
Super Vegeta VS Freiza!

Freiza wasn't pissed, nor was he livid or wrathful, in all honesty he thinks he's gotten so angry that he's come full circle. He assumed the death of Ginyu and his forces due to the 17.550 Billion powerlevel his scouter is currently locking onto.

This is beginning to look like another Jockstrap incident.

Growling he kicked one of the dragon balls slightly surprised that it didn't go as far as he wanted but simply too angry to care.

Freiza cussed under his breath as he relented and decided to go ahead an entertain what he could only think was Vegeta's zenkai boost. Flying towards the power level his frown did not move at all, Freiza's annoyance was on full display

Sighing he was busy mulling over the fact that the Ginyu Force was dead, god, the paperwork was going to be annoying let alone the compensation their families are going to get. Grunting he crossed his arms as he floated down a few meters away from a Golden smirking Vegeta.

"…what the hell?" Freiza's head tilted forwards.

"Oh, why hello Freiza" Vegeta gave a vicious smirk.

"Ok, what? Why? Who?" Freiza blinked.

"Oh, don't go being all shocked now Freiza" Vegeta smirked as he mockingly stared at Freiza in his first form "After all! You made me! Me! The Legendary Super Saiyan!"

"Okay, stop, stop, full stop, what is a super Saiyan?" Freiza crossed his arms.

"…it is a legendary Saiyan that existed thousands of years said to appear once every thousand years! And I… am that being!" Vegeta smirked as he pointed at himself.

"…I doubt it" Freiza spoke.

"…why" Vegeta spoke with narrowed eyes.

"Because if this is all you've got then you're leaving a lot to be desired" Freiza smirked as he saw Vegeta's eyes widening, he came to the conclusion, Freiza's transformation wasn't the only thing Freiza had!

"Behold!" Freiza smiled as he charged up, he decided to skip his second and third forms and go straight to his fourth and final form!

The power coming from Freiza blew a gust of wind as a white aura flamed out from Freiza as a white glow covered Freiza and his scouter blew up during the power up, shocking Vegeta as his legs shook.

Veins bulged on Freiza's forehead, arms, and legs as his muscles bugled out, his horns retreated into his head as he presented himself slightly dignified manner with a mocking smirk.

"How's this?" Freiza spoke now in his final form as his power was full on display.

"What?" Vegeta blurted out.

"Lost for words? You should be" Freiza chuckled "ohohohoho…. I'll tell you Freiza you're power up is impressive… for a monkey, but I. Lord Freiza am a higher being compared to you!"

Vegeta grit his teeth together as he narrowed his eyes at Freiza "the only thing your higher than is a table"

"Ohohoho! Suddenly you got jokes? Don't worry, I'll send you to hell" Freiza smirked.

"I was thinking the same thing" Vegeta yelled out as he powered up.

"Oh? I do love a light show, but don't worry, fireworks are still on the menu" Freiza pointed his index finger at Vegeta as a purple beam went straight to him.

Only for a mere burn mark to settle onto Vegeta's shoulder as he winced in pain but he charged forwards towards Freiza.

"Oh? So you can take a hit, unlike your father" Freiza smirked as he pulled away from the punch Vegeta threw out, and then wrapped his tail around Vegeta's throat and slammed him into the ground.

"Gah!" Vegeta pushed himself out of the ground and attempted a leg sweep however Freiza merely jumped over it.

"Seriously Vegeta when Ginyu's scouter went dead I was expecting more, not… well, whatever this pathetic showing is" Freiza crossed his arms as he smirked at Vegeta.

"Women are familiar with pathetic showings with you huh?" Vegeta fired back as he stared Freiza down.

"Oh? That's the only damage you've done since you started with this" Freiza raised an eyebrow with a smirk "however, unlike you, the woman I'm with can't say anything"

"Why's that?"

"Because they're dead" silence hung in the air as he stared at Freiza before Freiza suddenly disappeared right before Vegeta.

"What?!" Vegeta blinked before he was punched in the face and Freiza was chasing for another however Vegeta pulled his legs into his chest as he fell back and shot them both out and slammed his feet into Freiza's chest which caused him to back up a step.

