
I Took Up the Villain's Mantle

Meet Furutani Ryo, a 21-year-old college student and an unapologetic anime otaku. If you dare ask him about his all-time favorite anime, he'll shoot back, "Well, that's a no-brainer, it's definitely [Fantasia Quest Online]! And no, I don't care if you think it sucks; I'd binge-watch all three seasons without hesitation!" [Fantasia Quest Online] is the anime that's got the entire fandom buzzing, both for better and for worse. It's a tale of a regular guy who finds himself whisked away to a parallel world that strikingly resembles his beloved MMORPG. As the story unfolds, this unsuspecting hero will forge bonds, explore romance, and navigate treacherous betrayals. "They just don't get it! Cliches are cliches for a reason – they work! Oh, and no, I'm not here to be some self-insert fantasizing I'm the harem king; I'd rather play wingman for our main hero's love life!" However, Ryo's world takes a sudden, surreal twist when a heated online argument defending his beloved anime culminates in an unexpected turn of events. As he engages in a spirited dispute, an iridescent burst of light engulfs him, and his consciousness fades away. In the blink of an eye, he awakens to a chilling revelation: "Wait a minute... this scene looks all too familiar – it's straight out of the first episode of [Fantasia Quest Online]!!!"

Vanillla · Kỳ huyễn
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[ Dude, you seriously think FQO is a top-tier anime? LMAO you are nuts! -anon ]

[ You guys just can't see beyond your hate! I bet you haven't seen past episode 5! -r0y ]

[ ROFL it doesn't even deserve to have a single episode of it to be watched! -anon ]

[ You say that, but it already has 3 seasons with a video game! The manga even reached 18 volumes already! -r0y ]

[ It's because thirsty idiots like you watch it! -anon ]

[ Because it's worth watching, duh!!! And besides, I bet you prefer the newer ones that still follow the same formula just because you want to feel cool and different! -r0y ]

[ Nah, you just can't accept the fact that THAT series is being made into a cash cow trapping thirsty virgins like you! -anon ]

[ HeY! LeAvE tHe MuLti-BiLliOnAirE CoMpanY aLoNe! <insert meme picture here> LMAO! -anon2 ]

I SWEAR TO GOD THESE PEOPLE ARE SO RETARDED! These guys really make my blood boil. I know I really should just ignore these idiots, but for some reason I just can't stop arguing with them. Man, just when the midterm exams have finished, I thought I'd finally have the time to enjoy my favorite series, but these idiots just keep ruining my time.

I massaged my forehead with a sigh, my foot nudging the floor as I rolled my chair away from the blinding glare of my computer screen. My gaze shifted to the glass shelf adorned with years' worth of cherished anime memorabilia. Was it truly wrong to embrace the things that ignited my passion?

With a determined grunt, I pulled myself back toward the computer, resolute in my decision to close the infuriating message forum. For now, I'd rekindle my spirits with some highlight clips from [Fantasia Quest Online]. Ah, what a world that would be, one filled with endless adventure! But there lingered a nagging thought: if I ever found myself in such a world, I'd probably meet my demise in some forsaken ditch, bereft of any plot armor.

Shoving aside these whimsical musings, I clicked my mouse to start the video I had chosen. Yet, to my dismay, it refused to play.

"Eh? Did my computer just freeze? Aww man, right after I upgraded it-"

My words hung in the air, abruptly interrupted by an intense burst of light that struck my face, temporarily blinding me. Before I could grasp what was happening, my consciousness began to slip away, like sand through my fingers.


The next thing I knew, I'm already on the ground. What the heck just happened?! Was I sleepwalking before arriving here?

Frantically, I scanned my surroundings. I was in some sort of plaza, and it was teeming with people, all of them wearing the same puzzled expression I was wearing. This was beyond weird. What in the world had just occurred? Had I died in my sleep and been transported here, just like those cliché anime plots I used to watch?

As much as I try to rationalize my current situation, I can't seem to find the right thoughts to calm myself down. Good thing that before I succumbed to panic, a booming voice reverberated through the plaza, pulling me away from my thoughts.


Following her words, a colossal figure of a woman descended from the sky, radiant streaks of light radiating from her form and extending heavenward. It was like something out of a dream, or rather, a scene plucked straight from the opening episode of [Fantasia Quest Online]!

I couldn't deny the thrill surging within me. It felt as if I'd stepped right into my favorite anime, living out a fan's wildest fantasy.

"D-did I just get transported to the world of my beloved favorite anime?! No freaking way!!! THIS IS SO COOL!!! Ah! If this really is the world of [FQO], then surely-!"

