
Chapter 200 : The Second Beast Tide ( part 5 )

As all of the soldiers and adventurers exchanged glances among themselves after listening to what Wang Qian had said, trying to figure out a decision for themselves, Guiveillor, the Vice Commander of the site, raised his hand.

"Since Commander Wang Qian has given me the chance to do so, I would also like to forfeit my seat as the Vice Commander Of The Seventh Site," Guiveillor said.

"Very well, your request to leave the position has been approved. Is there anyone else? If none, I shall take it as everyone is willing to stay." Wang Qian asked.

Seeing that Guiveillor had chosen to leave as well, the adventurers exchanged more glances with each other as they seemed to be urging their friends to leave with them. After all, these adventurers prefer acting on their own more, so if they could leave and gather up with a larger group of adventurers, they would.