"You dare strike at your owner Vegeta?" Freiza spoke.

"Owner? Didn't know you were into slavery Freiza" Vegeta went for an uppercut.

"Of course we are, how else can I feed my men?" Freiza mockingly smirked at Vegeta.

"Makes since who I was eating now" Vegeta spoke.

"E-eating? Vegeta have you been eating my slaves?" Freiza sounded disappointed.

"What else am I supposed to use them for?" Vegeta silently charged up.

"Their fucking jobs!" Freiza charged forwards with a frown and went for a 1-2 only for Vegeta to slip in with an outside angle then slammed his foot into the chest of Freiza and then pushed him back with a punch to the face.

"Got you! You bastard!" Vegeta laughed out as he started to shoot out a Ki barrage targeting Freiza who simply moved out of the way.

"C'mon Vegeta killing my men is a meh to me, replaceable, but my slaves? My empire doesn't run on honest people" Freiza tut'd as he crossed his arms and vanished around Vegeta.

"You saying this when all you can do is dodge is highly arrogant of you!" Vegeta yelled out.

"No, no it isn't" Freiza appeared behind Vegeta and heal kicked him on top of his head and sent him to the ground however he got his baring and flipped on the ground to land on his feet.

"What? But I had you on the ropes! All you could do is dodge!" Vegeta spoke with a bit of sweat on his forehead.

"Please Vegeta, if a piss colored transformation like that could kill me well… I'd already be dead" Freiza wrapped Vegeta up by his throat with his tail and punched him in the gut casuing Vegeta to gasp as he coughed up blood.

"But if it's just you, I'd be sleeping and still be able to kill you" Freiza punched him again before tossing him away with a sigh, Cegeta only rolled twice before he forced his body to flip onto his feet in a crouching stance.

"C'mon Freiza, you're trying so hard to look dignified but it's only making you look weak!" Vegeta smirked as he stood up.

"Ha! Weak, look again Vegeta; I'm not even 10%" Freiza mocked Vegeta.

"Bullshit! I can see it in your eyes!"


"Yes!" Vegeta only got a instant gut check in response, it didn't elicit any blood, however, spittle came flying out as Vegeta held his gut as he stepped back then onto his knees, as he was winded.

"You must not be that great of a fighter if you can't see when you're being toyed with?" Freiza asked with a smirk as Vegeta looked up with one eye closed in pain.

"Ha!" Vegeta grabbed Freiza's leg and pulled his leg to him.

"Wah?!" Freiza was surprised as he was taken off his feet however he was faster and twisted his body and slammed his tail into the law of Freiza which caused Vegeta to tumble back uncontrollably.

Vegeta eventually got control over his body again only for Freiza to slam his foot down onto his head giving Vegeta a shovel full of dirt into his mouth.

"Really Vegeta, I was expecting something greater, in all honesty, this transformation made you greater than anything in my army… but I was met with immense disappointment" Freiza shook his head with a disappointing look.

Vegeta spat out dirt and held his head up only for his face to be slammed back down into the dirt.

"I mean, if I wanted to kill you you'd be dead by now, but instead, I'm keeping you alive want to know why?" Freiza stared down.

"…because your an ass?"

"No, and yes. Because I want you to suffer" Freiza smiled.

"You'll pay for that!" Vegeta turnt over with immense force and shot a Ki beam point blank at Freiza, the yellow beam consumed Freiza entirely, however Freiza was much stronger and merely with stood the blast.

Vegeta was shocked to his core as Freiza came out of the smoke unscathed and slammed his foot into the chest of Vegeta causing him to cough up spit and sent him away.

"Vegeta will you ever learn? By now you should know how this ends" Freiza spoke with a small mocking laugh; Vegeta needed to gather some time to get some room so he engaged in dialogue!

"Learn… learn what?!" Vegeta spoke as he stood up his gashes only seeping blood as he held his left arm.

"That at the end of this you'll be bloody, broken, and crying… like a bitch" Freiza narrowed his eyes at a growing Vegeta.

"AS IF!!!!" Vegeta yelled out in desperation as he clashed with Freiza with several punches and kicks.

