
Cleaning Up The Mess

It wasn't unusual for Sir Alix to wake just as the sun was rising but, after a long day of what felt like manual labor, he would have preferred to stay asleep for a bit longer. 

The blonde knight ended up in Marcus the reeve's residence and he had maids taking care of him up until he went to sleep. However, the owner in question had retired early and Alix never got to meet the man himself. 

It was strange to be waited on by maids like he did in childhood after going without for so long. Commander Lothian wasn't someone who cared to be taken care of in that respect so the knights learned how to be useful on their own. 

It was his subordinate knights who insisted the second in command should rest somewhere comfortable. However, he felt bad at the thought of those working equally as hard as he did sleeping in somewhere less comfortable. 

That was always what set him apart from his family - his conscience.