
I somehow ended up with a harem full of beast men?!

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Krystina, an office worker finds out her boyfriend of 7 years cheated on her, during a heated argument, Krystina accidentally died by falling over the rail of her boyfriend apartment. however she finds her self in a foreign land after dying. There she meets Ravin a lion beast who wants nothing more then to be her mate. it probably would have been a happy ending then, however she goes to meet many other obstacles that put her in a dangerous situation not to mention other beast men who wants her for themselves. she finds herself in a harem of her own full of beast men. what is a girl to do if there are so many handsome men vying for her attention? can she handle all these men? how will she find happiness in the midst of this chaos?

Chubby_Bunniee · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

A Great time to get close... 19+

"You have spite me for the last time!" Rina face was red with anger, her eyes darting from Ravin to Leon then to me, "You bitch! Not only did you take my Ravin, but you also go and take little Leon too?" she yelled.

"I assure you; it was mutual…it's not my fault the brothers chose me over you." I shrugged. I should be scared of this crazy possessive maniac but having both Leon and Ravin by my side gave me a dose of confidence I didn't think I possess. It felt great to stand up to the crazy chick over here.

"You…" I could feel the malice from her.

If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now. This person is dangerous, it almost made me want to run, I would have if Ravin and Leon weren't pressed up against me on both sides.

"There's nothing you can do now. We are mated. It's a done deal." Leon told her firmly.

"Just give up Rina." Ravin added.

"This isn't over…"

She and her parties left in a hurry. The last words she spoke sent chills throughout my body.

Yes…it's not over, I could feel there's more shit to come.

I turn to the boys who sigh in relief.

"Are you okay Tina." Ravin asked, his voice full of concern.

"I'm fine. Just exhausted." I breathe.

"Would you like to go rest." Leon asked.

"Yea that would be great." I smiled.

After the incident with Rina, things started to fall into their own rhythm. Leon naturally did his best to take care of me when Ravin was out. He never forces me or pushes the issue of us being a mate in name only; on me. He's patient and very understanding. He always gives me a smile and only around me when he needs to be.

Ravin on the other hand is such a great man. He takes care of us, when he hunts it's not only for me but for Leon as well. Even when Leon rejects it saying he can hunt on his own, Ravin would tell him that there's no point in doing extra work. One can watch me while the other deal with the other necessity. However, Leon has a stubborn streak like his brother as well. He said he'll only accept if Ravin would switch it with him occasionally where Ravin is watching me instead and Leon is hunting.

Ravin agreed to it to appease his little brother who's still trying to earn his place as my mate. In my opinion he really didn't have too. Him trying so hard is making me feel so bad since I decided on rejecting him in the first place.

Hmm? What's trickling down my thigh? I pat it slightly and notice the bright red liquid smearing on my finger. Oh my god…I just started my period. do I even have any tampons or pad in my bag? I don't think I even packed it in my bag. Oh no. how embarrassing. How will I ask the boys about this? This is so mortifying.

"Hey Tina, are you ready for your bath? I will get them ready for you now." Came Leon's voice.

Why? Why did it have to be him? damn it.

He came in through the veil, his face bright seems without a care in the world. However, one look at me his face change drastically, the look of panic wash over his once brighten expression, "What's wrong? Are you ill?"

"No…it's not that." Damn…how am I supposed to say this?

"Your face has turn slightly pale, something must be concerning you." Leon gently spoke.

"Uh…you see…I just started my"—oh spit it out woman! "Uhm…my cycle? But I have nothing to uh stem the flow of the menstrual blood…" there I said it. I squeeze my eyes shut; I didn't want to see the expression on Leon face.

"Oh…uhm. Let me call mother." The next intent he was out of the room in a flash. I looked at the empty spot he was standing in just a moment ago, speechless at what had just occurred. I suddenly started laughing, shit he really surprised me. He is so innocent. Was he blushing? I wonder.

A moment later, Lisa came into the room, "I heard from Leon…you've started your cycle? Off topic, that's amazing! That means you can start bearing cubs soon." She beamed.

I could only laugh awkwardly, yea, no lady. That's not happening anytime soon.

"Here you go, these are the wools we got for blood flow. It should be enough. If you run out have Leon or Ravin come and get them from me." she instructed.

"Thanks Lisa." My voice breaking a little from the embarrassment.

"No need child. We're a family now." Lisa smiled.

"One more thing…I'm sorry, I'm not very sure how to use this." God, she's going to think I'm crazy.

