
I transmigrated into Romance of The Three Kingdoms with a Game System!

Yayoi a lesbian otaku was suspiciously killed by a truck and was transmigrated! What? Why have I genderbend and become a guy? So tall and strong! I even got a game system and a tons of different skills?! Nice! But this world seems a little wrong... What is with the goblins and Yellow Turban? Romance of the three kingdom!? A arrogant doctor asked: "I have studied the Arts of Healing for 50 years! What do you have to compare with me?" "Me? I have [Heal!]" A peerless beauty asked: "A brute like you want to marry me? Do you even know poetry?" "Poetry? Pretty girl, I'm a bandit. You have no opption! Let's do it first and marry later!" The enermy have an army of millions? Yayoi have countless blood thirsty wolves! Lu Bu: "I have the Fang Tian Halbert and Red Hare! Who can compared?" Yayoi: "I forged my own divine weapon and cultivated my own mount. Can you do it>?" Guan Yu: "My blade can kills thousand elite soldiers in the blink of an eye. What about you?" Yayoi: "I have Bankai! Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!" When the fight for hegemony lead to chaos and demon occupied the lands. Yayoi appeared, wearing handsome battle armor. He stood front of Cao Cao's defeated army, holding a exquisite long spear, mounting on top of a badass beast, leading the charge toward the ocean of enemy. "Die, cunts!!"

ChibiSage · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

The Disaster!

Into the night, the ashen night.

It was pitch black outside, with the owls cooing.

Yayoi, who was sound asleep a moment ago, suddenly opened his eyes. Through the connection shared with his tamed pets, Yayoi could feel the extreme emotion of his wolves and the little birds. While hiding in the wood, they are fearful and anxious.

'What's going on?'

There was a puzzled look on his sleepy face.

'Damn...Is it a night raid?' Yayoi thought of all the things that could happen and immediately suspected the nearby Yellow Turban Bandits.

Who else could it be?

'Those cunts! I can't even get a good rest.'

But were they so powerful for the wolves to be frightened to such an extent?

After waking his wife and telling her to get ready, Yayoi hastily put on his clothes, got outside, jumped on the rooftop, and glanced around like a thief.

'Hm? Strange...' Yayoi frowned at the situation.

Despite his anxious feeling, the town seems awfully calm and quiet. The streets are empty, with refugees sleeping on the sides of the roads.

At first glance, there is no sign of being attacked.


Suddenly, a strong and spooky wind current blasts him from behind, carrying a nasty and evil breath with it, leaving his clothes fluttering.

'What the hell?'

The bizarre feeling left Yayoi shuddering with cold sweat.

'...F*ck! Don't tell me it's those things!?'

Yayoi hurriedly turned around, looked behind, and was stunned by the sight.

It was terrible!

In the distance, he saw a hazy crimson light swallowing the darkness of the night.

Shortly, the abnormal phenomenon gives rise to a deep black-red smoke-like substance. It shot to the sky like a giant pillar while encircled by countless apparitions and evil spirits, then spread in all directions at a terrifying speed like some horrifying contagious disease.

The scene resembles an ocean of blood that want to consume the world.

It's natural to be afraid of the unknown.

Seeing the miasma fast approaching, Yayoi's heart raced quickly like a stress-out engine. A little frightened even.

If it's toxic, then they are done for.

"Wow! And I thought my luck was good." He scratched the back of his head and cussed inwardly. There is no time to run! Yayoi doesn't know what harm the miasma would bring and lack the means to deal with the situation.

"Tian? I'm ready!" Xiao Ling'er ran out and stopped by the carriage. Her voice sounded in his ear.

"Up here!"

Yayoi waved, hopped down from the rooftop, and hugged her.

In the face of imminent crisis, he has already calmed down and opened his Status panel.

The Priest's [Heal] possessed the characteristic of light attributes and a trace of divine power. Once something paranormal happened, he could cast [Heal] on her and maybe even level it up if needed.

As the protagonist, even if the sky collapsed, he would be alright.

Although Yayoi doubted something would happen to him, it couldn't be said the same for his wife. She is simply an ordinary person.

