
Secret Admirer

After dinner and entertainment were over, the guests were permitted to move freely throughout the common areas of the castle. Many chose to dance and many more chose to use the opportunity to socialize with others who had connections in the empire.

Making a memorable impression was what most nobles sought in hopes that it would be beneficial to their relationship with the Royal Family. That often brought wealth and influence. 

Since the music had started and Commander Lothian hadn't seen anyone he wanted to dance with, he stood and planned to go into the hallway, wondering if there was something better than wine to drink for that evening.

The wine was strong but it was too sweet. It had been the reason for many of the commander's hangovers in the past while he was learning the ins and outs of alcohol within those palace walls. Fortunately, by the time he had moved up to become a commander, he had a firm grip on his limits in the realm of alcohol.