A reverse 1-2 that were rolled over Freiza's shoulders, a kick that Freiza pulled away from, a elbow that Freiza grabbed and flipped Vegeta over his shoulder with a judo throw.

Vegeta wasn't done and with quick thinking he landed on his feet and immediately went forwards with another combo.

A bell kick Freiza took an inside angle of and was met with a fist to the face which Freiza ducked under, trying a knee only for Freiza to slip to the left and Vegeta tried a downwards elbow; However Freiza launched up hitting Vegeta's jaw with his head all while a smirk on his face.

Vegeta backpedaled as he held his jaw, blood seeping from the gaps of his fingers as Vegeta's vision blurred.

"Vegeta, you've lost your… pazzaz as some would say" Freiza slammed his fist into Vegeta's sternum casuing blood to come out of his mouth as his eyes went white.

"Fuck my Pazzaz!" Vegeta flew up into the sky as Freiza stared impassively with arms crossed.

"Take this! My… SUPER GALICK GUN!!!!" Vegeta yelled out as he got into position as a blinding purple glow came from behind him so much so Freiza nearly thought it was white for a moment.

"Oh? An attack? Please make sure it lands this time" Freiza rolled his eyes at Vegeta charges his super Galick gun up.

"Continue on Freiza, soon enough you'll cease to exist, along with this planet!!!!" Vegeta screamed out.

"Now that won't do, still got to be immortal" Freiza uncrossed his arms as he stared up.

"Take it… into oblivion!!!!" Vegeta yelled out as he shot his Super Galick Gun straight into Freiza.

However Freiza was done playing with Vegeta and just before Vegeta's attack landed, Freiza's tail lashed out and parried Vegeta's attack!

Vegeta's eyes widened as his attack was redirected to the side, his concentration off, the Galick Gun was slowly disappearing as small iota's of purple power surrounded him as he saw his attack go into space.

"W… what?" Vegeta sounded broken.

"How about you come down here and die hum?" Freiza crossed his arms again as Vegeta got tears in his eyes.

"Ar-are you actually crying?" Freiza was slightly surprised at the proud princes' fall.

"N-n-no! Sh-shut aaaup!" Vegeta's voice broke as tears flowed freely from his eyes.

"Oh. My. God" Freiza couldn't believe it "are you serious? What is this?" Freiza gaped at the sighed.

"Ohohohohoho!" Eventually he laughed "I expected you to break eventually but in this way? Hm… never" Freiza smirked.

"Anyways, here I… come" Freiza immediately disappeared from Vegeta's sight which he stopped crying just in time to see Freiza's fist slam into his face then grabbed his hair.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Vegeta asked.

"This" Freiza hammered Vegeta down into the ground and immediately flew after him and through the smoke and rocks flying out he landed a devastating knee onto the spine of Vegeta.

Blood immediately came out of Vegeta's mouth as his eyes bulged due to the immense force, he couldn't feel anything below his legs for a couple of seconds as his mind caught up to the pain.

"Now for the finale" Freiza stood before Vegeta with one index finger out with a purple glow from it.

"W… we can… always play… 20 questions…" Vegeta spoke through a bloody mouth.

"Okay" Freiza played along "who's going to die?"

"N…not… me?" Vegeta spoke as he glared at Freiza's finger.

"Uh, uh, uh… no lying" Freiza smirked as he unleashed the attack going straight through Vegeta's head killing him.

"…as much as I want to say that was satisfying it actually wasn't" Freiza mulled over.

"Eh, 3/10" a new voice, turning towards it was a small red headed child with a red Saiyan tail lashing out behind him, missing an eye with half of his face scarred off and cobwebs of scars on his arms.

"… you look like you got into a fight with a blender and lost" Freiza mulled only to get a devastating gut check from the kid.

Immense pain assaulted Freiza as he couldn't breathe, spittle flew out of his mouth as he curled around ten child's fist. Freiza's eyes went completely white as he backed up and then to the side all while holding his gut, he county breathe no matter how hard he tried, veins bulged in his eyes as he dropped to his knees.

"W… who are you…?" Freiza gasped out.

"Jin… a saiyan"

A/N: sorry it took so long, I kept rewriting this chapter and this is the result I'm finally happy with.