
I was Born To Love you

The Wild Princess Aisha Sophia Eleonora the Third Princess has always felt like an outcast in her home with her 2 successful and talented older sisters the only place she feels like herself is the forest where she's free to be herself On the opposite side of her tiny kingdom, is the Devil or monsters' kingdom isolated by force by the other countries Prince Ash is their pride and hope for a better future with his amazing strength and talent he comes off as cold and distant but he feels very alone And is unsure about himself most of the time these two would have a chance to encounter one another by some force of fate the other can not forget about each other what started as a curiosity and long for a friend turns into something else the more time they spend

CatherineRozen67 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Aisha

In the large kingdom Of Rok, there stood Three powerful families The Quincy family is a family of Scholars who study politics and spells to benefit the kingdom although every generation of children they have is considered a genius they cannot use the awesome power of magic.

The Kazakh family Is The Second most powerful with their power to mold the Earth into the Foundation that most kingdoms sit upon each is born with this special earth magic the next generation being more powerful than the next has made the family have very many connections inside and outside the kingdom of Rok.

The Most Powerful Head of these families is The Eleanor Family Who sits on the throne and overseas almost every decision in The kingdom of Rok The Eleanor family is a family of powerful Talented Mages each child more powerful than the last all hold the power to wield light magic difficult magic that the family has a natural talent for that and almost all other elements although none have been able to use all.

The current King who sits on the throne is William Vann Eleanor The second is a man with a light complexion blonde hair and Honey Color eyes that shine he is a handsome and strong man who is also a kind fair ruler who his people love and look up to He Is sitting waiting for news about his wife Queen Altaria Thalia Eleanor her maiden name being Kazakh the second Eldest In her family she's a dark-skinned woman with Brown wavey hair and Blue eyes she is very beautiful she is a serious woman who is a workaholic and puts her work above most anything although she is a loving mother to her twin daughters Ashley And Savanah soon it's about to be three.

After four hours of labor, the queen gave birth To a girl she laid down exhausted while the nurses attended to her daughter

she rested her eyes

huh? What's going on? the queen looked around scared of the place she found herself it looked like a war zone to her shock in front of her stood a black form with red shiny eyes being all she could make out next to him stood a young girl with long straight brown hair and a dark complexion her back was to hers as the girl looked at the thing with ...love?

the scene changed to the same girl this time she was holding a sword to a giant thing that sent a feeling of fear to her when she saw it she again spotted the red-eyed person next to her holding the girl's hand it seems like they ...we're fighting that terrible thing?

Again the scene changed she found herself In a dark space what's going on? is this a dream? She looked around until she heard Mom! Mother is that you? She spun around only to see the same girl from before who...Who are you? she asked backing away from the girl until a voice rang out

Aisha!!! she snapped her eyes open in fright the nurses quickly came to the queen's aid to calm her down from whatever was happening to her

My Queen, Are you sure you're alright? asked William for the 10th time he was very worried about his wife who just brushed his worry away as always he noticed that his wife seemed more distant this time around and she hasn't held their newborn daughter yet she just sat quietly on her bed with her eyes closed (maybe the birth took to much out of her it is our third ) the king felt fear but quickly regained focus Altaria My sweet thank you for birthing me another beautiful daughter she looks so much like you except she has my eyes she's so beautiful

....her name is all she said

the king frowned a bit but a smile came across his face as a name suddenly came to him I'll call her Aisha

Ai...Sha why

after my Great Great ancestor, you hear that my light beautiful little girl Your name is

Aisha Sophia Eleanor

the king had a huge smile on his face while the queen kept quiet and watched her husband play with their giggling newborn

(it was just a dream it was just a dream) is all she could think to calm herself but inside she felt like something bad was going to happen and it all surrounded the child she just gave birth to