With an adrenaline rush surging through me, I frantically scanned the sea of faces surrounding me, my heart pounding with excitement. I was on a mission to find that unmistakable figure—the one with jet-black hair and eyes, the very image of Kiritani Kentaro, the main protagonist of [FQO]!

After a few frantic minutes of searching, there was still no sign of Kiritani Kentaro or any of the other main characters I so eagerly hoped to find. Doubts began to creep in, making me question if they were really here at all.



Well, in my case, I knew this world as an anime, not a video game. But as I listened to the goddess's words, I couldn't help but feel a shiver down my spine. These were the exact words that had been uttered during the opening scenes of the anime!

The Goddess continued her speech, but it was all too familiar to me. I'd practically memorized her words from the countless times I'd seen this scene play out. Now that I was fairly certain this was within the game world, I felt compelled to give it a shot.


I hesitated to make a dramatic proclamation like the cliché main protagonists often did. It would have been too embarrassing with so many people around. As expected, a semi-transparent status screen materialized right in front of me, matching what I'd seen in the anime.


Name: r0y

Class: Novice Adventurer

Title: <none>


Yup, it's the same as the one in the anime. These are the only ones I can see since I still don't have the appraisal skill needed to my status in more detailed. Wait, Roy? I'm Ryo though?! Don't tell me... It used my username that I frequently use online?!

"Ugh... In the first place, that [r0y] was a typo! It was supposed to be [ry0]," I muttered to myself, regret gnawing at me. But then I realized that it made sense not to use my real name as my online persona, so I never bothered changing it back.

Lost in thought, I suddenly snapped back to reality. The Goddess had finished her speech and vanished, leaving behind a cacophony of mixed voices—cheers, screams, and tears—filling the air.

But this was no time for moping. There was something I had to do, something I was sure of. If this world followed the path of the anime, then right now, at this very moment, he should be there!

It felt surreal running through these streets, so familiar yet entirely different from the animated world I knew. Back home, my collection of FQO merchandise included an artbook by the author that contained a map of the starting town. It served as my guide, and after a few twists and turns, I was fairly certain I had arrived at the right place—the climactic moment of the first episode of [Fantasia Quest Online].

"Will you travel with me?"

GAAAH!! It was here! They were really here, the main protagonist and the female lead! I struggled to contain my excitement, peeking from behind a nearby wall just a few meters away. I wanted to scream with joy, but I held back. As a die-hard fan, I was overwhelmed with happiness. This was an opportunity I couldn't waste, a chance to see them with my own eyes. I wasn't about to let it slip away!

Kentaro extended his hand, a gesture of invitation to the girl before him, the beginning of a relationship waiting to flourish. The girl, her chestnut-colored hair cascading gracefully, hesitated for a brief moment before reaching out to grasp his hand. She was none other than Kitamura Ayame, the first romantic interest introduced in the anime.

My excitement was so overwhelming that I failed to notice someone behind me, causing me to stumble backward.


"Ah, I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized to the person I had unintentionally bumped into. But then, as I looked at her, my words trailed off.

"I-it's fine, it was also my fault since I was being hasty."

It was her—no doubt about it! Snow-white hair and crimson eyes. She was my favorite character from the anime, Shiroma Eri! Oh my gosh, if I wasn't ready to burst with excitement before, I certainly am now!

Shiroma Eri wasn't part of the main character's harem; she was a side character and best friends with Ayame. But wait, she wasn't supposed to show up until episode 4! Does this mean... I am getting an exclusive, super-ultra-deluxe behind-the-scenes fan service moment right now?! AAAAHHHH!!! I couldn't believe my luck. This was a dream come true!

"Uh, uhm... Excuse me, but have you seen a girl a bit taller than me with chestnut-colored hair go through here?" Eri asked, her expression a mix of nervousness and urgency.

I chuckled nervously, feeling the pressure of the situation. "Ah... hahaha, I'm not entirely sure who you're referring to at the moment. There are quite a few who might fit the description," I said, trying to buy some time even though I knew she meant her best friend, Ayame. "Could you perhaps provide me with more details?"

I was still unsure about how my interference might affect the scene unfolding between the protagonist and the female lead. Eri wasn't supposed to be part of this particular moment, and I had been contemplating how not to disrupt the scene. Little did I know that my next words would turn out to be more disruptive than I had anticipated.

"Uhhh, she's cute! Cuter than me!" Eri blurted out, her cheeks reddening.

"No, I do think you're way cuter though!" I blurted out almost instantly, my face turning a matching shade of red.


"Eh?... ah."

I messed up.