Xiao Ling'er asked, "What's happening?"

"Don't know. But we got a situation. Maybe something dangerous." Saying so, Yayoi seriously looked in the direction of the miasma.

It didn't even take half a minute.

By the time the red miasma thoroughly covered the entire town, many town folks had yet to wake up. Still, Yayoi could already hear the howling of ghosts and refugees screaming in agony all around them.



Somewhere out on the street—

"(Haa!) What?" A thin refugee was jolted awake by a bloodcurdling scream. He immediately jumped to his feet, hands tightly clutched to his little belongings. The man cautiously looked around and was shocked by what he saw.

'What on earth? How...'

In his sight, everything was shrouded in a thick red miasma, making it difficult to see more than a few steps away.

There is a bloody smell in the air.


Scared, the man frantically ran away for his life, thinking that someone hungry must have turned cannibal. As he ran, he saw many other refugees nearby convulsing and wailing in pain as they held their heads. He ran even faster. However, before he could get far, he fell to the ground.



At this moment, an ominous growling sound comes to his ears.

"What?! Want to die? Let go of me! F*ck! F*ck you!" Looking back, the man saw that it was another refugee was holding his ankle. His face turns ugly. He tried to get up and kicked the latter harshly but couldn't free himself.

"Die bastard!"

He kicked and kicked again.

That hand holding onto him was skinny to the bone but possessed incredible grip strength with long sharp nails digging into his flesh. The man could only cry for help as he shakingly looked at the skinny refugee's ferocious expression.

Pale blue-purple skin, bloodshot red eyes, and no lips were present on its distorted face to cover those lengthy tipped teeth that didn't seem to belong to a human being.

The humanoid monster flared its mouth, lunged at the man, and started devouring him.

"No, no! Someone help me! AHHHH!" Blood sprayed as the man screamed.

At the moment, similar things are happening everywhere. Many refugees seem to lose their minds and turn into man-eating monsters in their sleep.

Chaos breaks out as the town becomes a monster's paradise.


"Are you alright? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

After feeling no change in his body when the miasma swept through their courtyard, Yayoi carefully looked at his wife, spun her in a circle, and asked worriedly.

Xiao Ling'er looked at her hands, squeezing them, and said: "Yeah. It's just a little hard to breathe. But I think I'm alright."

'Duh, me too!' Hearing that, he immediately used [Heal] on her and asked again. "How about now? You still have trouble breathing?"

"Um, no, not anymore." Shrouded by the healing light, Xiao Ling'er shook her head and smiled, feeling the stuffy feeling in her chest disappear. Her husband is here. She is not afraid. "Tian, do we still wait till sunrise?"

"...No. We are leaving right now! It's too risky continuing to stay here."

While they were talking, a few ugly humanoid monsters climbed the wall like Spiderman and broke into their courtyard.

Facing these erratic and overly aggressive intruders, the wolves started snarling, baring their fangs.


Seeing their unsightly appearance, Yayoi didn't even waste a word.

Even the resemblance is uncanny in the way they act.

When the ghouls started attacking, they jumped and dashed around like frogs. They move quickly, not fearing death, and are often unpredictable. But with the difference in strength, fazing a dozen is still manageable without a hitch.

When the guan dao appeared in Yayoi's hand, its dull blade brutally ripped them in half with a deafening metallic echo.

Despite having high Strength, with their super trash Constitution, the ghouls couldn't even take a proper blow. However, it would be a letdown if ghouls die immediately just like that. On the dusty ground, their tattered half-body was still crawling ferociously with twice the earlier speed, trying to scratch and bite the nearest wolves.

Such ferocity is even worse than a zombie with rabies.

"Tian, they seem to be the refugees." Xiao Ling'er stood next to him and said.

"Yeah... That's what I'm thinking."





When Xiao Ling'er got on the carriage, Yayoi also mounted his giant wild boar.

They set off quickly.

There are two big carriages. Each pulled by two horses. There is no coachman, but Yayoi tamed the horses with his skill. So there is no worry about them going out of control from the chaos.