

Just as the Flying Fortress blew up, spewing rubble and smoke into the air, a horrifying scream rand throughout the area, disorientating everyone in a few miles' radius.

"Jiraiya, you travelled the world a bit, any idea what that thing is?" Tsunade asked the white-haired pervert, who looked cautiously at the beast still howling towards the sky.

"From the looks of it, it looks like a beast at the level of a tailed beast. That evil aura, its even stronger than that of the Nine Tails 13 years ago." Jiraiya replied with a dry throat, the feeling of evil pervading the air.

"Guys!! Snap out of it. That thing's messing with your minds!!" Naruto's sharp voice suddenly cut through the fear everyone was feeling, as they looked at the boy in surprise.

"It looks like a very advanced sound based genjutsu mixed with something else. Its affecting our minds and possibly our souls. Pull yourselves together, and lets deal with that thing, before it kills everyone around here." Naruto removed his movement limiters, and got into his fighting stance, his body oozing a slight golden glow.

Sasuke followed suit, his Sharingan blazing brightly. Kakashi, who came a bit late revealed his borrowed Sharingan, while Tsunade's body was once more covered in sealing marks.

The huge purple snake like monster's whiskers floated in the air, before suddenly extending out and going on an offensive towards the Konoha ninja.

The fast whips from the beast almost made contact with the Konoha nin, who kicked their movements into high gear, avoiding getting hit by the beast.

"Tsunade, Kakashi, keep its attention. Sasuke, Kotetsu, provide support. Jiraiya, help me set up another Nine Heaven Restriction Seal." Naruto ordered, as golden chains shot out to knock away the whiskers/tentacles before he went around, laying down complex sealing marks on the ground.

Soon, hundreds of tentacle-like arms flowed out of the Zero Tails, its snake/leech like body thrashing around under the onslaught of the Konoha ninjas.

"I feel your Darkness!!!" The expressionless mask on the zero tails suddenly widened into a huge smirk as a raspy voice flowed out, sending a chill under everyone's spines.

"Darkness? What's it talking about?" Tsunade questioned loudly, as Jiraiya suddenly went stiff.

"No way! I heard rumours about a beast in the past that consumed the darkness of those around to make chakra, but I didn't think it existed. Guys, if this is that beast, then it's going to be very hard to win against it." Jiraiya yelled out warily, as fragments of memories and rumours came rushing to him, causing him to hasten his work on the seal.

"If its Darkness that it feeds on, then the people here are one of the worst groups to fight him." Naruto commented from the side, before looking at Tsunade, Jiraiya, Sasuke, Kakashi, and finally at himself and the three others stuffed inside.

"Yeah, well, I wish I never had to be burdened with such heavy trauma, but that's life. We'll deal with it after we finish off this beast." Tsunade yelled out between heavy breaths, while Kakashi and Sasuke nodded, pushing the heavy thoughts to the back of their minds.

The forest clearing on the outskirts of Konoha was enveloped in an eerie silence, shattered only by the chaotic roars of the monstrous Zero Tails, Reibi. Its massive form towered over the shinobi who stood ready for battle, their determination unwavering. Naruto, adorned with the Uzumaki Adamantium Chains, clenched his fists tightly, chakra pulsating around him like a tempest.

"Stay alert, everyone!" Naruto shouted, his voice resonating with authority. "Sasuke, Kakashi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kotetsu, Izumo, let's take down this beast!"

Sasuke, his Sharingan gleaming with the three tomoe, nodded in agreement, unsheathing his sword as he focused his gaze on the Zero Tails. The intense hatred radiating from the creature seemed to have fixated on him and Naruto, an enigma they were yet to comprehend.

The battle commenced with a burst of lightning-fast movements. Naruto leaped forward, manipulating his Uzumaki Adamantium Chains, which surged forth with incredible speed and precision. They weaved and darted like the mechanical appendages of Doctor Octopus, allowing Naruto to attack and defend simultaneously. The chains lashed out, coiling around Reibi's limbs, binding them temporarily and providing openings for the others to strike.

While he fought, Naruto summoned tens of shadow clones, all poofing into existence before shooting off in different directions.

Sasuke utilized his Sharingan's heightened perception to dodge Reibi's devastating swipes, his movements flowing like water. With a swift hand seal, he unleashed a torrent of lightning, aiming to disrupt the beast's unstable chakra. Bolts crackled through the air, striking Reibi's body and causing it to convulse in agony.

Kakashi Hatake, though fatigued from the previous fight, summoned his remaining strength and weaved his hand signs with practiced precision. His ever-watchful eye, the Sharingan, analyzed the Zero Tails' movements, enabling him to predict its attacks. As Reibi lunged, Kakashi disappeared in a burst of leaves, reappearing behind the beast to deliver a powerful Lightning Blade strike, leaving a deep gash in its flank.

Tsunade, the Slug Sannin, used her tremendous strength to charge head-on at Reibi. Her chakra-infused fists collided with its colossal form, creating shockwaves that rippled through the forest. Each blow reverberated with the force of a landslide, shaking the ground beneath their feet and disorienting the creature.