"Did your mother not show you how? Oh, you poor thing." Lisa cooed.

I chuckled nervously, "No…It's just that it was already prepared for me before, so I'm not so sure how to prepare it for use." I mean I wasn't lying, pad was made ready for this type of thing, how am I supposed to use wool and how does it stay on you?

"Oh, are you a royal? It would make sense judging by your porcelain skin almost no blemish in sight." Lisa asked, looking at me curiously.

"No, nothing like that. Its just my mother was a very coddling woman." I smiled. Geez, I hate lying to this gentle woman.

"Well, bless her heart. Where are they now?"

My heart tighten slightly as she asked me that question, that's right…I won't ever get to see them again.

Tears started falling on their own, and I quickly tried to wipe them away. Damnit Tina why are you crying right now. Now is not the time.

"What's wrong." Alarmed, Lisa grabbed me into her arms and held me tightly.

I don't know if I just felt comforted or oddly because she feels like my mother when she's holding me but I cried like a damn baby in her arms. Utterly hysterical.

When I finally calm down, she patted me still and in a soft gentle voice she says, "Are you better now?"

"I'm sorry," I sniffled, "I just miss my family. They're all gone now. I won't ever get to see them again."

"I'm sorry. Even if it's not going to make things much better, I hope that knowing you now have a family here with us. I hope that gives you some comfort." Her voice breaking slightly, she cleared her throat before giving me a smile, "Now, let's teach you how to use this properly."

She showed me how to use the wool, they first wrap it in a clean cloth, tying the end and put it between another loin cloth that you would then wear, to hold it in place. Making a notion that once she leaves the room I'm going to change it to my panties, since it's the same concept and will hope it better in place. I should make some panties in the future for this particular reason. I can't keep washing and wearing the same damn panties.

After she left, I did exactly that. It was much more comfortable.

"Can I come in?"

I smiled, "Ravin, you're back."

He stood before me, he smiled back at me, "Seeing you smile at me like that makes me feels so good."

I walked up to him, giving him a light kiss on his chin since it was the only part I could reach, the man was crazy tall. I made up my mind some time ago that I will try my best to warm up to Ravin like a real mate toward one another. It's high time I accepted the situation I'm in and Ravin is such a gentleman. Like he promised me, he will not push me to do things and will wait for me until I'm ready. I feel like I'm ready now.

The look on his face was almost comical, the man was speechless and wide eyed. He looked almost like a Carp gasping for air.

I giggled.

"What—what was that for? What did I do to deserve such high reward?" he blinked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to." I shrugged.

Before I could brace myself, Ravin kissed me, his lips devoured mines completely taking me by surprise. His hands wrapped around me pulling me up against him.

I didn't realize kissing him could feel so damn good.

"You smell so dam good. So good." He murmured against my lips.

I felt his hand snaking down my back, and grabbing one side of my ass cheek when I realize we shouldn't be doing this. At least not now.

"Wait—wait Ravin. Stop." I moaned. I couldn't help it, it felt so good to be held like this.

Ravin jumped away from me almost as if I burned him, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to force myself on you like that. Please forgive me." Oh my God, he looked so worried.

I didn't mean to but I started laughing, "Forgive you for what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"But I force myself on you." He repeated.

"I liked it though." I told him.

"But…uh…why?" He looked bewildered.

"Why I asked you to stop? It's not because I didn't like it…it's just we can't…uh do anything right now. I'm on uh my cycle." Damn why is saying that so embarrassing to me?

Ravin blushed, "Oh…" He looked at me with hopeful eyes, "So that means…after uhm your cycle bleeding stop we can mate?"

Wow straight to the point I see.

"I'm considering it, we can start slow…if you can continue to be patience for me" I blushed.

"Of course, anything to make you happy. You're my mate. Your happiness is everything to me." He answered.

"Thank you." I smiled.

After three days, my period ended. It was always a short one. Either three or four days. I'm fortunate it's not seven days, three or four is long enough for me. During the time of my cycle Ravin and Leon were very attentive. Giving me food and anything, I asked for. Since our kiss, Ravin seems much happier and comfortable with me. Did me being cautious make him feel like I didn't want him? However, I'm happy that I made him feel more comfortable with me. I'm still very cautious with Leon. I don't want to show him that I care too much. I didn't want him to have false hope. It still made me feel crappy though. He's such a good guy, he deserves a girl to love him and cherish him. I can't do that. At least not how I feel about the whole polygamy issue right now. Especially the fact that they are brother. I'm still weirded out about the whole situation. It doesn't help when he treats me so good, never even complain when I give him no attention. He just smiles and serves me genuinely.

