
I Rescued a Zombie

Set in a time where humans turn into zombies overnight and threaten the existence of their own family members. Where people turn against their own race for a better and more comfortable life, blindly massacring each other as they strive to survive. *** Anu is just your typical classmate who has a strict and overprotective father. Leaning all kinds of martial arts throughout the summer she grows up. Losing her parents at the tender age of 17, she is another victim who fell prey to her relatives. Until one day, the Zombie virus ran rampant and her relatives fell prey to it. *** [a/n]: English is not my first language, so I ask for forgiveness in advance. Any kind of grammatical corrections and constructive criticism is very much welcomed You will see occasional swearing here. I guess... I don't own the cover photo credits to the owner

randomly_fantastic · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The Three Kids(2)

"Why is she crying now…. Sheesh…. Wake up her siblings," Flustered, Sumira ran towards the girl to coax her.

As soon as Sumira took the girl in her arms, she felt the scalding heat, "She is burning with fever!"

"It's the same with the other two kids." Reyansh, who checked up on the two boys, said with a frown.

As a mental type of power person, he could see power fluctuations inside the three kids.

"Are they developing abilities like us?" Anu couldn't help but ask.

Reyansh scratched his chin and rechecked the temperature of the boy. "Probably, we should wait for them to gain consciousness. I would recommend keeping them in different rooms." He passed on the thermometer to Sumira.

Sumira looked at the temperature printed on the digital thermometer and had to look at the number twice to check whether her eyes were deceiving her. "Why what happened? Aren't they just developing abilities?"

"How are you sure that they are developing abilities and are not mutating to become a zombie? Hurry and take those two to other bedrooms, we should wait in the living room." Anu, who also saw the high temperature on the thermometer, urged the Seth siblings to hurry.

From what Anu experienced in her house, three of them knew that after becoming a zombie, the person loses their intelligence, and it was impossible for a zombie to turn the knob and exit the closed room.

After transferring all three kids in separate bedrooms and closing the doors; Anu, Reyansh and Sumira sat in the front hall. Zombie roars never stopped. They could only hope that those three kids do not turn into zombies.

The living room was decorated in a minimal and cosy style. The marks left on the walls told many stories of their childhood. With time, the walls had become cracked and were filled in; the paint had faded, but the Seth couple did not choose to repaint the walls.

"Let me try calling mother again." Sumira picked up the phone to call, but the mechanical voice told her to leave a voicemail.

Looking at her gloomy expression, Reyansh sighed and leaned back on the sofa. "Should we go out and check the hospital?"

Hearing what Reyansh said, Anu immediately sat up straight. "And how are we going to do that?"

"So...." Reyansh stopped mid-speech and turned towards the door. He signalled Sumira and Anu to keep quiet, picked up his father's gun that was kept on the coffee table and walked towards the door silently.

A boyish voice made Reyansh stop in his tracks."Is someone inside?" The door was knocked. "Sumira? Are you in there?"

Anu's tensed muscles relaxed after listening to the speaker "Pfft- I was wondering why it felt so peaceful… looks like this was missing."



Real-life school is always different from the ones shown in movies and dramas. Nevertheless, there are some similarities between them.

The one who was standing outside was one such unique example. Rudra Vaknis, two years ago appeared in their school as a transfer student. He had a chubby appearance, below-average height, and wore signature nerdy specs.

Despite his figure, which would usually blend into the background, he could garner attention wherever he went. The reason was- Sumira.

As soon as he met her, he said that he wanted to be her friend, becoming famous for being 'the naïve transfer kid.'

He would follow Sumira around the campus like he was her tail… Occasionally getting beatings from her, but that didn't seem to stop him from attempting to become her best buddy.

Thanks to that, Sumira didn't bother Anu as frequently as she did before giving her a lot of free time to do her own things.



"Anu, is that you? I'm Rudra." The door opened with a click

Reyansh squinted his eyes at the sight of a bloody man who was covering his mouth with a mask and a simple black backpack on his back, "What do you want?" Reyansh asked with his hand on the door handle, his body blocking Rudra's line of sight.

"Uh…. OH?.... Ummm I'm Rudra Vaknis, Sumira must've told you about me. I'm her best friend! Nice to meet you!" 'Reyansh,' is what he wanted to say but stopped in time.

"Nope. she never mentioned you." Reyansh coldly stared at him and turned his head. "Summi, who is this guy? Is he really your best friend, as he claims to be?"

His tone was casual, but his eyes were flashing coldly at Sumira. When she stayed silent and didn't reply, his eyes moved to Anu "Do you know who this guy is? I felt you knew him"

"YEp! He is my classmate, and he knows summi too." Anu casually said and bit on the apple that she had found in the kitchen. 'This is the tastiest apple I have ever had in my whole life! Soooooooo juicy!'

Downstairs, zombies that had smelled meat were slowly gathering together, "Since Anu said that you are her classmate, I will let you in, get inside, but before that… take the thing that is in your backpack."

"Oh! Sure!" As soon as the door behind him closed, Rudra squatted down and opened his backpack.

Anu and Sumira, who were standing in the hall, saw both of them squat down while Reyansh was staring at Rudra's bag.

What he took out was a metal cage that held a black kitten. "Meow!" The kitten got agitated at its surroundings and threw a paw at the hand that was holding her cage.

"Earlier when I was passing by a pet shop, apparently the caretaker there became a zombie. He ate all the living animals and since she was behind the pile of cages; she was safe."

Just as Rudra was spouting one white lie after another with a good-boy smile, the kitten, as if understanding his speech, threw another paw at him.

Looking at the not-so-happy Reyansh's face, he tried to convince him, "She is a little fierce, but I think she will like Sumira a lot."

Rudra flashed his typical naïve smile at them.