
I reincarnated from a nobody to a.. dragon?

(It’s pretty bad at the start of this novel but it’ll get better gradually, id hope at least T-T) A girl that was walking home from school got taken away an experimented on before dying after 4 years and lost her emotions and sense of pain. A goddess gave her a system and a new life in a fantasy world where she was reborn as a female dragon while she trains to protect herself from harms reach. … “Huh where is this? Did I die, it was about time really.” “Hey darling” “Huh? Who’s that” “I’m a goddess dearie” “Oh, cool” “I’ve decided to reincarnate you because you seemed.. well.. let’s say interesting. Is there anything you want before you reincarnate?” “Nothing really, can’t I just rest I can’t be bothered to deal with this.” “Hm you sure you don’t want anything?” “Do I have to reincarnate?” “I’ve already decided to there is no going back on this” “Fine. Well, you know those systems from games and manga that make people overpowered, can I have one of them? I use to read stuff like that before I was taken and tortured.” “Sure, I’ll allow another thing before you go” “Can I not be human, I’d rather not be one again. They are really messed up” “We’ll all done off you go bye!” “Wait no info, oh for fu- … I’ve never written a novel before so I’m going to try it out I’ll write a few chapters or so before I quit but if people enjoy it I guess I’ll continue. No planning was put into this what so ever but that doesn’t matter, you’ll have to read it to find out if you like it or not. Chapter lengths vary around 1500-2400 words but the first chapter is only 900 words. I will try to make at least a chapter a day. I have school work so i might not be able to post on some days. The main character gets strong quick as well just to let you know.

W_D_Y_W_F_M · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Our arrival.

We had been travelling for just over a month now with constant breaks on our way to get to Barself on the kings command to explore the country. Our trip so far had gone smoothly and there wasn't a single disturbance throughout our time flying upon the griffin's backs.

The trip on the griffins would take the estimated time of around a month and 12 days to get there so that meant we would arrive tomorrow since we had flown for a month and 11 days. Everyone was getting excited and I just didn't care and I wanted no trouble to be caused on this trip.

I wasn't going to believe the king that they wouldn't attack the dragons that we would without a doubt come across. They would avoid the strong and kill the weak. It wasn't hard to figure it out. I wasn't going to point it out though because as I said, I wanted no trouble.

We were currently underneath Barself taking a break on the edge of the continent called Defulquat otherwise known for being the demonic creature dominant continent. So far no demonic beasts have came near us but none of us were complaining about this fact.

"We will rest for another minute or so before flying up and landing on Barself. Once landed we will check out our surroundings and then begin exploring. Anything you can kill, kill it." A royal knight announced and we all nodded.

"What about the dragons?" Nova asked, "will we run?"

"Same rules apply, if you can kill it then kill it and tear out it's heart. If it's a dragon you can't go against then try communicating with it and get away peacefully." The knight said with a smirk as if he was proud.

'Well I didn't think they would openly say that.' I thought to myself.

"Kiera.." Tess said to me in an aggravated tone with anger visible on her face to anyone that looked at her.

'Calm down. Anyone who looks at you would be able to tell that you're angry.' I said through telepathy to Tess.

Tess sighed and plastered a smile on her face to cover up her anger deep within.

"Well let's begin our flight." The knight said as he got on his Griffin.

Everyone followed suit and got on theirs and flew into the sky towards Barself.

'I won't let them harm any of my kind if possible.' I though as I flew into the sky after everyone else.


After flying all the way into the sky we got high enough to be able to land on the surface of Barself, my home country.

"Heh were here." The same knight from before said. I assumed him to be the leader of them so I named him the 'arrogant commander'. That was how I would call him mentally, I wasn't to say this aloud.

The king got off his Griffin and set foot on the soft yet firm ground of Barself.

"Let us begin searching our surroundings." The king said as he lifted up his hand and gestures for the knights to search the area.

'Mother, we have arrived.' I said to mother through the use of telepathy.

'Alright then. I assume I'll see you soon?' She replied.

'Depends if I can fake getting lost or not. Please try to stay away from us if you sense us near.' I said back to mother.

'I'll decide on that later sweetie.'

'What's your ranking?' I asked.

'If I remember correctly I think it was SSS?' She replied.

'Right, we'll I don't need to worry if I meet you then.' I said back to mother.

'Hahaha have fun exploring.' Mother said before breaking off the connection of our telepathy.

"It's safe so let's begin our travels. We will split off into three groups. Myself, the students I brought and two royal knights will be one group. Group two will be The king, Prince and Princess with 18 royal knights and group three will be everybody else. Is this alright?" I said and the king gave a nod of confirmation.

"Yes, this shall do." The king replied with a chuckle.

"Father, might I join the students of Kerose academy's group?" The princess asked.

"If it is your wish to do so, then you may." The king replied as the princess came over to our group.

'Why does she want to join our group? Whatever.'

I didn't know the reasoning behind the princess joining our group and leaving the safety of the strongest group. The group that had the king in it, group 2, was the strongest group seeing as royalty was apart of it so the princess had no reason to switch especially since she had less safety and more of a chance getting into danger if she joined ours.

"Very well. We will be leaving the griffins here since no danger comes to the edge and in addition to this we shall only meet back at this point in a months time for us to discuss our findings. From then on we will travel all together without grouping up and head to the more dangerous parts. Make sure to create a map of where you are going for future reference." The 'arrogant commander' said as he led group two off into the forests.

"Alright, let's move as well." Scarlet said as she began walking off to our left.

Our group followed behind her as we made our way into the lush dark green leaved forest. The forest was dense and had shrubs, fungi, bushes and all sorts of vegetation sprouting from the ground which we traversed. The bark of the trees had a dark colouring of brown and had a rough surface. The ground beneath us was moist and the leaves above us were thick to the point that not much sunlight could pass through.

"First and foremost we need to find a water source and set up a camp, from there we will spread out and map out our surroundings and then move locations. This should allow us to cover lots of ground and at a quick pace." Scarlet said.

We walked silently through the forest in search for a water source while paying close attention to our surroundings.

There were no beasts that attacked us while we walked and the only creature we saw were regular birds some deer and maybe a bear but nothing that took the initiative to attack our passing group.

After about half an hour of walking at a steady pace we eventually came across a lake. It was getting dark as the orange hue of the sunset spread itself across the sky and we swiftly built up camp.

'I feel like we should have been attacked by now. That is rather odd.' I thought to myself as I sat down on a log placed at a safe distance away from the campfire I had set up prior.

'I wonder why we haven't been attacked by anything yet.'




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]