
I Was Caught Up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

It all happened so abruptly. After finally grasping my situation, I found myself in an entirely different world. Looking around, I noticed others in the same predicament… Could this possibly be one of those Hero developments? Was there a tyrannical Demon Lord needing extermination, or would I be tossed into the maelstrom of war? Whatever it was, I was afraid. I never wanted to be a Hero. I don’t want to harm another…… Ignore the nonsense I was spouting; there was nothing to fret over. The Demon Lord was slain a thousand years ago, and 800 years had passed since the last war. The nobles didn’t treat us summoned like tr*sh; instead, we were kindly cared for. The Demons have been on good terms with Humans for some time now. Dangers, such as monsters, were being taken care of by the Guild and the Order of Knights. What’s more surprising is the fact that I wasn’t even a hero! Instead, I was unintentionally summoned! It also turns out that this world was a world in which the three races, the Spirit World’s Magical Races, the Celestial World’s Divine Races, and the Mortal World’s Human Races, are kind neighbours. Here, everyone lives a peaceful and fulfilling life. In summary, this other world was――at peace. What’s my plan for the future? For my limited stay here, I will live this world to its fullest; going on a cultural exchange, sightseeing, then, after experiencing the festival that is only held once every ten years, …… I shall safely return home. However, despite my lust for a peaceful last year before returning, this planet’s heavyweights have begun amassing around me, and……

Chiqui_Angeles · Kỳ huyễn
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1620 Chs

Chapter 1079 - Mission ⑨ : Develop your Relationship!

When I firmly conveyed my feelings to Dr. Vier, she looked very happy, but then her expression changed to one of hesitation.

From what I feel with Sympathy Magic, it seems like she was troubled about something.

[Miyama-kun, I'm glad. Really glad... However, i- is this really alright? After all, I———- [That doesn't matter.] ———-Ahh!]

I roughly understood what she was going to say, so I hugged Dr. Vier's body, interrupting her words.

[No matter what happened in the past, it won't change the way I feel about Dr. Vier now.]

[...I see, fufu, I knew Miyama-kun would say that, but hearing you say that still makes me happy. I don't know if it's really alright though. Should it really be alright for all these happy things to happen for someone like me...]

[Of course, it's alright... Dr. Vier, you can be happy.]

As Dr. Vier spoke, slightly sounding like she's about to tear up, her hands gently moved behind me.

Dr. Vier can be a bit self-deprecating, so I'll have to firmly tell this to her.

[Seriously, Miyama-kun just keeps on saving my heart over and over again. Thank you so much.]

[No, rather than that, I'm sorry for making you wait so long.]

[No, that isn't the case at all. That was all blown away by the happiness I'm feeling so much right now.]

Saying this, she happily smiled. Her expression looked so radiant and irresistibly charming.

[...Well, even though I sounded self-important saying all that, Tre-san had to give me a push from behind.]

[Now that you mentioned it, I'm also the same case. Sister Tre's message told me to "rethink my feelings for Kaito", and it reminded me a little of my first encounter with Miyama-kun. Thinking that I really loved you... I opened Envelope 9, which said "Don't be afraid to accept Kaito's feelings".]

[I guess she knew that Dr. Vier would be scared when the time came.]

[Ahaha, right. I really am no match for Sister Tre.]

Dr. Vier sometimes gets scared at the last minute, just like what she did back with Kuro, so I guess Tre-san realized that and wrote a message telling her not to be scared.

Exchanging a smile, Dr. Vier and I separated our bodies and faced each other.

[Errr, well. Once again, I will be in your care from now on.]

[Unnn. I will also be in your care... Ahh, come to think of it, I need to see Sister Tre's last envelope.]

[Ahh, you're right. She said to open the last envelope after I'm done telling you about my feelings... I wonder what would be written on it?]

[Hmmm. Wouldn't it be "Now, kiss!" or something like that?]

[That certainly sounds like it could happen.]

After exchanging thoughts with Dr. Vier, I took out the last envelope with the number 10 on it. There were no instructions to look at them alone this time, so I decided to check them out with Dr. Vier.

Though we didn't particularly arrange it beforehand, we took out our envelopes in a way that we could see what's written on the other's envelope, both of which had the same content.

『I request some high-class chocolates!』

Seeing the message card with large, bold letters on it, the both of us burst into laughter at the same time.

[This was... an unexpected request for a souvenir huh.]

[Ahaha, as expected of Sister Tre! However, this sure is troubling. There's no way I can refuse this.]

[She did make all those preparations after all.]

What was written on the last envelope was a demand for remuneration for the mediation she did. Seriously, this really was just as expected of Tre-san, her actions were unexpected until the end.

[...You're right. Well then, the sun would still be up for a while, so how about it? Why don't we continue our date and buy chocolates to give to Tre-san along the way?]

[I like that. I'm all for it.]

[With that decided, since we're at it, let's go back to Symphonia Kingdom's Northern Area again...]

Just as I was saying this, I suddenly felt a slight tug on my clothes., so I stopped speaking. The person who was tugging on my clothes was Dr. Vier in front of me, so I tilted my head, wondering what it was...

[Hey, Miyama-kun. Remember when I told you I loved you here back then?]

[Eh? Yes, of course, I remember.]

[Then, do you also remember... the exchange we had after that?]

After saying that, Dr. Vier turned her head towards me and closed her eyes.

Seeing her like that, I remembered the exchange we had back then. After she gave me a surprise kiss on my cheek, Dr. Vier told me that "the kiss on my lips would be when I've come to love her".

Realizing what Dr. Vier was requesting, I put my hand on her shoulder and bending down slightly... I kissed Dr. Vier.