
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Tranh châm biếm
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211 Chs


"Now, I want you who are new here to come forward." The albino and the orange-haired man obeyed the coach's order and stood in front of him. "Say your names"

"I'm Andy Gerseven"

"And I'm Lincoln Loud"

Most students knew this name and the "reputation" of its owner.

"From now on, your names are Handyman and The Mole." Another way to differentiate his students was by giving them derogatory nicknames. He knew about Lincoln's condition, hence the nickname 'The Mole' "Now listen to me, you two pathetic bastards, if you want to earn the right to be called by your name, you will have to do the first activities in front of the entire class."

"What if we can't?"

"Then say goodbye to your names and your free time. Because you'll be spending the rest of the month cleaning the gym after every class."

Andy wanted to use the snake blade on that idiot's neck, but Lincoln stopped him by placing his hand on his shoulder. Andy saw him smiling and immediately understood what he was planning.

"We gladly accept, coach," Lincoln said confidently.

"Very good. First, I want twenty sit-ups."

The boys lay on the floor and did the exercise without any problem.

"Very good. Now I want twenty squats."

Again, the boys stood up and squatted.

"Now stretch your muscles."

Following the teacher's orders, Lincoln and Andy stretched out.

The coach smiled mischievously. He used to start with easy exercises and then start with torture. "Okay, now I want you two to do fifty laps in the gym. Hahahahaha."

The boys smiled and started running. Students usually get tired by the ninth lap at the latest. But Andy and Lincoln were already in the eighteenth lap and hadn't even broken a sweat yet. They finally completed fifty laps without a single drop of sweat.

"What's next, coach?" Andy asked sarcastically.

The coach angrily slammed his desk, where he had the papers. This was the first time anyone had completed all 50 laps. "Okay, next thing will be the colt's test."

The colt's test consisted of running and jumping on a diagonal base suspended by springs and on a wooden frame with padded material with two handles at the top and four legs, hence its name, and landing on foot. "begin"

The first was Andy, who, thanks to his strange physical condition, was more aerodynamic. The boy jumped up and did five front somersaults, reached the rack, and, staying horizontal on his trunks, pushed himself with the help of his back muscles into a back somersault and landed on his feet.

Then Lincoln followed; unlike his partner, he did not make any turns, but when he reached the rack, he took both shovels and did the windmill six times, then held them vertically with one hand and propelled himself by turning in the air and landing on his feet.

"Arrogant," Andy said.

The coach pressed his board more and more, to the point that he started to break it as well as his teeth. "Okay... now jump away. And in this, you will only propel yourselves with the strength of your legs."

"This is stupid. I'll go first; that's my forte." Andy reached the starting line but was stopped by the coach.

"Not so fast, handyman. You gotta jump with this." He pulls two ankle weights out of a bag. The coach places them on Lincoln and Andy's ankles. "Each one weighs 11 lbs (five kilograms). Good luck. You'll need it."

Andy poses, bending his legs. His calves and muscles expanded, and his veins became distinct. "Ready go!" Andy jumped with such force that he broke the floorboards.

The students and the coach were at a loss as they saw not only what Andy's momentum had created but also how far that momentum had gone.

"Five... five... five meters." The coach dropped his papers.

"It's my turn." Lincoln reached the starting line and, like Andy, broke the floorboards. But in the middle of the trip, the orange-haired man decided to play a prank.

"Careful! Seagull!"

This made Lincoln lose focus and crash in less time.

The coach measured him, but the astonishment did not leave his face. "Four... four meters and eighty-five centimeters."

"Look at that! I've got six inches more than you!"

"You're a cheater, Andy. You've confused me."

"Accept your defeat with maturity."

"Do you want to know how mature I am?"

"Come on, come closer. You're giving it too much, aren't you?"

Surprise was replaced by anger on the coach's face. "Enough. Next test!"

The tests and their results were as follows:

Shot Put: Lincoln and Andy break a wall ten meters away.

Two hundred-meter races: Andy finished in two minutes. Lincoln in two minutes and twenty seconds.

Weightlifting: Lincoln lifted one hundred kilos. Andy Eighty, due to his lack of arms, had to use belts to lift it up.

Vertical jump: Andy jumped three meters. Lincoln is two meters and sixty centimeters.

Whack-a-mole: Unspecified due to constant punching and kicking breaking the device.

Lateral jumps: Andy did one hundred and twenty in one minute. Lincoln is just sixty.

Ball Dodging: Lincoln dodged more tennis balls launched from the machine than Andy did.

Ten Kilo Reverse Sit-Ups: Lincoln ended up doing one hundred and eighty sit-ups.

The coach was grinding his teeth so much that they created a spark, and some pieces fell to the ground. In addition, a vein was marked in his head, and he grunted out of anger. "Enough! This is the last test. If you fail, the others won't count. You'll have to climb the rope!"

All the students exclaimed amazement and fear at the same time. Well, they knew that the rope was the last card the coach played. The final torture consisted of reaching the top and ringing a small bell.

"This is mine." Lincoln took the rope but felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the coach who was with a drooling, psychotic face.