
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

First Artifact Search

Elara woke up that morning with her mind still focused on the information she had gathered from the Ancient Archive Room. The task of finding the three ancient artifacts needed to summon the Dimensional Guardian felt increasingly urgent. However, she also realized that this was a very dangerous mission and couldn't be done alone.

While enjoying breakfast with Seraphina, Elara tried to distract herself from the heavy mission by talking about other things. However, it was hard for her to completely ignore the fact that she was now trapped in a female body. Every movement, every social interaction, reminded her of this strange reality, and sometimes, the situation brought small laughs she couldn't avoid.

Like when Elara tried to tie her long hair into a ponytail that morning and found that, despite knowing how to do it from watching tutorial videos in the real world, doing it herself was much harder. She repeatedly twisted her hair awkwardly until Seraphina chuckled and offered to help.

"Let me do it, Elara. You look like you're wrestling with a wild beast," Seraphina said with a smile, making Elara feel embarrassed but also laugh a little.

Elara sighed and handed her hair over to Seraphina. "I'm really not used to all this. Who knew taking care of hair could be such a big challenge?"

Seraphina deftly tied Elara's hair. "You have to get used to it, Elara. You're a beautiful girl now, and there's a lot you need to learn."

Elara could only give a weak smile, feeling the irony of the situation. Although she never considered herself "beautiful," the reality couldn't be avoided every time she looked in the mirror, she was reminded that she was no longer the usual Ryota.

After breakfast, Elara decided to talk with Valerian and Edwin about the next steps. They agreed to start searching for the first artifact needed for the summoning ritual. Based on the information she found, the artifact was the Amulet of Aether, an ancient amulet said to be hidden in the forest outside the academy, guarded by a magical creature called the Sylph of the Mist.

Their small team Elara, Valerian, Seraphina, and Edwin gathered at the academy gates in the afternoon, ready to begin their search. Before they set off, Elara checked her System Window to ensure she was prepared.

[Mission: Find the Amulet of Aether.]

Reward: +5 Strength Stat, New Skill: Blade of the Aether

Seeing the rewards, Elara felt more motivated. The stat boost would be very helpful in this mission, and the new skill called Blade of the Aether sounded very useful.

However, before she could get too lost in thought, Valerian called out to her. "Elara, ready to go?"

Elara closed the System Window and nodded. "Yes, let's do this."

The journey into the forest went smoothly at first. The path they followed was surrounded by tall, lush trees, with sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a peaceful atmosphere. However, the further they ventured into the forest, the darker and foggier it became.

As the mist thickened, the sound of a soft rustling could be heard from all directions. Seraphina tightened her grip on her magic staff, while Edwin began checking for traps or threats that might be hidden around them.

"I don't like this atmosphere," said Seraphina with a worried tone. "This mist feels strange, as if something is watching us."

Valerian remained calm but was also on high alert. "This is definitely the work of the Sylph of the Mist. This creature is known to toy with its prey before attacking. We need to stay together and be ready for anything."

Elara felt the anxiety rising, but she also knew that this was a challenge they had to face. With her sword in hand, she stepped forward, trying to focus on their goal.

Suddenly, a faint shadow moved among the trees, and before they could react, a white and transparent figure appeared before them. It was the Sylph of the Mist, a graceful creature with long hair floating in the air, its eyes glowing softly yet filled with deceit.

"Who dares to enter my domain?" a soft but firm voice echoed in their ears, as if it came from all directions.

Valerian stepped forward, trying to speak calmly. "We come seeking the Amulet of Aether. We mean no harm to your domain, Sylph."

The creature gave a faint smile. "The amulet is not something you can obtain easily. If you wish to have it, you must pass my test."

Elara knew they had no other choice. "What is the test?" she asked with a voice stronger than she felt.

The Sylph of the Mist smiled wider. "I will test your courage, wit, and teamwork. You must cross the chasm without using magic. On the other side, the amulet awaits."

The mist suddenly thinned, revealing a wide chasm with fragile hanging ropes above it. On the other side, a soft blue light shimmered the Amulet of Aether.

Seraphina swallowed hard. "That looks very dangerous. How can we cross it without magic?"

Edwin quickly analyzed the situation. "This is about balance and courage. We need to walk carefully and cross one at a time, making sure the ropes don't get too strained."

Valerian agreed. "I'll go first. If the rope can hold my weight, the others can follow."

Valerian stepped forward and carefully began crossing the rope. Though the rope creaked and swayed under his weight, he managed to reach the other side safely. Next was Edwin, who crossed nimbly, followed by Seraphina.

It was Elara's turn, and though her heart pounded, she steeled herself. She stepped onto the rope and began walking carefully. Each step felt like a test, but Elara stayed focused. As she neared the other side, a sudden strong wind blew, causing the rope to sway violently.

Elara almost lost her balance but quickly grabbed the rope, steadying herself. "This is insane! I never imagined having to do this," she thought with a mix of fear and disbelief.

Finally, Elara made it to the other side, where Valerian and the others were waiting with relief. The Sylph of the Mist appeared before them again, smiling more warmly this time.

"You have proven your courage and teamwork. The Amulet of Aether is yours," the Sylph said, gracefully disappearing, leaving the Amulet of Aether floating in the air.

Elara reached for the amulet, feeling a powerful energy flowing through her. As soon as she touched it, the System Window appeared before her, providing a notification:

[Mission Complete!] [Strength Stat +5, New Skill: Blade of the Aether Acquired!]

Elara felt a surge of strength in her body, and new knowledge of the skill Blade of the Aether entered her mind. This skill allowed her to summon energy blades from the amulet, delivering powerful and swift attacks.

They all returned to the academy in high spirits. Though the journey had been full of challenges, they had overcome it successfully. However, Elara knew that there were still two more artifacts to find, and even greater trials might await them in the future.