It is now night time, I feel like this is the perfect time to try to get intimate with Ravin, especially since after tomorrow, we will be moving into a new room with Leon as our bed partner, getting intimate will become a lot more of a challenge.

What should I do to initiated it? I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

Ravin came back after washing himself at the stream, he look so good with his hair damp like that, he looked like a real life Tarzan.

Wet damp hair resting just below his wide shoulder, his chest not overly buff but there was definitely some definition there. His abs were pretty visible, the v line that connected with his long torso, down to the loin cloth that covered his manhood. The man standing before me is absolutely breathtaking.

"Are you tired now?" Ravin asked.

"Yes, I'm tired now. Lets rest." I smiled.

He nodded and prepared to blow out one of the fire torches so that it wasn't so bright in the room.

We laid down like usual, his arms around me, holding me close like he usually does. Except tonight, I just didn't wanted to sleep like we normally did. I caressed his arms that held me, ever so slightly. He tensed up, I turned to look at him. the dim light didn't hide his expression, his face smoldering as he looked at me intensely, "Tina?"

"My cycle is finally over, but I don't feel sure about mating with you yet. But I want to try something with you Ravin…can I?" I whispered.

"I'm willing to try anything with you, whatever you want." he replied breathlessly.

Pulling ever courage I have from every part of my being, I gently pushed Ravin on his back.

He looked at me, his eyes searching, curiosity written all over his face. His lips parted slightly, and I climbed on top of him, straddling his torso.

I lean down to kiss him, enjoying how surprisingly soft his lips were, his breath hot against my own, his hands riding up my side, I held his hands in place, smiling I whispered, "Not now…let me make you feel good. Please just stay still."

"How…how can I…just being able to touch you is amazing on its own." He groaned.

"I'll make you feel even more amazing…please trust me." I said softly.


I proceed to kiss down his chin, his jawline, his neck down to his collarbone. I kissed and bit his nipple gently; he groans in response to that.

I continued down his abs, down to his hips not missing the v line that connects to his lower region that not surprisingly was getting pretty hard.

I untied the knot that held his loin cloth in place, Ravin stopped me.

"W—wait…what are you doing. I thought we aren't going to mate?" his voice ragged. I could tell he was very turn on, and it made me all the more confident.

"We aren't…oh Ravin…there is so much more than just putting this"—I grabbed his cock in my hand squeezing it gently, "Inside me…let me show you what I mean."

I watched his expression as I licked the length of his penis. Marveling at the hard and hot heat emitting from his long rod. A low moan escapes his lips as his head rocks back. My confidence intensified.

I licked to top of his cock, enjoying the mushroom head shape before taking it into my mouth, enjoying how it throb and pulsated in my mouth.

"Wh—what are you doing? That's dirty. Don't put it in your mouth—oh"

I started taking more of his length into my mouth, trying to take all of it, it was impossible though, the man was at least a good nine inches maybe even ten…he's very big.

I started stroking him as I sucked, paying attention to the part where my mouth couldn't reach.

"It's so strange—but it feels so good." He moaned.

I hummed in response.

Sucking him harder and faster, until I could feel him buckling underneath me indicating that he was close.

"No. No…stop! stop I'm—I'm" he didn't finish his sentence as large shot of his cum hit the back of my throat, I didn't let up until I took all of his cum into my mouth and swallowed it.

Ravin pulled me off of him, his voice a little loud, "Spit it out! You'll get sick!" He sounded worried.

I didn't dare laugh because of how serious he sounded.

"I won't get sick…trust me." I promised the worry-wort.

He hugged me to him, "What was that? I didn't think pleasure like that existed by just using your mouth. I've touch myself before, but nothing compared to what you just did." He admitted.

"I'm glad that made you happy." I smiled.

I pulled away and looked at me, "How about you? I was the only one who received pleasure…I want to give you pleasure as well. But you don't want to mate." He sounded so dejected.

I laughed, "You can please me…if you want to learn I could teach you to give me pleasure without putting your penis inside me. Do you want to learn?" I asked.

"I will learn anything do anything to make you happy. Whatever you want me to do. Just please let me know." he eagerly said.

"Alright…lets teach you then." I smiled.

first rated part...heh, hope you guys like it.

Chubby_Bunnieecreators' thoughts