
I Transmigrated into a Game?

Ryan Asfogus, a man from the United States who got transmigrated into a Game... He, who died playing the game, got transmigrated into the same game as character, that never appeared in the game... With his mediocre talent, the only thing Ryan could count on was his knowledge of the game but... Without any strength, he is nothing but a mere ant that could be crushed at any moment... So, although reluctant, he decided to seek 'Her' help... 'I might get killed as soon as she return..' Ryan thought, steadily heading towards her mansion.

The_Golden_Golem · Du hí
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2 Chs


'Haa... To think I would found it here just like in the memories.' on top of a rather gloomy hill, a man mumbled quietly as his eyes gazed at the Lunar wolf in front of him.

"what's up with you? Are you coming or do you want to stay here forever?" he said, Looking at the Lunar wolf glaring at him still standing firmly in place.

"I'm waiting, but if you don't follow me in 3 seconds, I'll leave you here." Glaring back at the Lunar wolf, Ryan made his dominance clear as he released a tiny amount of aura. 


The wolf groaned, reluctantly following Ryan as he muttered "At least you understand words, Good." before turning around and walking away. 

Glaring at his back, the wolf thought of attacking Ryan from behind but decided not to as it was sure, it couldn't beat a aura user, yet... 

Quietly following behind Ryan, it cautiously looked around for any traps as they strolled though the forest.

Walking thought the trees and bushes, they quickly arrived at their destination I.e. A cave covered by a boulder of magical crystal, also known as Orichalcum.

Observing the greasy rock, that looked like a completely normal stone, Ryan placed his right hand on the boulder as a circular crater was formed. 


The wolf's eyes widen seeing the crater that formed by just a simple slam of Ryan's palm. As he realized once again just how weak it is compared to the human. 

As soon as the crater was formed, the Orichalcum boulder glowed in a vibrant green as it slowly start crumbling, transforming into dust.

Bending down, Ryan stared at the refined glowing dust for a few seconds before collecting it inside a pouch.

 "Alright, now it's your turn to shine, go inside and bring me the sword embedded at the third stream near the centre." hearing his request or rather command, the lunar wolf went inside the cave without causing any trouble.

"Hm.. It's so good to have a pet, that can understand your words but it seems this is the end of it's journey, the lunar wolf lord, a wolf capable of thinking for itself yet, too stupid to think like humans" Looking at the vanishing figure of the lunar wolf, Ryan waited outside the cave for a good while before he was about to return thinking the wolf is probably dead but...


Hearing the low pitch howl, He turned around to see the lunar wolf covered wounds, blood, frostbite, burns and on the verge of death. It was limping it's way towards Ryan with a black sword in it's mouth.

Seeing the Lunar wolf lord still alive after entering the "S- Rank" difficulty dungeon, Ryan was honestly really surprised "As expected... A lord is a lord after all because its special being chosen by the world's will"


Dropping the black sword in front of Ryan, the Lunar wolf fell down as it's breath grew fainter and fainter until it finally lost consciousness, never waking up ever again.


Suddenly the black sword besides Ryan glowed in vibrant red as a white spiritual cloud came out of the lunar wolf, entering the sword. Which immediately transformed into a light grey colour with a blue crystal above it's hilt resembling the Lunar wolf Lord's fur and eyes. 

"Demonic Fauna... A sword that absorbs the soul and fauna energy released by animals and resembles the animal when using their powers.." Picking up the Demonic fauna sword, Ryan swing it around for a bit before throwing his iron sword, replacing it with his newly acquired sword.

'Originally, Demonic Fauna was a item that was only obtainable thought completing a series of chain quest but instead of going through the trouble like in the game, I was able to easily get it because of the memories I obtained somehow.' Ryan thought inwardly, it was a good thing he didn't kill the Lunar wolf, like the ones he encountered on his way atop the hill.

Now, that he obtained these memories, he just need to familiarise himself with them before going on a item hunt, but considering the fact that he already reached his full potential limit at intermediate swordsman that can barely use aura, he wasn't sure how to get the items around the world, inside dungeons, mazes, ruins, monster lairs, etc. At a minimum rank of B-rank and at the maximum of SSS+Rank. 

"Haa... Should I ask someone for help..? Nah, it would be too troublesome to explain about how I know of information that even the information guild don't have." walking down the hill, Ryan headed towards the adventures guild, getting his commission reward. 

"Maybe I should... No, it's not worth it, who knows she might kill me as soon as She return..." Arriving back at his cabin, Ryan started packing his stuffs before leaving the place. 

Walking through the paved streets, Ryan went to many people asking them to work under him but as he expected without any status and proper power, he is nothing but an ant, that no one would follow.

"At this rate, I might have to leave this town in search of people but... I'm not even part of a party, if I go though the forest alone, I might get swarmed by monster and killed immediately" Although reluctant, Ryan didn't have any other choice so, he finally decided. "Alright, let's give her a visit..!"