Jiraiya, the Toad Sage, summoned his toads to join the fray. With an earth-shattering croak, Gamakichi unleashed a stream of water, dousing Reibi in oil and slowing its movements. With a quick burst of flames from Jiraiya, the sticky oil burst into flames, burning brightly on the slimy skin of the beast.

The additional support allowed the shinobi to regroup and strategize.

Meanwhile, Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki coordinated their attacks, utilizing their teamwork honed through years of missions together. They became a whirlwind of precise strikes, their blades carving through the air in a synchronized dance. Together, they formed a wall of steel that defended their allies, allowing Naruto, Sasuke and the others the space they needed to execute their devastating techniques.

Despite their combined efforts, the beast's overwhelming power and relentless attacks tested their resolve. Sensing the urgency, Naruto Uzumaki tapped into his arsenal of jutsu, bringing forth his mastery of sealing techniques and the power of his Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Naruto's clones multiplied exponentially, their numbers rapidly filling the clearing. Each clone fought with ferocity and determination, engaging the Zero Tails in a relentless assault. The clones showcased Naruto's expertise in lightning and wind-style jutsu, launching devastating attacks that buffeted the beast from all directions. Though they fought valiantly, it became clear that defeating the berserk creature would require more than just sheer force.

Jiraiya observed the battlefield with a keen eye, his mind calculating and strategizing amidst the chaos. He called out to Naruto amidst the fray. "Naruto! We need to seal the Reibi before it unleashes more destruction! Together, we can use the Nine Heaven's Restriction Seal!"

Naruto, his determination unwavering, nodded in agreement, his clones providing cover as he and Jiraiya began to coordinate their plan. With the chaos of battle surrounding them, they swiftly set their trap, drawing the Zero Tails toward a spot in the clearing.

As Naruto's clones along with Tsunade and the others continued their fierce assault, Naruto himself unleashed his chakra, forming intricate hand seals with expert speed and precision. Jiraiya channelled his sage energy, creating a swirling vortex of power that complemented Naruto's chakra. The combined force resonated throughout the battlefield, drawing the attention of the Zero Tails.

"Skrreeeeeeeee" The beast unleashed a screech when it sensed the impending attack, trying to retaliate against the sealing formula slowly coming towards it.

With a final burst of coordinated effort, Naruto and Jiraiya unleashed the Nine Heaven's Restriction Seal, their chakra intertwining in a dance of sealing mastery. The ground quaked, and a brilliant array of seals materialized beneath the Zero Tails, encircling it with an ethereal glow. The beast roared in defiance, its immense power straining against the restraints.

As the sealing jutsu reached its climax, Naruto's clones rallied, fighting with renewed vigour to hold off the berserk creature's desperate final attacks. Each clone became a shield, sacrificing themselves to ensure the success of the sealing process.

Time seemed to slow as Naruto and Jiraiya poured their combined strength into the Nine Heaven's Restriction Seal. Their faces etched with determination, they shouted in unison, "Seal!"

In a blinding surge of light, the beast's struggles ceased. The air crackled with residual energy as the Zero Tails, its fury and chaos contained, was sealed away within the intricate web of the Nine Heaven's Restriction Seal.

Exhausted but triumphant, Naruto, Jiraiya, and the remaining shinobi stood amidst the aftermath of the battle. The forest clearing, once filled with chaos and destruction, now held a sense of tranquillity.

However, peace never lasted too long.

"Ugghhhhhhhh!!" With a guttural scream, Sasuke roared as he clutched the back of his neck, before collapsing on the ground. Cold sweat pooling over him and wetting his clothes.




Hey Guys!!!

Miss Me??

Sorry, I have been MIA for the past year.

Last you guys heard, I was preparing for my exams, and burnt out from my final exams. Well, I guess the efforts paid off.

I passed the course with flying colors. I had also applied to study a master's program in the same university. I was kinda stressed about getting in, but eventually, I got in.

Not to brag (but yes, I will brag a bit), but out of the 300+ students in my own cohort for my bachelor's that wanted to get into the same master's program, only 30 got in, while 40 from other universities got in.

So, after I finished my bachelor's, I went overseas to my hometown for 2 months, enjoyed myself and finished up some work back home. So, kinda didn't get time to write much.

Then started the gruelling 6 months that was my master's program.

It is fun, but hard AF.

I finally finished my first semester, hence, have a few weeks break now. Still doing a lot of other work ATM, but got some time to write a few chapters for this novel.

I honestly forgot a lot of the plot points, so I went back and read the novel last week, and holy shit, I messed up a few things.

So, lets get it cleared up.

Minato was able to be summoned to fight Hiruzen because Orochimaru learned about the shinigami mask a bit earlier.

Minato's soul is now in the next world and can be summoned back to be revived.

Orochimaru was a bit smarter this time and a lot of other enemies worked together to attack Konoha, hence the current situation.

Also, Hiroki will get a body in the following arc, so wait for it patiently.

The updates may be a bit sporadic, but they will come now that I have a few minutes to myself. Though, this is kinda low priority. If I have other work that's important, it will come first. So, here are a few chapters that I have written.
