
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Unsolved Mysteries

After leaving the Sealed Library, Elara walked slowly through the academy's corridors, trying to process all the information she had just learned about the Dimensional Guardians. She felt that this information might be the key to understanding her situation and possibly finding a way back to her original world. However, she also realized that this wasn't something she could discuss with anyone else. The secret about the System Window and its origins had to remain tightly guarded within her.

As Elara made her way to her room, her mind was filled with unanswered questions. Who exactly were the Dimensional Guardians How could she find them And was it really possible for her to return to her original world

Upon reaching her room, Elara sat on the edge of her bed and reopened the System Window in front of her. The transparent blue screen appeared, displaying various information that only she could see. She navigated to the Mission section, hoping to find further clues about the next steps she should take.

[Main Mission Updated] "Find more information about the Dimensional Guardians to unlock the path home."

Below it, there were several Side Missions that seemed related to her main objective

"Visit the Ancient Archives beneath the academy and search for records about inter-dimensional entities."

"Study ancient spells that can detect the presence of other-dimensional energies."

"Collect three ancient artifacts required to perform a summoning ritual."

Elara sighed deeply. These tasks wouldn't be easy, but she knew they were the only way to find the answers she sought. She decided to start with the first mission visit the Ancient Archives.

However, that place wasn't an easily accessible area. The Ancient Archives were located in the deepest part of the academy, and only a few people even knew of its existence, let alone how to enter it. Elara realized she needed to plan carefully to reach the place without drawing attention.

That night, Elara decided to conduct a preliminary investigation. She waited until curfew when most of the students and staff were resting. Moving carefully, she left her room and made her way through the dark corridors, lit only by the moonlight streaming through the large windows.

Using her knowledge of the academy's layout and a bit of help from the System Window, Elara managed to find a hidden entrance leading to the academy's basement. Dark and cold stone corridors greeted her, creating a mysterious and slightly frightening atmosphere. However, Elara's resolve did not waver.

As she ventured deeper, the sound of her footsteps echoed down the empty halls. Occasionally, she paused to ensure no one else was around. After several minutes of walking, Elara arrived at a large, old wooden door adorned with ancient carvings and symbols she didn't recognize.

She tried to open the door, but as expected, it was locked with magical force. Elara closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to sense the flow of energy around her. With the help of the System Window, she could see a simple diagram of the magical locking mechanism and found a weak point she could exploit.

Gathering light magic energy in her palm, Elara whispered the unlocking spell she had learned in her basic magic class

"Lux Apertum."

A soft light emanated from her hand and flowed toward the symbols on the door, making them glow momentarily before the door slowly creaked open, emitting a sound that indicated its great age.

Behind the door, Elara found a large room filled with towering wooden shelves packed with scrolls and ancient books that looked fragile. The air inside was heavy and dusty, indicating that this place hadn't been visited in a long time.

Elara stepped in carefully, her eyes scanning the room, searching for clues about where she could find the information she needed. She walked between the shelves, reading the titles of the books, most of which were written in ancient languages difficult to understand.

After some time searching, her gaze landed on a table in the center of the room filled with books and old maps. One of the open books featured an illustration that caught her attention a drawing of a mysterious figure surrounded by glowing portals. Below the illustration was a title written in an ancient language that, strangely, she could understand thanks to the System Window

"Chronicles of the Dimensional Guardians."

Elara's heart raced. This might be the information she had been looking for. She sat down at the table and began reading page after page with keen attention. The book told legends of beings tasked with maintaining the balance between different worlds, ensuring that no one violated the boundaries of the universe.

One of the most important sections that caught her attention was the description of a ritual to summon the attention of the Dimensional Guardians. The ritual required three ancient artifacts scattered in various hard-to-reach locations, each guarded and presenting its own challenges.

Elara carefully noted down the information, realizing that this would be an extremely difficult and dangerous task. However, she had no other choice if she wanted to find her way home.

While she was deep in her reading, the sound of footsteps suddenly echoed in the distance. Elara quickly closed the book and extinguished the magic light she had been using to illuminate the room. She hid behind one of the shelves, holding her breath as the footsteps grew closer.

From the shadows, she saw a man in a cloak entering the room with a torch in his hand. His face was hidden beneath the hood, but his movements indicated he was looking for something or someone.

Elara realized that her presence might have been detected. She needed to get out of the room unnoticed. With slow, careful movements, she made her way toward another exit she had seen on the side of the room. Fortunately, the cloaked man didn't seem to notice her presence and continued walking toward the table in the center of the room.

After successfully leaving the room, Elara quietly ran through the dark corridors, heading back toward the main area of the academy. Her heart was still pounding, but she felt relieved to have obtained the crucial information without being caught.

Once back in her room, Elara locked the door and sat on her bed, trying to calm herself. She reviewed the information she had gathered and began planning her next steps. She needed to find the three artifacts, but she also had to be careful not to attract unwanted attention.

With so much to do, Elara realized that this journey would be far longer and more challenging than she had imagined. However, with determination and the help of the System Window, she believed she could overcome all the challenges that lay ahead.