
I Specialize in Humanoid Pets

A Reincarnated Individual finds himself possessing a special system to help in taming and nurturing Monstrous Beasts. However, he only has one question. "Why do all my Beasts become Humanoid?"

Krishna_Is_Here · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


A student was sitting alone in an empty classroom on the third floor of New Horizons Academy. While the rest of the school was empty and dark, this student sat alone in this single brightly lit classroom completing his homework. Finally, after half an hour, the student finished his work and got up to stretch his body.

"Finally, I managed to finish all that work," Rudra said as he got rid of the stiffness he incurred by sitting here continuously for four hours.

The reason he was so insistent on completing this work here was that he came from a family with many members and a modest income. The small house they stayed at was always filled with the cacophony of its members and was not a suitable place to study.

Having finished stretching, Rudra sat on top of a desk and let his thoughts wander. It had been three years since he had arrived in this world. The original owner of the body had gone into a coma six months before he came to this world.

The original owner had got into an incident while fooling around, which resulted in a coma. Rudra himself was a person with a weak constitution in his previous world and had died of the disease he was suffering from. After his death, he somehow traveled to this world his soul replaced the original soul of this body.

When he woke up from his 'coma', he pretended to have amnesia and spent another six months learning everything about this world from scratch. He adopted the identity of this body as 'Rudra', and became the perfect son his new parents wanted. With his experience of his previous life, he was very mature in his temperament. His parents were surprised at first with this change, but they attributed it to amnesia and accepted his new persona.

Initially, as Rudra learned more about this world, the more surprised he became. This world was a parallel one to his previous world, Earth. The name of this world was Azureal and it differed from Earth in one major aspect; it was filled with Supernatural Abilities and Monsters.


As Rudra reached home, he saw his Elder Sister Meera sitting crosslegged in their garden and meditating. Small sparks of Electricity would emerge spontaneously around her, creating scary crackling noises. On the opposite side of the garden, his elder brother Karna was a blur as he dual-wielded two wooden swords against an imaginary enemy for his training.

Deciding not to disturb them, Rudra slowly tiptoed until he had crossed the garden and reached their home. As he opened the door, he saw his father, Mridul, cheerfully cooking dinner in the open kitchen that was attached to the hall.

Seeing his new father cook never failed to amuse Rudra. on the first look, he was a burly well-built man of muscles with a strict and rugged face. He was a warrior like Rudra's elder brother. However, he used his improved dexterity and reflexes to become a chef for his own restaurant.

As his eyes searched the hall, he soon located his mother. She was a tiny little thing, curled up on their couch. His mother, Kriti, was a Psychic Mage, relying on the power of the mind to confuse the mind of her opponents and using Psychokinetic force for her attacks. Due to this, she was always tired mentally and would spend 60% of her free time asleep.

Due to her habits, his mother had never learned all the housework skills people took for granted from a woman. As a result, when his dad had proposed to his mum, his mother's first condition had been that her husband had to know housework as she didn't.

As a result, his dad, a promising warrior in his days, had learned housework and cooking. In the process, he fell in love with cooking and became a chef instead of pursuing the warrior path.

"Hey, Dad, what smells so good?" Rudra asked.

"Chicken Curry made with Three Golden Clawed Chicken and Baked Demon Potatoes in Jacket. There is also Naan Bread made with Special mutated Ingredients."

"Also, I kept in mind your preference for vegetarian dishes nowadays and created some Deep-fried Cloud Cauliflowers in Spicy Gravy. Also, we have Rainbow Rice Custard for dessert." his father said as he expertly arranged the dishes in their containers.

"Sounds wonderful Dad. I will wash up and come down soon." Rudra said and went to his room on the upper floor to freshen up.


Once the dinner was done, their mother went back to sleep after talking to her kids for a little while. Rudra and his siblings knew their mother was a woman of a few words and didn't really mind this. they knew that she loved them fiercely and would turn into a fierce momma bear if any of them were in danger.

"So Rudra, how was the last day of your High School?" Rudra's father asked, "Your exams start from next week, and immediately the week after the exams you have your Awakening Process scheduled along with the others."

"I am good dad," Rudra assured his father "As far as studies are concerned, I can guarantee that I will be the top scorer of my class. As for the Awakening Process, let's leave it up to fate."

"Lil Bro, Are you sure you want to go through Public Awakening provided by the Government?" his elder brother Karna asked "You can tell us if you want the Private Awakening Course offered by those VIP Institutions. They say that following their courses have a 20% higher chance of providing the candidate with the Beast Tamer Path during the Awakening."

"Yes brother," his elder sister Meera chimed in "Both Elder Brother Karna and I are in good Adventurer Teams. We can borrow a decent amount of money without a problem. That, combined with Dad's savings for you, will definitely let you attend the Private Awakening Course offered by those VIP Institutions."

"It's fine you guys." Rudra said shaking his head "Look, if I am fated to become an Awakener, then I will. If I get any of the three paths, good for me. If I become a Beast Tamer then even better."

"However, even if I don't awaken, it doesn't mean all is lost. I have a good brain, I can become the accounts manager for our family and help you guys with managing your money. It's not the end of the world even if I don't Awaken."

His elder siblings and his dad shared a look of resignation with each other. Rudra had changed a lot of his accident. Before the accident, they were the ones who deliberately had to restrain this guy from spending their limited finances like water.

However, after the accident he had matured too quickly, becoming the eldest in their home in all aspects except his age. He never spent a single coin on anything frivolous or unnecessary.

Other than his taste for their dad's delicious food, the guy was a monk. He never even tried getting a girlfriend in High School, something the whole family had begged him for.

"It is fine dad," Meera finally said "If Lil bro doesn't want this then let's not force him. As he said, let's leave it to fate. It's not like he won't awaken to one of the three paths if he doesn't go to those VIP Institutions."

"While being Beast Tamer is the best, even if he goes into one of the other two paths it's not exactly bad. we have experts of both paths in this house who can guide him."

"She is right, Rudra." his dad said "If this is your choice, then we are fine with whatever you become in the future. You will have our full support."

"Since you are prepared for your tests you can go and take a rest, son. Keep yourself in your peak form for your Tests and Awakening Process." his father adviced. Rudra nodded in agreement and wished everyone goodnight before retiring to his room.