
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Thành thị
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80 Chs

Chapter sixty nine

Arias pov

The past six years have been the best of my life, give years ago I released kaida from her punishment and I was more than happy to see her atoned for the best.

I had offered her a place in the company but she refused saying she now knows her path which is music. I sent her to a music school and she is currently honing her skills, in a short time she would be one of the best musicians of the country am sure.

With Steven by my side even the worst days are easier to deal with, and our two girls are a break for us from the hectic world. Selena is currently 14 so she is changing a little but it's okay, everyone goes through that stage. She no longer enjoys our family time but rather parties with her friends, she is always on her phone and doesn't give much time go her sister lily like she used to which I can see is clearly breaking my younger daughters heart.

It's time, and am sure she would improve with it as a well. I have lessened my work load and is more devotes to making my house a loving home for my family and Steven also cut a lot of unnecessary things that business comes along with to spend time us.

I couldn't be more blessed, am glad at least Selena looks like me, I could not have beared it if both my daughters looked more like their dads than me.

" I was sipping my tea in the kitchen, lost in thought, when my eyes widened in disbelief. My daughter Selena emerged from her room, wearing a revealing outfit that made my heart race with concern. She had on a tight, cropped blouse that exposed her midriff, a mini skirt that barely covered her thighs, and high heels that made her look like a miniature version of a runway model. Her hair, once a beautiful natural brown, was now a vibrant, electric blue that seemed to glow in the morning light. She wore thick, glitzy jewelry - a chunky necklace, dangling earrings, and a stack of bracelets that jangled as she moved. Her face was painted with heavy makeup, a smoky eye effect that made her eyes look older than her years, and a deep red lipstick that seemed to scream for attention. I felt a surge of anger and worry, thinking to myself, 'There's no way my 14-year-old daughter is going to school looking like that!'"

" Good morning baby" I greeted as warmly as possible eager to address the situation with a little more concern.

" Morning Mamacita, where is my protein shake" she asked cat walking into the kitchen.

" Forget about the protein shake for now and tell me why you are dressed like that" I asked with a stern voice crossing my arms over my breast.

" Cuz it's the latest fashion, come on don't be boring, I look hot right" she asked turning around.

" Your age is not meant to look hot, but to focus on your life and studies, so young lady kindly go back into your room and dress appropriately" i commanded.

" Come on Mamacita, dont tell me you want me to dress like lily, I would be teased. Am a big girl now, a big girl, I need to look it" Selena said making a hand gesture.

" I understand you are growing and want to express yourself, but this, no way, not in my house and there is no way on earth my daughter is gonna go out looking like that" I warned her for the last time.

" Your generation was probably boring and annoying, this is the trend and am going to school like this, am a cool girl, I am the daughter of Aria Thayer for God sake so I need to show it" she said and grabbed her shake.

" You are the daughter of Aria Thayer not Aria Thayer, anz I don't dress like that, for your age you need to dress decently and concentrate on your studies not been a cool girl, now go back to your room and change into more appropriate clothes otherwise you aren't stepping out of this house today" I said the last part seriously knowing that's it would definitely make her obey.

She shrugged and rolled her eyes before angrily matching to her room and banging the door on her way in.

" Mommy, why is sister Selena behaving like that" the cute voice of lily called to me as she sat at the dining table eating the waffles Steven had made for them before he left home.

" Don't worry about it sweetie and just enjoy your breakfast, you would understand later, okay" I said to her. " Okay mommy" she said nodding her head before turning her attention back to her breakfast and game.

Selena walked out a few moments later in a more subdued outfit. She wore a soft, pastel pink sweater that fell to her thighs, a pair of high-waisted jeans that covered her legs, and a pair of white sneakers that replaced the high heels. Her electric blue hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her makeup was toned down to a natural glow. Aria nodded in approval, 'Much better, sweetie. You look beautiful and age-appropriate now." I said with a smile.

She just picked up her shake and made for the door. " You haven't had breakfast yet, your dad made you waffles before going to work, come and eat" I told her.

" Am not in the mood, you can feed it to lily, it wouldn't be a problem for her to finish it up, she doesn't have a shape to maintain after all" Selena said casting a glance over lily and walking out.

God what am I supposed to do with this girl?, where is my sweet daughter, where did she disappear to. The girl who could give up on her favorite things to make her mom happy, where is my sweet and obedient Selena, I definitely didn't sign up for this. I just shook my head and decided to get lily ready for school, maybe i would tell Steven to have a word with her later, she might listen to him better, I thought as I headed for my younger kid.