Ein-san is an incredibly beautiful person. Being so close to her that I can feel her breath makes me nervous.

If you exclude her extreme obsession about maids, Ein-san exudes an atmosphere of a calm and composed capable adult woman, akin to her position as the eldest daughter of Kuro's family... No, seriously, if we exclude topics related to maids, I think Ein-san would have a relatively proper personality... I'll say this again, but that's if we exclude topics related to maids...

[...Errr, Ein-san?]

[Face slightly reddening and body temperature rising... Fumu, being close to my face, Kaito-sama became tense... No, in this case... Can I take it as Kaito-sama being conscious of me?]

Even though Ein-san apologized for being so close, she showed no sign of pulling away at all. On the contrary, she seemed quite interested, observing my behavior closely.

[Y- You're right. I was surprised by the sudden situation, so I'm feeling tense.]

[I see... I apologize for repeating the question, but in this case, is the nervousness due to surprise? Or perhaps, have you become somewhat conscious of me as someone of the opposite sex?]

[...I- If I really had to answer that... It's the latter, I guess?]

[I see, I see...]

Eh? The heck is with this embarrassment play? Why is it that I'm being asked such embarrassing questions? I was supposed to come here only to deliver tea... but later on, I somehow feel like Ein-san seems to be enjoying herself.

Thinking that way, as the cool expression Ein-san usually has turning to a smile, she spoke.

[...Well then, why don't we go further and have a kiss? Kaito-sama is the one I love second in the world, but as someone of the opposite sex, you are the one I love the most, so I'm completely fine with it, you know?]

[Hahh!? Wait, E- Ein-san!? W- W- W- What are you suddenly...]

[...Fufu, please excuse me. I found myself wanting to tease Kaito-sama a little bit.]

Ein-san said, a mischievous smile on her lips... Ein-san may appear cool, but she does have a reasonably playful side like this, so she occasionally engages in teasing words or actions like this.

It was the same when we were taking a mixed bath during the Six Kings Festival, but the fact that I couldn't tell how serious she was being is somewhat bewitching.

As I was thinking this, Ein-san pulled her face away from mine, lightly stroking her lips with her finger. Due to her previous statement though, my gaze naturally shifts towards her lips.

[...By the way, Kaito-sama. Out of simple curiosity, I have a question...]


[If one kisses while time is stopped, would those count in the number of kisses one does? Or perhaps, do kisses not count if the other party isn't aware of it?]

[...Eh? W- Why are you asking... Eh? D- Don't tell me...]

[I wonder, what do you think? Fufufu.]

As I watched Ein-san giggle with a playful smile on her lips after saying that, I felt like my cheeks became warmer than they were just a moment ago.