
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Thành thị
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80 Chs

Chapter seventy three

Selena's pov

I didn't insist on getting the car, I know mom is right even if you have it don't spend unnecessarily but that didn't stop megha from teasing me, so now my legitimacy and birth has become an issue, who gave this girl the right to talk so much.

" I told you right your parents don't love you, or not your parents, your mom and step dad, hahaha" she burst out laughing.

" Take back your word or else you would regret it. Am sure even your ass is jealous of your mouth because everything that comes out of it is shit" I responded back with a hint of insult, okay not hint but she derves it.

" You, how dare you" she said furiously raising her hands to me. Well she forgot one thing, my name is Selena Grayson, she can troll me over something I can't control but that's where the limit stops.

Grabbing her hand I twisted it so bad that a little more pressure her wrist would be in my hand. " Megha you really should learn when you talk and act, or have you forgotten my name, or how many times I trashed the shit out of you in kindergarten for trying to mess with me, kowtow and apologize to me otherwise would feel no regret while removing your arm from your body" I warned in a condescending voice.

" You bastard, how dare you, let go of me or you would regret it, unlike your step dad my father would burn anyone who harms a single hair on my body, alive. You here me, he will burn you alive so better let go of me and you would be spared" she threatened.

" Let's keep our parents aside for now, you don't have the courage to spar with me because you are nothing but a nepo baby, trust me am skilled in handling people like you. As for the person you call my step dad he might be my step dad but trust me for me he can very well burn your entire family, no one would be spared in your lineage, so kowtow and apologize now and you might be spared" I said giving a hit on her knee and forcing her to kneel infornt of me.

" You bitch, you would regret this" she shouted holding her hand that I just twisted. " Make me regret it later but for now start kowtowing because if you don't do as I say you won't last to make me regret" I said menacingly.

I gave a look at the other two girls that were with us in the room, at first they all came to tease me but now seeing their leaders condition they were silently laughing and recording her.

She glared at me with hatred and her friends for not stepping in for her. " Keep those phones down and delete the videos you just took or else Amma break all the phones" I warned.

They knew me and my threats were not hollow, when I say something I keep to it, I don't bully but I don't tolerate bullying especially if it's physical.

Megha seethed with rage but start kowtowing, her nose brushing my shoes. Squatting to her level I used my finger to lift her chin up making sure she was looking at me right in the eye. " Good girl, next time think twice before opening the gutter you call mouth and speaking bad about me or my family. We are in the same friend cycle but there is a line to what I can allow, know your limit when messing with me, this should be your very last time, okay" I said gently patting her face with my hand.

" You sure would regret it bitch, my name is megha, and the way you humiliated me now, I will make sure you face much more humiliation, you will beg me for mercy" she threatened through gritted teeth.

" My dear, we are just 14 going to 15 so we have a long way to go. As for humiliating me, I don't think you will ever get that chance, but yes try competing with me, tch, I know you can't, I mean you are so frail and delicate, but one day we would all be in the business worlds, then we would see who is better, as for now focus on yourself and try to be better and stronger because taking down Selena Grayson is next to impossible, am the moon, I stand strong and proud and nothing dares try to outshine me, even the stars fail to" I said throwing her face away.

I gave all three a last look making sure I assert my dominance before walking out. When I was out I took a deep breath to balance my nerves before heading back to class.

As I walked into the class I saw that everyone was busy with one thing or the other. " Hey Selena did you heard about the party at bristons house" Sarah asked me as soon as I walked in.

" No, which party" I asked. " There is gonna be a party today at bristons place, you should come" she I formed me. She was a close friend of mine, not really like megha, she is down to earth, brutally honest but always ready for dangers and adventure.

" What's the timing" I asked the most important question. " It starts around 12am I think and would wrap around 2am" she said as if it wasn't a big deal. " Well that's deep into the night, I don't think I can make it" I stated as a matter of fact, because I know my parents are never gonna let me out of the house that late.

" Ofcourse you can't come, you are still a baby, your parents wouldn't allow you" megha said walking in. I gave her a dirty look but it didn't make her back down, it only gave her more confidence.

" Sarah, it seems like you haven't told her the full detail. No prob I would do it, today at the party we are gonna talk about class politics,and that seat you have been aiming for, the class president, I would take it right under your nose and you can't do a thing" she said feeling like a winner.

Well the main reason am with her and her group of insolent friends is for class politics, and since they are the big girls aka bullies, I need to be in close proximity with them to gain control over some things.

" Why can't school politics be discussed at school, why do we have to go party at night just to talk school politics" I asked.

" Obviously, we need a lively atmosphere when discussing politics and an incompetent person like you wouldn't make it, hence you can't defeat me, you are nothing but a looser" she taunted. Her words rang in my ears, I felt like breaking her jaws but that's not what to do now. Taking a deep breath I said, " I am going to attend the party, be ready to see who is the looser and who is the winner amongst us".

She smirked but didn't say a word and Sarah just sighed. We all turned our attention to thr teacher who just walked in.