
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Peter's journey continues as he travels to the water nation. He was curious about the world of Nyland so He started asking the old man questions.

Peter: "Hey, old man. Do Elves exist in this world?"

Old man: "Yes. The Elves are the nation of wind."

Peter: "That means I'm going to marry the ELF Princess?

Old man: "Yes. if you can."

Peter: "YES. Hey old man, is she hot? I bet she has a great body. I can't wait until I meet her, hehehehe. What about the other 2 princesses?"

Old man: "Humans are the water nation, elves are the air nation, Cat people are the earth nation and the Draconic Race are the fire nation."

Peter: "Huh? Draconic race? How do they look?"

Old man: "They look like humans, but they have some scales around their bodies and horns. The Dracnoics are a very proud race so It might be difficult to convince the princess to marry you."

Peter: "Whatever, I'm excited to see the elf and the cat people princesses hehehehe."

Old man: "There's a village nearby, let us stop there before we continue the journey. We need to buy some supplies."

They decided to stop at a nearby village to buy some supplies for the journey, but They were surprised when They found The guards at the village Entrance not allowing anyone to enter the village. One of the guards saw Them and stopped them from entering.

Guard"Stop right there. No one is allowed to enter or leave the village for the time being."

Peter: "Why?"

Guard: "A Girl was kidnapped just now."

The old man offered to help them.

Old man: "Maybe we can help?"

Guard: "You? HAHAHA."

Old man: "Not me. Do you know who's the person standing next to me?"

He looked at Peter and winked.

Peter: "That's Right, It's I PETER, HERO OF NYLAND."

Peter showed the guard the Ring Of Elements. and his eyes almost fell out.

Guard: "I can't believe it. The Hero is here. Please sir follow me."

The Guard took me and the old man to meet the Village tavern owner where the girl was kidnapped. I can hear him cry from outside the tavern.

Tavern owner: "My Daughter, they took my daughter. Aghhhh please help me."

Guard: "I bring great news. The hero is here to help you."

Peter: "Wait, What?"

The Tavern Owner Jumped on peter and held his hand.

Tavern Owner: "Hero Please, Bring Back My Daughter I beg you."

Peter: "Ummm, Ok. Do you know where should I look?"

Tavern Owner: "They kidnapped her, a gang drugged her when no one was looking and took her. Please find her and I'll pay you handsomely."

Peter: "One second, I'll be back, hahaha." He grabbed the old man and went to the corner of the tavern and whispered. "They want me to fight a gang? are they crazy? I can't fight a gang. Let's just run away."

Old man: "Do not worry I'll share with you all my knowledge and experience I learned over the years."

Peter: "OH HELL YEAH, I bet my level is gonna from level 1 to 99 ahahahaha."

The old man transferred his experience to peter.

Peter: "Whoa, I feel INCREDIBLE. Thanks, old man" Thumbs up. "I can definitely take on the gang now."

What Peter didn't know is that the old man power is nothing, but Trash.

Peter: "Ok Mr.Tavern Owner, I'll help you."

Tavern Owner: "Thank you, Hero. This is my daughter's picture. Her name is Amy."

Peter looked at Amy's picture and his eyes almost fell out.

Inside Peter head: "DAAAMNN, SHE'S HOT! Maybe she'll let me touch her boobs if I save her. hehehehe"

Amy is 21 years old, has blue hair and huge boobs.

Peter: "Don't worry sir. I promise I'll bring your daughter safe. Wait a second, pictures exist in this world old man?"

Old man: "Yes, it was recently invented by a girl with pink hair from the magic academy."

Peter: "Is she hot?"

Suddenly someone burst through the tavern door.

Random guy: "I've seen your daughter. They took her to a secret hideout not too far from here."

Tavern Owner: "REALLY? Hero, please save her."

Peter: "I guess this is it. My first challenge as the hero. Take me to their hideout."

Before Peter left the old man stopped him.

Old man: "Wait, Peter, before you go, here, take this sword. This sword is an ancient sword forged from the scales of a legendary dragon."

Peter: "Whoaaa, NICE! Now I'll definitely win. Thanks, old man."

Peter followed the random guy to the thug's secret hideout. it was hidden in a dungeon.

Peter: "This is their hideout?"

Random guy: "Yes, Mr, hero, this is where I saw them take her."

Peter: "Ok, I'll take it from here. You can leave, I'll save her by myself."

Random guy: "Yes sir." leaves.

Peter: "Now then, Amy is waiting for me, hahahahah."

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