
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Ren and the old man were searching the cave to find Peter; meanwhile, Peter was tied down to a bed by the female orcs.

Peter: "please let me gooo! You don't want me I'm a loser Ahahaha."

Female Orc1: "No! We've already made up our mind. We want your seed. You should be happy you get to have fun with 3 sexy female orcs."

Peter: "I told you I'm engaged, I can't cheat on her. She's probably searching for me as we speak."

Female Orc1: "Huh? What do you mean she's searching for you?"

Peter: "Yeah my fiance is a warrior if she finds me like this, there will be a lot of troubles. I'm just saying."

Female Orc2: "He's laying, I didn't see anybody with him when I found him. He's just saying that to us to let him go.

Female Orc3: "What if he's telling the truth."

Female Orc1: "Ahahaha Then I guess we gonna have to do it now before his fiance finds him."

The female orcs took Peter's pants off, but Peter was kicking to not let them take his underwear off.

Peter: "Damn you, you ugly Bitchs! I don't care if you have a nice body and huge boobs. I'm not gonna do it with you."

Female Orc1: "Really? But your body says otherwise Hahaha."

Inside Peter's head: "Dammit! I can't resist anymore I might actually do it with them." Suddenly, Peter started remembering ren. "No I won't do it, What would Ren think of me? I can't fail her."

The female orcs were fighting Peter to take his underwear off, but soon they started fighting each other on who's gonna do it with him first. They were fighting on top of Peter and their boobs were all over him.

Female Orc 1: " I get to do it with him first!"

Female Orc 3: "Why? I'm the one who found him. So I get to do it first."

Female Orc 2: "Back off both of you, I'm the oldest so I get to do it with him first!"


Suddenly Ren Busted the door down and saw three Naked Female Orcs on top of Peter who's tied down to a bed with only his underwear.

Peter: "OHH SHIT!"

Fire magic began surrounding Ren as rage started to overflow through her after what she saw the female Orcs are doing to Peter.

Old man: "Ah OH! It's time to back off AHAHA. "

Ren: "How dare you TOUCH HIM!"

The female Orcs tried to run away, but Ren cast a huge fireball at them, burning them off. They fell on the ground to put the fire away. The female orcs weren't dead but they were seriously injured. Ren walked to them and aimed a fireball at them.

Ren: How dare touch him! Peter belongs to me." She was staring at them with a scary look in her eyes.

The female orcs started begging for forgiveness.

Female Orc 1: "Kyaaaaa! Please forgive us."

Female Orc 2: "We are sorry, we did not know he belonged to you please forgive us."

Ren: "Tchh, you lucky you didn't do it with him otherwise I would've burned you to Ashes." The female orcs ran away.

Ran walked to Peter and stood in front of him with the same scary look she gave the female orcs.

Peter: "Ren! Thank you for saving me ahaha you wouldn't believe what they wanted to do to me ahahah but I made sure not gave in. I promise I did not do anything."

Ren: "You Pervert!" she moved her hands up."

Peter: "Ohh shit!"

he closed his eyes intercepting Ren to him, but suddenly she hugged him.

Peter: "Huh? What are you doing?"

Ren: "You Idiot, I thought you were dead."

Peter: "As if I'll die to a bunch of orcs. Did you forget who I am? I'm the hero of Nyland."

Ren: Laughs "You're such an idiot."

Ren freed Peter and they got out of the cave and continued their journey. As they got closer to the emerald mountain Peter started getting curious about why Ren can cast fire magic.

Peter: "Ren, Aren't you one of the water kingdom princesses? How come you can cast fire magic?"

Old man: "Yes, I was wondering about it too."

Ren: "Sigh, I was hoping to keep it secret. I guess you deserve an explanation. My father is the water kingdom king, but you see me and my sister don't share the same mother, we are half-sisters. Her mother is a human noble from the water kingdom and the king's wife.

My mother is a noble from the draconic race. They met each other when the king visited the draconic kingdom 22 years ago and had a one-night stand with each other. My mother got pregnant with me and her family disowned her for what she did. She came to the water kingdom with my father and gave birth to me, after a while, my mother abandoned me and returned to her family.

My father swore that he will never abandon me but after my little sister was born 2 years later. He started to neglect me and my stepmother never liked me. Everyone in the kingdom pretended like I never existed, but that didn't bother me. I joined the military and trained to become stronger so I never have to rely on anyone but me."

Ren cast a spell on herself to reveal her real from. She has snake-like eyes and two small sharp horns on her head.

Ren: "Usually draconic have scales too but since I'm half-human. I only got the eyes, horns, and their elements. I cast a spell to hide my look since it's ugly and disgusts everyone around me."

Peter walked to ren and put both of his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

Peter: "I'm sorry for how everyone treated you it must have been tough to be treated like that by your people and family when I heard what you said it made my blood boil. Every person who wronged you can go fuck themselves. I know sometimes I make stupid decisions and I might not be fit to be the hero, but I will never abandon you and you can always rely on me to be there for you."

Ren: face turns red "Peter I... I'm glad I met you. Just traveling with you and the old man was a little stressful, but it was the most fun I ever had. I'm gonna be sad when our journey ends."

Peter: "It doesn't have to end."

Ren: "Huh? What do you mean."

Peter: "Ren, I've been thinking for a while now, I don't have to marry your sister." Peter gets on his knees. "You always had my back i doubt your sister would ever do that. I don't want to be with someone like that."

Ren: "Peter, what are you saying?"

Peter: "What I'm saying is, Ren, the water kingdom princesses, will you merry me? will you become my first wife?"

Ren Eyes opened wide open in shock, even the old was shocked too. She never thought Peter would ask her to marry him.

Ren smiled at peter "You know when we first met I used to dislike you, but after traveling together and everything we've been through I started growing feelings for you. So yes I will marry you."

Peter: "REALLY?"

Ren: "I.. I won't repeat my self you idiot."

Peter Jumps with his hands in the air "YES!" Suddenly, Ren kissed peter on his lips.


Peter: "Ren! You kissed me!"

Ren's face turns red and looks away "Of course you're my fiance now and this kiss means you belong to me now."

Peter fell on his knees.


Ren: "You don't have to scream."

Old man: "I'm happy for both of you, but did you forget the king? what would he say? what about the second princess?"

Peter: "What about them? We don't their approval.

Old man: "You need the king's blessings for the hero ritual to work. How are you going to convince him after you made a deal to marry the second princess?"

Peter: "I would never marry that bitch princess."

Ren: "Leave the king to me."

Old man: "What about the emerald gemstone?"

Peter looks at ren "Do you want it?"

Ren: "No, My sister asked for it. I don't want a stupid gem to marry you."

Old man: "I guess we traveled all this way for nothing."

Peter: "Maybe, but I'm glad we did. I got to meet Ren."

Ren: "Peter."

Old man: "Sigh, good thing I have teleport stone to travel back."

Will the king allow Peter to marry Ren as the princess of the water kingdom? Find out in the next chapter.