
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Isekai Escape Plan

"Clattanoia, we need to meet up with Paranoia and the Dragonchain army after this so let's hurry up and take that kid!"

I don't know what's happening here. We're now outside of my house, in the middle of a city, staring at a dark hooded guy named Clutter, arguing with our friend, Clattanoia.

Gee, I just summarized the entire last chapter, isn't It? Anyway, from what I can hear from their conversation, It looks like their target is Frieda, so I signaled Euclius to protect Frieda more tightly. I don't know If he understood It though.

"Oi, Dark hooded guy, you're more talkative now. From what I can remember, you're quiet as a rock."

I kind of gave a joke to that Clutter guy but It was met with a silent atmosphere. C'mon guys, It's not that bad! That Clutter guy just looked at me sternly while Clattanoia just looks at me with:

"Seriously? That's all you've got? Pathetic."

Yeah, that kind of eyes. While Euclius... Actually, never mind. I don't care what he thinks of me. He can curse all he wants and I won't care. Good thing, Frieda fell asleep. If she saw being pathetic like that, I don't think she'll still have respect for me.

"Okay... now that we've cleared that up. I don't really want to harm innocent people, so as long you give me the girl. I won't do anything to you, I promise. Right, Clattanoia?"

For the first time since I saw this guy, Clutter smiled. But I don't feel that It's a genuine smile. I encountered so many smiles like that. People that smile while saying that they can help you get past your trauma, while not really doing anything except suck the money my parents gave them... I got angry all of a sudden, seeing that kind of smile again.

But my expression is different from Clattanoia's. Hearing those words of his, her face lightened up, as If she suddenly had hope.

"That's right, Hinata! Clutter will not do anything as long as you just give her that girl that is sleeping there! I don't how you got her but the point of is, he'll let you off If you just gave her the girl!"

Clattanoia, are you serious? What happens If I gave him Frieda? Will he take care of her? No! I can see It from this guy! He's a dog! He obeys everything his superior tells him! He doesn't have a will of his own! He's a puppet!

If I give Frieda to her, he'll also give him back to where she came from! I don't know what happened to her at that place but It's severe enough for her eyes to get darkened like that! Just when she recovered from that place, just when she recovered from her trauma... you're asking me to take her back there.

"Over my dead body, fucker!"

Even If my whole body gets wiped out, I'll do the same thing my teacher did to me!

"I won't hand over Frieda!"



What I said is basically a declaration of war, so It's understandable that Clattanoia's eyes suddenly lost all of Their light. I'm sorry, Clattanoia! I don't know what's happening but there's something I'm sure of... Protecting Frieda is my priority!

"I can see you're serious... Then, don't hate me for this. Clattanoia, take the girl while I'm apprehending them."

Clattanoia just looks out of It. It's like her soul just came out. Wait, is this deep concentration? It's like what you're doing when you're about to decide something crucial in your life?

"I'm sorry, Clutter..."

"Clattanoia, huh?"

She first took a deep breath, a very very deep breath... Wait, wait, wait, she's breathing too deep! At that rate, you will die! Clattanoia, that's too deep!

After approximately 15 seconds of taking a deep breath, she finally... released It!

"Portal Notebook! Open up!"

Wait, she conjured a notebook that fasts?! From what I can remember, she takes too long to do conjure a notebook!

The moment the notebook portal Clattanoia made appeared, Clutter all of a sudden rushed towards us. Shit, so he caught on that Clattanoia intends to escape! What the hell's with him? He's already in front of me! Too fast! I can see his dagger's about to stab me! Shit!

"Hinata, take Frieda and go with Clattanoia towards that portal!"

Wait, that voice? Is that Euclius? I instinctively closed my eyes at the upcoming danger so I'm not sure who It is, but based on the voice, that's definitely Euclius.

I opened my eyes slowly... I mean, I'm kind of afraid that I'm the only one left and everyone died so I just did It bit by bit.

The moment I fully opened my eyes, Euclius is now in front of me. Using his sword to block Clutter's dagger.

"Hinata, I'll take care of this guy... so take Frieda and just run! Didn't I say that?!"

What the hell is this guy acting cool for? Didn't he see how fast Clutter moves? He'll be sliced like cheese swiss in just a matter of seconds!

"The portal is ready, Hinata!"

Euclius... Euclius... Don't act like you're hot stuff, you can't even kill a dragon and that's your job... so...

"Make sure you'll stay alive, you blockhead!"

"Of course!"

With those final words, I stepped towards Clattanoia's portal. The last thing I saw is Euclius back, holding a sword with a guarding stance, trying to make sure Clutter won't escape from his eyes and pursue us.

The final words I heard before disappearing are...

"Clutter, was It? I, Euclius von Peroroncino, challenge you to a duel!"