
I shouldn’t have...

There is always a thin line between sanity and insanity...we just don’t realise it but what if... You have to struggle every single day in your life to remain sane...with the fear you will slip away in any minute into the eternal darkness. The darkness needs light...but not every one have it. Still we are always searching the non existent light in our non existent darkness...confusing?? The darkness we thought that exist is never existed...we decide what we are...it all in your hands. It’s not our ability that shows what we are...it’s our choices. Here our Zay Heldon struggles in her own darkness...unable to cope up...she lives a dead life. Afraid of everything that happens in her life but still she faces bravely...but as the day goes she too became tired...tired of everything. We always need someone...right? To rely on...to cry on...etc. Here he comes...our Asher krighsten, the sunlight of our Zay. Of course our male lead has handsome, God took extra time for his face phases to his looks. I am not giving up on that...lol.He took her out to show the world she didn’t see...she is his weakness..hush Don’t tell his enemies..okay? It’s a complete romance fictional story. It’s not based on any true story. If any resemblance to true incident it’s coincidence. Even names of the fictional characters are not real. The story is original. The cover is not mine.

EternalMortal · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Familiar One…

Outside the lift…

Just before the lift closes Ailith saw someone familiar but he couldn't pin point who she is. He stood before the door trying to recall where had he seen her. He was trying when one of his bodyguards said "This way sir". He looked at his bodyguard with annoyed expression but masked it with smiling face as soon as he saw the crowd behind him. The number of people increased drastically there is no way he could stand here and recall her. He nodded his head and headed to the next lift beside this. The bodyguard noticed his annoyed face but brushed it off not sure of himself because it was just fleeting moment.

Inside the lift…

Zay was still looking at him cluelessly as though she didn't who he is. It worried him to dead. One moment she was normal but next moment he saw her looking like this. He didn't why but he felt pain…sure he has feelings for her but he didn't know that his feelings for her are this deep.

"Are you okay Zay? Please say something" he asked worriedly. But she still didn't respond. "Zay…" he called her again. Suddenly the light in the lift started to flicker. This made her heart drop her knees gave out. She dropped to the floor.

"Zay!!!" he caught her and went on his knees with her in his arms. He heard her murmur please. She continuously murmuring please. He doesn't know what to do at all. He hugged her tightly and buried her head in his chest.

" Shh…it's okay no one is here…it's okay now… I am here…shhh" he rubbed her back and comforted her. " It's okay Zay… shhh nothing is gonna hurt you…I will never let that happen" he rubbed her head saying comforting words. Soon they reached the parking lot. But Zay is still in his arms clutching his coat very hard refusing to let go of him and see the surrounding.

"Zay…we are here" no response. He stood up and picked her up and exited the lift. She still refused to see her surroundings but she stopped saying please and still had slight shivering. Since her assistant is not with her he took her to his car and helped her stand. She seems to regained her consciousness since she let go this time.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded her head and didn't meet his eyes. She still shaken up by who she saw. She never expected to see him here.

"Shall we go to the hospital?"

She shook her head. Soon the three of them came down after settling the bill. Not seeing their CEO near their car both assistant Mel and secretary Kelly looked around and found their CEO standing near Mr. Krighsten that too very close. Their CEO never allowed anyone to get too close to her. Both of them shared a look and made their way to them.

As soon as they saw her both are alarmed. Their CEO was looking really pale and sweat dripping off her temples which was being wiped by The great CEO of Innova.

"Miss Heldon are you okay? Let me call the doctor" she dialed a number.

"No need Kelly" Zay rejected.

"But Mis—"

"I am fine" she cut her off and turned her head towards him…

"Thank you for looking after me Mr. Krighsten and sorry for the inconvenience" she apologised and made her way towards her car without him a chance to reply. Both Mel and Kelly don't know what to do…they just bowed to him and followed after her.

Asher stood there watching her back. After she left he climbed into his car and left. He knew they are not close enough still wished to be there for her. It seems like he needs to rush up to be there for her. It hurts that he didn't know what is making her this afraid maybe he should check surveillance.

"Check who was there outside the lift"

"Yes sir "

Is my writing okay or is it too dragging? Feel free to comment

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